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Command line reference for the 'dsc resource list' command
dsc resource list

dsc resource list


Returns the list of available DSC Resources with an optional filter.


dsc resource list [Options] <RESOURCE_NAME>


The list subcommand searches for available DSC Resources and returns their information. DSC discovers resources by first searching the PATH or DSC_RESOURCE_PATH environment variable for .dsc.resource.json, .dsc.resource.yml, and dsc.resource.yaml files. For more information about the environment variables DSC uses, see Environment variables

If any of the discovered resources are resource adapters, DSC calls the list operation for those adapters if the --adapter option specifies a matching filter. By default, DSC doesn't return any adapted resources.

DSC returns the list of discovered resources with their implementation information and metadata. If the command includes the RESOURCE_NAME argument, DSC filters the list of discovered resources before returning them. The description and tags options filter the results by the resource descriptions and tags. Filters are always applied after resource discovery.

Adapted resource cache

DSC maintains a cache of discovered adapted resources for performance optimization. The location of the cache depends on the operating system, as shown in the following table.

Operating system Cache path
Linux %LOCALAPPDATA%\dsc\AdaptedResourcesLookupTable.json
macOS ~/.dsc/AdaptedResourcesLookupTable.json
Windows ~/.dsc/AdaptedResourcesLookupTable.json


Example 1 - List all non-adapted resources

Without any filters, the command returns every discovered DSC Resource, but doesn't call the list operation for adapter resources to enumerate any adapted resources.

dsc resource list
Type                                        Kind      Version  Caps      RequireAdapter  Description
Microsoft.DSC.Transitional/RunCommandOnSet  Resource  0.1.0    gs------                  Takes a single-command line to execute on DSC set operation
Microsoft.DSC/Assertion                     Group     0.1.0    gs--t---                  `test` will be invoked for all resources in the supplied configuration.    
Microsoft.DSC/Group                         Group     0.1.0    gs--t---                  All resources in the supplied configuration is treated as a group.
Microsoft.DSC/Include                       Import    0.1.0    -------r                  Allows including a configuration file contents into current configuration. 
Microsoft.DSC/Parallel                      Group     0.1.0    gs--t---                  All resources in the supplied configuration run concurrently.
Microsoft.DSC/PowerShell                    Adapter   0.1.0    gs--t-e-                  Resource adapter to classic DSC Powershell resources.
Microsoft.Windows/RebootPending             Resource  0.1.0    g-------                  Returns info about pending reboot.
Microsoft.Windows/Registry                  Resource  0.1.0    gs---d--                  Manage Windows Registry keys and values
Microsoft.Windows/WMI                       Adapter   0.1.0    g-------                  Resource adapter to WMI resources.
Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell         Adapter   0.1.0    gs--t---                  Resource adapter to classic DSC Powershell resources in Windows PowerShell.
Microsoft/OSInfo                            Resource  0.1.0    g-----e-                  Returns information about the operating system.
Microsoft/Process                           Resource  0.1.0    gs--t-e-                  Returns information about running processes.

Example 2 - List a specific resource

When the RESOURCE_NAME argument doesn't include a wildcard, the command returns only the resource with the specified type name.

dsc resource list Microsoft.DSC/Group
Type                 Kind   Version  Caps      RequireAdapter  Description
Microsoft.DSC/Group  Group  0.1.0    gs--t---                  All resources in the supplied configuration is treated as a group.

Example 3 - List resources with a matching type name

When the RESOURCE_NAME argument includes a wildcard, the command returns every resource with a matching type name.

dsc resource list Microsoft.DSC/*
Type                      Kind     Version  Caps      RequireAdapter  Description
Microsoft.DSC/Assertion   Group    0.1.0    gs--t---                  `test` will be invoked for all resources in the supplied configuration.
Microsoft.DSC/Group       Group    0.1.0    gs--t---                  All resources in the supplied configuration is treated as a group.
Microsoft.DSC/Include     Import   0.1.0    -------r                  Allows including a configuration file contents into current configuration.
Microsoft.DSC/Parallel    Group    0.1.0    gs--t---                  All resources in the supplied configuration run concurrently.
Microsoft.DSC/PowerShell  Adapter  0.1.0    gs--t-e-                  Resource adapter to classic DSC Powershell resources.

