- See CONTRIBUTING.md for general contribution guidelines.
- See GOVERNANCE.md for governance guidelines and responsibilities.
Team: @backstage/maintainers
Maintainer | Organization | GitHub | Discord |
Patrik Oldsberg | Spotify | Rugvip | Rugvip#0019 |
Fredrik Adelöw | Spotify | freben | freben#3926 |
Ben Lambert | Spotify | benjdlambert | blam#2159 |
Johan Haals | Spotify | jhaals | Johan#0679 |
These are the separate project areas of Backstage, each with their own project area maintainers
Team: @backstage/catalog-maintainers
Name | Organization | Team | GitHub | Discord |
TBD | Spotify | Chipmunks | TBD | - |
Team: @backstage/discoverability-maintainers
Scope: Discoverability within Backstage, including the home page, information architecture, and search
Name | Organization | Team | GitHub | Discord |
Avantika Iyer | Spotify | BUX | tikabom | - |
Camila Belo | Spotify | BUX | camilaibs | Camila Loiola#0226 |
Emma Indal | Spotify | BUX | emmaindal | emmaindal#7503 |
Raghunandan Balachandran | Spotify | BUX | soapraj | raghunandanb#1114 |
Renan Mendes Carvalho | Spotify | BUX | aitherios | aitherios#0593 |
Team: @backstage/kubernetes-maintainers
Scope: The Kubernetes plugin and the base it provides for other plugins to build upon.
Name | Organization | Team | GitHub | Discord |
Matthew Clarke | Spotify | mclarke47 | mclarke#0725 | |
Jamie Klassen | VMware | jamieklassen | jamieklassen#3047 |
Team: @backstage/techdocs-maintainers
Scope: The TechDocs plugin and related tooling
Name | Organization | Team | GitHub | Discord |
Morgan Bentell | Spotify | Pulp Fiction | agentbellnorm | morganbentell#9030 |
Raghunandan Balachandran | Spotify | Pulp Fiction | soapraj | raghunandanb#1114 |
Name | Organization | GitHub | |
Niklas Gustavsson | Spotify | protocol7 | ngn@spotify.com |
Dave Zolotusky | Spotify | dzolotusky | dzolo@spotify.com |
Lee Mills | Spotify | leemills83 | leem@spotify.com |
Name | Organization | GitHub | Discord |
Adam Harvey | Cisco | adamdmharvey | adamharvey#3739 |
Andre Wanlin | Keyloop | awanlin | Ahhhndre#3095 |
Andrew Thauer | Wealthsimple | andrewthauer | andrewthauer#3060 |
Brian Fletcher | RoadieHQ | punkle | Brian Fletcher#7051 |
Carlos Esteban Lopez Jaramillo | VMWare | luchillo17 | luchillo17#8777 |
David Tuite | Roadie | dtuite | David Tuite (roadie.io)#1010 |
Himanshu Mishra | Harness.io | OrkoHunter | OrkoHunter#1520 |
Jamie Klassen | VMware | jamieklassen | jamieklassen#3047 |
Jussi Hallila | Roadie | Xantier | Xantier#0086 |
Mark Avery | Cvent | webark | webark#8471 |
Patrick Jungermann | Bonial International GmbH | pjungermann | pjungermann#6933 |
Phil Kuang | FactSet Research Systems | kuangp | pkuang#3202 |
Taras Mankovski | Frontside | taras | tarasm#1256 |
Maintainer | Organization | GitHub | Discord |
Stefan Ålund | Spotify | stefanalund | stalund#9602 |