- Currying is an idiom that works in any language with closures
- Currying is when you break down a function that takes multiple arguments into a series of functions that take part of the arguments.
- It is a transformation that can be applied to functions to allow them to take one less argument than previously.
- Here's an example in JavaScript:
function add (a, b) {
return a + b;
add(3, 4); returns 7
function add (a) {
return function (b) {
return a + b;
var add3 = add(3);
- Less common in Racket because it has real multiple args
(define pow
(lambda (x)
(lambda (y)
(if (= y 0)
(* x ((pow x) (- y 1)))))))
(define three-to-the (pow 3))
(define eightyone (three-to-the 4))
(define sixteen ((pow 2) 4))
; Sugar for defining curried functions:
(define ((pow x) y) (if ... ) )
Racket has 4 ways to define local variables. If any will work, use let
- let
- can bind any number of local variables
- The expressions are all evaluated in the environment from before the let-expression
- means won't use the definition in
- means won't use the definition in
- Convenient for things like
(let ([x y][y x]) …)
- in the following example , the local variable x will take the parameter x then +3 , the local variable y also take the parameter x then +2
(define (silly-double x)
(let ([x (+ x 3)]
[y (+ x 2)])
(+ x y -5)))
- let*
- The expressions are evaluated in the environment produced from the previous bindings
- means it will also use the definition in
statement ( the earlier ones )
- means it will also use the definition in
- The expressions are evaluated in the environment produced from the previous bindings
(define (silly-double x)
(let* ([x (+ x 3)]
[y (+ x 2)])
(+ x y -8)))
- letrec
- The expressions are evaluated in the environment that includes all the bindings
- means it will also use the definition in
statement , not only the earlier ones but also the later ones.
- means it will also use the definition in
- Needed for mutual recursion
- f calls g, g calls f
- only ues
when you have to execute mutual recursion
- because expressions are still evaluated in order , it may lead to some implicite bugs
- if you change the
definition insilly-triple
as[y (+ w 2)]
, it will raise an exception when you call it.
- if you change the
- The expressions are evaluated in the environment that includes all the bindings
(define (silly-triple x)
(letrec ([y (+ x 2)]
[f (lambda(z) (+ z y w x))] ; used w
[w (+ x 7)])
(f -9)))
; Letrec is ideal for recursion
(define (silly-mod2 x)
([even? (lambda (x)(if (zero? x) #t (odd? (- x 1))))]
[odd? (lambda (x)(if (zero? x) #f (even? (- x 1))))])
(if (even? x) 0 1)))
- define
- In certain positions, like the beginning of function bodies, you can put defines
- For defining local variables, same semantics as
- For defining local variables, same semantics as
- In certain positions, like the beginning of function bodies, you can put defines
(define (silly-mod2 x)
(define (even? x)(if (zero? x) #t (odd? (- x 1))))
(define (odd? x) (if (zero? x) #f (even?(- x 1))))
(if (even? x) 0 1))
- The bindings in a file work like local defines, i.e.,
- can refer to earlier or later bindings
- But refer to later bindings only in function bodies
- Because bindings are evaluated in order
- cannot define the same variable twice in module
- Racket has a module system
- Each file is implicitly a module , Not really “top-level”
- A module can shadow bindings from other modules it uses
- Including Racket standard library
- So we could redefine
or any other function
Unfortunate detail:
- REPL works slightly differently
- Not quite
- Not quite
- Best to avoid recursive function definitions or forward references in REPL
- Racket really has assignment statements
- But used only-when-really-appropriate!
- people generally programming a Racket do not use them a lot.
(set! x e)
- Once you have side-effects, sequences are useful:
(begin e1 e2 ... en)
- Mutating top-level definitions is particularly problematic
- What if any code could do set! on anything?
- – How could we defend against this?
- A general principle:
- If something you need not to change might change, make a local copy of it.
- Example:
(define b 3)
(define f
(let ([b b])
(lambda (x) (* 1 (+ x b)))))
- what if some code redefine
* +
?- in scheme , it is a problem
- but in Racket , it may not be a problem
- Each file is a module
- If a module does not use set! on a top-level variable, then Racket makes it constant and forbids set! outside the module
- cons just makes a pair
- Often called a cons cell
- By convention and standard library, lists are nested pairs that eventually end with null
; this is not a list !
(define pr (cons 1 (cons #t "hi"))) ; '(1 #t . "hi")
(define lst (cons 1 (cons #t (cons "hi" null))))
- Passing an improper list to functions like length is a run-time error
- So why allow improper lists?
- Pairs are usefu
- What if you wanted to mutate the contents of a cons cell?