Example 4 - List resources with a matching description

When the command includes the description option, the results include resources that have a description containing the specified value.

dsc resource list --description 'supplied configuration'
Type                     Kind   Version  Caps      RequireAdapter  Description
Microsoft.DSC/Assertion  Group  0.1.0    gs--t---                  `test` will be invoked for all resources in the supplied configuration.
Microsoft.DSC/Group      Group  0.1.0    gs--t---                  All resources in the supplied configuration is treated as a group.
Microsoft.DSC/Parallel   Group  0.1.0    gs--t---                  All resources in the supplied configuration run concurrently.

Example 5 - List resources with matching tags

When the command includes multiple instances of the tags option, the results include resources that have any of the specified tags.

dsc resource list --tags Windows --tags Linux
Type                        Kind      Version  Caps      RequireAdapter  Description
Microsoft.Windows/Registry  Resource  0.1.0    gs---d--                  Manage Windows Registry keys and values
Microsoft/OSInfo            Resource  0.1.0    g-----e-                  Returns information about the operating system.

Example 6 - List resources for a specific adapter

When the command includes the adapter option, DSC checks for any discovered resource adapters with a matching name. If it discovers any, it then calls the list operation for the adapter and adds the returned list of adapted resources to the discovered resource list. DSC applies any further filters specified with the command after this enumeration.

dsc resource list --adapter Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
Type                                                   Kind      Version   Caps      RequireAdapter                       Description
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/Archive                    Resource  1.1       gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/Environment                Resource  1.1       gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/File                       Resource  1.0.0     gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/Group                      Resource  1.1       gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/GroupSet                   Resource  1.1       gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/Log                        Resource  1.1       gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/Package                    Resource  1.1       gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/ProcessSet                 Resource  1.1       gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/Registry                   Resource  1.1       gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/Script                     Resource  1.1       gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/Service                    Resource  1.1       gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/ServiceSet                 Resource  1.1       gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/SignatureValidation        Resource  1.0.0     gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/User                       Resource  1.1       gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/WaitForAll                 Resource  1.1       gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/WaitForAny                 Resource  1.1       gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/WaitForSome                Resource  1.1       gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/WindowsFeature             Resource  1.1       gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/WindowsFeatureSet          Resource  1.1       gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/WindowsOptionalFeature     Resource  1.1       gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/WindowsOptionalFeatureSet  Resource  1.1       gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/WindowsPackageCab          Resource  1.1       gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/WindowsProcess             Resource  1.1       gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDscResources/Archive                                 Resource  gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell  This module contains the standard DSC resources.
PSDscResources/Environment                             Resource  gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell  This module contains the standard DSC resources.
PSDscResources/Group                                   Resource  gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell  This module contains the standard DSC resources.
PSDscResources/MsiPackage                              Resource  gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell  This module contains the standard DSC resources.
PSDscResources/Registry                                Resource  gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell  This module contains the standard DSC resources.
PSDscResources/Script                                  Resource  gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell  This module contains the standard DSC resources.
PSDscResources/Service                                 Resource  gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell  This module contains the standard DSC resources.
PSDscResources/User                                    Resource  gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell  This module contains the standard DSC resources.
PSDscResources/WindowsFeature                          Resource  gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell  This module contains the standard DSC resources.
PSDscResources/WindowsOptionalFeature                  Resource  gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell  This module contains the standard DSC resources.
PSDscResources/WindowsPackageCab                       Resource  gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell  This module contains the standard DSC resources.
PSDscResources/WindowsProcess                          Resource  gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell  This module contains the standard DSC resources.

