Examples for the graphical editor translation files exist in the js/msg/bn folder. Right now, only English and French translations exist. To add a new language, follow these steps:
- Make a copy of one of the existing translation files, and change the name to the language you will be translating.
- Some translations are incomplete, so check other translations to make sure that you have all of the variables.
- Translate each individual string in the translateToolBox() and translateHTMLtoken() functions, as well as all of the variables in the rest of the file.
- In the index.html file, there is a script that checks the URL for the desired language. You need to copy and paste a block that looks like this:
document.writeln('\<script src="./js/msg/bn/french.js"\>\</script\>');
document.writeln('\<script src="./js/msg/js/fr.js"\>\</script\>');
- Note that there is a second JavaScript file "./js/msg/js/fr.js". Blockly comes with many translations already. Find the one for your language, and make sure you change it in your new if-block.