Greenhouse is a Java web application built for the Spring community that has two primary goals:
- Serve as an open-source, public-facing reference and driver for Spring technology, including Spring MVC, Security, Integration, Social and Mobile projects.
- Help foster and support our passionate application developer community through the development of useful community services.
- Extensive use of Spring Framework, Spring MVC, Spring Social, Spring Mobile, Spring Security, and Spring Integration projects.
- An OAuth-based App Catalog that allows Developers to develop new client apps for which users may establish Account->App connections.
- The ability to connect your local Greenhouse Account to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and TripIt ServiceProviders.
- Member Sign Up, Sign In, and Reset Password Modules.
- A Member Invite Module allowing you to invite your Facebook friends and email contacts.
- A Member Badge (Award) System that rewards members for community participation.
- A mobile web version of the app that can be used across multiple smartphone platforms.
- A Group Event Management Module for powering Spring events, such as conferences and user group meetings.
- Numerous Spring Framework contributions in the areas of:
- Data (S3 File Storage and RDMS Migrations)
- Web (Email Templating, Flash Map, Comet)
- An agile Continuous Deployment CI Process
Clone the repository from GitHub:
$ git clone git://
Navigate into the cloned repository directory:
$ cd greenhouse
The project uses Maven to build:
$ mvn clean install
Deploy the .war to any Servlet 2.5 >, such as Tomcat. By default, the app will run in 'embedded' mode which does not require any external setup. The Tomcat 7 Maven plugin is configured for you in the POM file.
Launch Tomcat from the command line:
$ mvn t7:run
Access the deployed webapp at
If you would like to build and run from a Maven/Java Dynamic Web-project-capable IDE, such as Eclipse/SpringSource Tool Suite, you may simply import "as a Maven Project" into your IDE and deploy the project to your IDE's embedded servlet container.