Secure Medical Data Transmission Model for IoT-based Healthcare Systems using Cryptography-Steganography Techniques. The transmission of data through any channel of communication needs strong encryption techniques for the purpose of data security.
A method to combine 2D Discrete Wavelet Transform 3 Level (2D-DWT-3L) steganography technique with a proposed cryptography (hybrid encryption AES+RSA) scheme. The proposed hybrid encryption schema is built using a combination of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), and Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (RSA) algorithms. The proposed model starts by encrypting the secret data; then it hides the result in a cover image using 2D-DWT-3L.
Algorithm (1): Hybrid (AES & RSA) Algorithm. Inputs: secret plain Stext message. Output: main_cipher message , key s Algorithm-: Throughout the encryption process, the plain text T is divided into odd-part (T-ODD) even-parts (T-EVEN). The AES is used to encrypt T-ODD using a secret public key s. The RSA is used to encrypt T-EVEN using a secret public key m.
Algorithm (2): Embedding 2D-DWT-2L Algorithm. Algorithm-: Haar-DWT 2D-DWT-2L can be formulated as a consecutive transformation using low-pass and high-pass filters.
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