- Create a database with two tables:
Persons(Id(PK), FirstName, LastName, SSN)
and Accounts(Id(PK), PersonId(FK), Balance)
- Insert few records for testing.
- Write a stored procedure that selects the full names of all persons.
- Create a stored procedure that accepts a number as a parameter and returns all persons who have more money in their accounts than the supplied number.
- Create a function that accepts as parameters – sum, yearly interest rate and number of months.
- It should calculate and return the new sum.
- Write a
to test whether the function works as expected.
- Create a stored procedure that uses the function from the previous example to give an interest to a person's account for one month.
- It should take the
and the interest rate as parameters.
- Add two more stored procedures
WithdrawMoney(AccountId, money)
and DepositMoney(AccountId, money)
that operate in transactions.
- Create another table –
Logs(LogID, AccountID, OldSum, NewSum)
- Add a trigger to the
table that enters a new entry into the Logs
table every time the sum on an account changes.
- Define a function in the database
that returns all Employee's names (first or middle or last name) and all town's names that are comprised of given set of letters.
- Example: '
' will return 'Sofia
', 'Smith
', … but not 'Rob
' and 'Guy
- Using database cursor write a T-SQL script that scans all employees and their addresses and prints all pairs of employees that live in the same town.
- *Write a T-SQL script that shows for each town a list of all employees that live in it.
Sofia -> Martin Kulov, George Denchev
Ottawa -> Jose Saraiva
- Define a .NET aggregate function
that takes as input a sequence of strings and return a single string that consists of the input strings separated by ',
- For example the following SQL statement should return a single string:
SELECT StrConcat(FirstName + ' ' + LastName)
FROM Employees