This next command specifies the resource name filter *Windows*, limiting the list of returned resources:

dsc resource list --adapter Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell *Windows*
Type                                                   Kind      Version   Caps      RequireAdapter                       Description
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/WindowsFeature             Resource  1.1       gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/WindowsFeatureSet          Resource  1.1       gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/WindowsOptionalFeature     Resource  1.1       gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/WindowsOptionalFeatureSet  Resource  1.1       gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/WindowsPackageCab          Resource  1.1       gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/WindowsProcess             Resource  1.1       gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
PSDscResources/WindowsFeature                          Resource  gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell  This module contains the standard DSC resources.
PSDscResources/WindowsOptionalFeature                  Resource  gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell  This module contains the standard DSC resources.
PSDscResources/WindowsPackageCab                       Resource  gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell  This module contains the standard DSC resources.
PSDscResources/WindowsProcess                          Resource  gs--t---  Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell  This module contains the standard DSC resources.



Specifies an optional filter to apply for the type names of discovered DSC Resources. The filter may include wildcards (*). The filter isn't case-sensitive.

When this argument is specified, DSC filters the results to include only resources where the resource type name matches the filter.

For example, specifying the filter Microsoft.* returns only the resources published by Microsoft. Specifying the filter *Sql* returns any resource with the string Sql in its name, regardless of the casing.

Type:      String
Mandatory: false


-a, --adapter

Specifies a filter to define which adapter resources to enumerate adapted resources for. By default, the command doesn't call the list command for adapter resources. When you specify this option, DSC looks for adapter resources with type names that match the filter. If it discovers any adapters matching the filter, it calls the list command for those adapters and returns the adapted resources. DSC retrieves adapted resources before applying any other filters for the command.

If you specify this option with the filter *, DSC calls list for every adapter resource it finds before applying the other filters.

Type:      String
Mandatory: false

-d, --description

Specifies a string to match in a resource's description. When this option is specified, DSC filters the resources by their description strings. The filter is case-insensitive and matches the value anywhere in the description string. Wildcards aren't permitted.

Type:      String
Mandatory: false

-t, --tags

Specifies a resource tag to filter on. When this option is specified, DSC filters the resources and only includes those with a matching tag. The filter is case-insensitive. Wildcards aren't permitted.

You can specify this option more than once to filter on a set of tags. The results include resources that have at least one of the tags specified with this option.

Type:      String
Mandatory: false

-f, --format

The --format option controls the console output format for the command. If the command output is redirected or captured as a variable, the output is always a series of JSON Lines representing each returned resource. When this option isn't specified, the output for the command shows a table representing a summary of the returned resources. For more information, see Output.

Type:         String
Mandatory:    false
DefaultValue: yaml
ValidValues:  [json, pretty-json, yaml]

-h, --help

Displays the help for the current command or subcommand. When you specify this option, the application ignores all options and arguments after this one.

Type:      Boolean
Mandatory: false


This command returns a JSON object for each resource that includes the resource's type, version, manifest settings, and other metadata. For more information, see dsc resource list result schema.

If the output of the command isn't captured or redirected, it displays in the console by default as a summary table for the returned resources. The summary table includes the following columns, displayed in the listed order:

  • Type - The fully qualified type name of the resource.

  • Kind - Whether the resource is an adapter, group, importer, or typical Resource. For more information, see DSC Resource kind schema reference.

  • Version - The semantic version of the resource.

  • Caps - A display of the resource's capabilities as flags. The capabilities are displayed in the following order, using a - instead of the appropriate letter if the resource doesn't have a specific capability:

    For example, the Microsoft.Windows/Registry resource has the following capabilities: gs--d-, indicating it has the get, set, and delete capabilities.

  • RequireAdapter - The fully qualified type name of the adapter resource that DSC uses to invoke the returned resource.

  • Description - The short description of the resource's purpose and usage.

To display the output objects as either JSON or YAML objects in the console, use the --format option.