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274 lines (193 loc) · 9.7 KB
id narrative-schemas elm

@import "assets/litvis.less"

import VegaLite exposing (..)

path : String
path =

Kindlmann and Scheidegger Visualization Algebra Schema Example

Uses a schema for considering the Kindlmann and Scheidegger (2014) algebra in visualization design. As a reminder, we consider the transformations between data (D) and visualization (V) through an intermediate stage of data representation on computer (R). α represents some transform in data and ω some transform in visualization.

In a good visualization design we would expect:

  • a correspondence between α and ω: as data varies in some way we would expect to see a corresponding variation in the visualization sufficient to infer how the data varies.
  • that if α is the identity transform (i.e. no change in data), two different data representations should yield identical visualizations (therefore ω is also an identity transform).
  • that if ω is the identity transform (i.e. two similar looking visualizations), this should only arise when α is also an identity transform (i.e. two similar data sources).

This can be summarised by saying that the paths from the D in the top left corner to the V in the bottom right should be equivalent either by traversing right then down (r1 >> v >> ω) or down then right (α >> r2 >> v ). That is, the diagram is commutative.

Visualization algebra transforms

  • Failures in the invariance principle result in hallicinators (unimportant change in R results in salient changes in V).

  • Failures in the unambiguity principle result in confusers (meaningful changes in D cannot be seen in V).

  • Failures in the correspondence principle result in jumblers (change in D does not result in an equivalent change in V) or misleaders (change in V don't reflect equivalent change in D).

Brexit Voting Map

We wish to construct a map of regional preferences in the 2016 UK referendum on leaving the EU ('Brexit'). Here is a candidate design:

^^^elm {v=(brexitMap Large NoChange BySize Desc)}^^^

Does it satisfy the principles of invariance, unambiguity and correspondence?

Principle of Representation Invariance

{( invariance |}

^^^elm {v=[(brexitMap Small NoChange ByLongitude Asc),(brexitMap Small NoChange ByLatitude Asc),(brexitMap Small NoChange BySize Asc),(brexitMap Small NoChange BySize Desc)]}^^^

{| invariance)}

{( invarianceAssessment |}

Varying the order in which data rows are plotted shows noticeable differences, especially in the London region. Therefore failing this principle introduces hallucinators. This is due to considerable overlap of the proportional circles.

  • passed?

{| invarianceAssessment)}

Principle of Unambiguous Data Depiction

{( unambiguity |}

^^^elm {v=[,(brexitMap Medium (LeaveBy 5) BySize Desc),(brexitMap Medium (LeaveBy 0) BySize Desc),(brexitMap Medium (LeaveBy -5) BySize Desc)]}^^^

{| unambiguity )}

{( unambiguityAssessment |}

Systematic shifts by 5% of votes cast towards leave or remain are easily detectable where they affect the majority (shift between red and blue). Systematic shifts that don't cross the 50% boundary are also detectable, although less obvious. See for example size of blue circles in Scotland or red circles in Midlands/Northern England. Therefore, no evidence for confusers in design.

  • passed?

{| unambiguityAssessment )}

Principle of Visual-Data Correspondence

{( correspondence |}

^^^elm {v=[(brexitMap Medium (LeaveBy 0) BySize Desc),(brexitMap Medium Rand5pc BySize Desc)]}^^^

^^^elm {v=[(brexitMap Medium (LeaveBy -5) BySize Desc),(brexitMap Medium (LeaveBy 0) BySize Desc),(brexitMap Medium (LeaveBy 5) BySize Desc)]}^^^

^^^elm {v=[(brexitMap Medium (LeaveBy 10) BySize Desc),(brexitMap Medium (LeaveBy 15) BySize Desc),(brexitMap Medium (LeaveBy 20) BySize Desc)]}^^^

{| correspondence )}

{( correspondenceAssessment |}

Adding a random 5% uniform random perturbation to the results (which is not a meaningful change in data) gives rise to a largely similar visualization. Small changes are most easily detected where the shift crosses the 50% boundary, but this is not generally a problem as these are the smallest circles, having the smallest majorities.

As noted under unambiguous data depiction, systematic increases in either the remain or leave directions result in expected and detectable changes in size and colour. Because of the problems with hallucinators combined with ordering from largest to smallest majority, there are occasionally red/blue reordering such as the Brighton region between the 15% and 20% increase in leave examples.