- In Racket you cannot (major change from Scheme)
- scheme has
- scheme has
- This is good
- List-aliasing irrelevant
- Implementation can make list? fast since listness is determined when cons cell is created
- In Racket you cannot (major change from Scheme)
- Since mutable pairs are sometimes useful , Racket provides them too:
- mcons
- mcar
- mcdr
- mpair?
- set-mcar!
- set-mcdr!
- Thunks delay
- A zero-argument function used to delay evaluation is called a thunk
- As a verb: thunk the expression
; after thunk
(lambda() 1)
- Assuming some expensive computation has no side effects, ideally we would:
- Not compute it until needed
- Remember the answer so future uses complete immediately Called lazy evaluation
- An ADT represented by a mutable pair
(define (my-delay th)
(mcons #f th))
(define (my-force p)
(if (mcar p)
(mcdr p)
(begin (set-mcar! p #t)
(set-mcdr! p ((mcdr p)))
(mcdr p))))
- Using promises
(define (f p)
(… (if (…) 0 (… (my-force p) …))
(if (…) 0 (… (my-force p) …))
(if (…) 0 (… (my-force p) …))))
(f (my-delay (lambda () e)))
- A stream is an infinite sequence of values
- So cannot make a stream by making all the values
- Key idea: Use a thunk to delay creating most of the sequence
- Just a programming idiom
- A powerful concept for division of labor
- Stream producer knows how create any number of values
- Stream consumer decides how many values to ask for
- We will represent streams using pairs and thunks
- Let a stream be a thunk that when called returns a pair:
'(next-answer . next-thunk)
- 注意和 iterator的区别
- So given a stream s, the client can get any number of elements
– First: (car (s))
– Second: (car ((cdr (s)))) ; double (( on cdr
– Third: (car ((cdr ((cdr (s))))))
- How can one thunk create the right next thunk? Recursion!
- Make a thunk that produces a pair where cdr is next thunk
- A recursive function can return a thunk where recursive call does not happen until thunk is called
(define ones (lambda () (cons 1 ones))) ; 1,1,1 ...
(define nats ; 1,2,3,...
(letrec ([f (lambda (x) (cons x (lambda () (f (+ x 1)))))])
(lambda () (f 1))
(define powers-of-two ; 2,4,8,...
(letrec ([f (lambda (x) (cons x (lambda () (f (* x 2)))))])
(lambda () (f 2))
- This goes into an infinite loop making an infinite-length list
(define ones-bad (lambda () cons 1 (ones-bad))) ; cdr returned is not a thunk!
(define (ones-bad)(cons 1 (ones-bad))) ; same as above, (define (x) ...) means x is a function takes no parameters
- If a function has no side effects and does not read mutable memory, no point in computing it twice for the same arguments
- Can keep a cache of previous results
- Similar to promises, but if the function takes arguments, then there are multiple “previous results”
- For recursive functions, this memoization can lead to exponentially faster programs
- Related to algorithmic technique of dynamic programming
- (An association list (list of pairs) is a simple but sub-optimal data structure for a cache; okay for our example)
- A macro definition describes how to transform some new syntax into different syntax in the source language
- A macro is one way to implement syntactic sugar
- “Replace any syntax of the form
e1 andalso e2
withif e1 then e2 else false
- “Replace any syntax of the form
- A macro system is a language (or part of a larger language) for defining macros
- Macro expansion is the process of rewriting the syntax for each macro use
- Before a program is run (or even compiled)
- First question for a macro system: How does it tokenize?
- Macro systems generally work at the level of tokens not sequences of characters
- So must know how programming language tokenizes text
- Example: “macro expand head to car ”
- Would not rewrite (+ headt foo) to (+ cart foo)
- Would not rewrite head-door to car-door
- But would in C where head-door is subtraction
- Second question for a macro system: How does associativity work?
- C/C++ basic example:
#define ADD(x,y) x+y
- Probably not what you wanted:
means1 + 2 / 3 * 4
, not(1 + 2 / 3) * 4
- So C macro writers use lots of parentheses, which is fine:
#define ADD(x,y) ((x)+(y))
- Racket won’t have this problem:
- Macro use: (macro-name …)
- After expansion: ( something else in same parens )
- Third question for a macro system: Can variables shadow macros?
- Suppose macros also apply to variable bindings. Then:
(let ([head 0][car 1]) head) ; 0
(let* ([head 0][car 1]) head) ; 0
Would become
(let ([car 0][car 1]) car) ; error , not allowed declare twice
(let* ([car 0][car 1]) car) ; 1 , first car will be shadowed
- This is why C/C++ convention is all-caps macros and non-all-caps for everything else
- Racket does not work this way – it gets scope “right”!
- the local variable would simply shadow the macro !