Overall there is no evidence of any jumblers. While not tested directly, there is no evidence to point towards misleaders other than the re-ordering of two overlapping discs with similar majorities (size) but on opposite sides of leave-remain.

  • passed?

{| correspondenceAssessment )}

type OrderType
    = ByLongitude
    | ByLatitude
    | BySize

type SortOrder
    = Asc
    | Desc

type DataChange
    = NoChange
    | Rand5pc
    | LeaveBy Float

type MapSize
    = Small
    | Medium
    | Large

brexitMap : MapSize -> DataChange -> OrderType -> SortOrder -> Spec
brexitMap mapSize dChange orderType oDirection =
        orderParams =
                sortOrder =
                    case oDirection of
                        Asc ->
                            oSort [ soAscending ]

                        Desc ->
                            oSort [ soDescending ]
            case orderType of
                ByLongitude ->
                    [ oName "Longitude", oQuant, sortOrder ]

                ByLatitude ->
                    [ oName "Latitude", oQuant, sortOrder ]

                BySize ->
                    [ oName "majority %", oQuant, sortOrder ]

        titleText =
                oText =
                    case oDirection of
                        Asc ->

                        Desc ->

                cText : Float -> String
                cText pc =
                    if pc < 0 then
                        "Swing by " ++ String.fromFloat (abs pc) ++ "% away from leave"

                    else if pc == 0 then
                        "Original vote"

                        "Swing by " ++ String.fromFloat pc ++ "% to leave vote"
            case ( mapSize, dChange, orderType ) of
                ( Large, _, _ ) ->

                ( _, NoChange, ByLongitude ) ->
                    oText ++ " longitude"

                ( _, NoChange, ByLatitude ) ->
                    oText ++ " latitude"

                ( _, NoChange, BySize ) ->
                    oText ++ " size"

                ( _, LeaveBy pc, _ ) ->
                    cText pc

                ( _, Rand5pc, _ ) ->
                    "Random 5% change"

        dataFilter =
            case dChange of
                Rand5pc ->
                    filter (fiEqual "DataSource" (str "rand5pc"))

                _ ->
                    filter (fiEqual "DataSource" (str "Original"))

        multiplier =
            case dChange of
                LeaveBy pc ->
                    String.fromFloat (pc / 100)

                _ ->

        ( w, h, legend ) =
            case mapSize of
                Small ->
                    ( 130, 280, [ mLegend [] ] )

                Medium ->
                    ( 180, 400, [ mLegend [] ] )

                Large ->
                    ( 300, 600, [] )

        gbSpec =
                [ dataFromUrl (path ++ "gbRegions.json") [ topojsonFeature "regions_id_geo" ]
                , geoshape [ maStroke "#fff", maStrokeWidth 0.1, maFill "#ddd" ]

        trans =
                << dataFilter
                << calculateAs ("datum.RemainVotes - " ++ multiplier ++ "*datum.LeaveVotes") "remain"
                << calculateAs ("datum.LeaveVotes + " ++ multiplier ++ "*datum.LeaveVotes") "leave"
                << calculateAs "100 * datum.leave / (datum.remain + datum.leave)" "percLeave"
                << calculateAs "abs(datum.percLeave-50)" "majority %"
                << calculateAs "datum.remain > datum.leave ? 'remain' : 'leave'" "majority decision"

        votingSpec =
                [ dataFromUrl (path ++ "brexit.tsv") [ parse [ ( "RemainVotes", foNum ), ( "LeaveVotes", foNum ) ] ]
                , trans []
                , circle [ maStroke "white", maStrokeWidth 0.5 ]
                , votingEnc []

        votingEnc =
                << position Longitude [ pName "Longitude" ]
                << position Latitude [ pName "Latitude" ]
                << size ([ mName "majority %", mQuant ] ++ legend)
                << order orderParams
                << color
                    ([ mName "majority decision"
                     , mScale (categoricalDomainMap [ ( "remain", "rgb(50,50,200)" ), ( "leave", "rgb(200,50,50)" ) ])
                        ++ legend

        config =
                << configuration (coView [ vicoStroke Nothing ])
                << configuration (coScale [ sacoMaxSize w ])
                << configuration (coTitle [ ticoFontSize 10, ticoBaseline vaBottom ])
        [ width w
        , height h
        , title titleText []
        , layer [ gbSpec, votingSpec ]
        , config []