Multidimensional arrays are not supported
Must use ROS_PRG configuration with all the variables inside
Must not change the node name as the update script searches for a '.../robin' node
Must have bash (devel/setup.bash)
Must restart codesyscontrol service
Each robin object can only be used in one POU
Strings and arrays with fixed size only (STRING defaults to 80 in CODESYS)
- Example CODESYS program
PROGRAM ROS_PRG VAR_INPUT double_to_ros : LREAL; END_VAR VAR robin: Robin; END_VAR robin(); robin.write('double_var', double_to_ros);
CODESYS | C++ | ROS | ROS msg |
ROS_BYTE | uint8_t | byte | std_msgs::Byte |
INT | int16_t | int16 | std_msgs::Int16 |
ARRAY[min..max] OF * | *[max - min + 1] | *[max - min + 1] | std_msgs::*MultiArray |
- finish installation/usage
- fix catkin_make errors
- finish installation/usage
fix plink auto accept server fingerprint
write dev warnings
- possibility of cpp/codesys struct alignment differences?
detalhar TODOs
grammarly README
static code analysis
review ros byte type; rostopic error when passing values > 125
start_update.py: start softplc if stopped?
support '{attribute 'suffixed'}' for structs and struct members
fix CMakeLists.txt update: comment 'add_message_files' if no messages to be generated
merge with master
- README.md softPLC version must match version in example project
- fix catkin_make problem: move custom messages to separate robin_msgs package (robin_bridge, robin_updater)
- add remaining ros msg packages to codesys project and types.yml
- review README installation and usage steps
- european commission funding pics
- upload to ROSIN remote
- add remaining msg packages
- get Robin.DEF_ARRAY_LEN from xml
- support variables from different POUs or from GVLs
- check xml for external variable
- handle name collisions
- consider namespaces
- document classes, methods, etc. (eg. @param, @return, etc.)
- cpp
- codesys
- unit tests
- shm_test read/write list of values
- integration tests
- compare performance with old version
- optimize performance
- reduce isOpen checks if performance worse than old version
- reduce ifs, loops
- time tests
- ? replace std::string with char*
- pass by ref or val?
- is read thread faster than old way? (specially in beagle; can it handle it?)
- test all types
- check all combinations (no msgs, ros msgs, custom msgs, X both ros and custom msgs)
- test in robots
- jinja2
- print warning when string/array is larger than shm
- updater: support multidimensional arrays
- vlarrays: pass array length and read only length elements
- quick performance estimation?
- implement
- compare performance
- create install script / cmakelists
- variable.py: store arrays' base_var in self.base_var instead of self.members[0]
- robin_inst.cpp: compare performance between individual struct member assignment and memcpy, for pod structs
- make updater.py executable from any directory
- robin_inst.cpp: whole struct assignment instead of member by member for pod variables
- review isOpen logic
- review shm_ptr_ need: can declare shm_ptr_ at start of specialization; performance issues?
- different error codes
- support include Robin from other package
- restart codesys if ros node dies
- update.py: update source files only if changed (eg create tmp file; if different: rename; else: delete tmp)
- prettify robin_insts.cpp: create intermediate constant variables to avoid long namespaces
- check robin name is valid (no invalid characters)
- prepend shm names with 'robin_' to avoid name collisions with other programs
- even better, use a single shm space
- types.yml: codesys->iec/base, ros->ros_msg_pkgs/msgs_pkgs/msgs
- gen_demo_project.py codesys demo project generator
- support multiple nodes named robin in different namespaces
- include robin.h only (contains robin_publisher, robin_subscriber, etc.)
- scan network before updating
- get project children (device), get gateway, get targets, sel target, set comm path
- OR get gateways, sel gateway, get targets, sel targets, set comm path
- start_update.py: export specified project instead of primary
- if no arg and no primary, error
- option to publish on change only (eg '{attrib...')
- option to zero values if not updated after some time
- option to zero or keep unsent values in variable length arrays
- option to choose publishing/reading rates
- support robin objects defined in other POUs or from GVLs
- update.py: check if source updates were successful
- update README.md variable mapping table from types.yml
- reduce .git size
- delete read_thread when closing or use std/boost::unique_ptr/shared_ptr
- support ros services
- support ros actions
- extend msg objects to point to shm directly
- simplify robin_inst.cpp: eg function to simplify array/vector copy
- rename "types_map['codesys']" to "types_map['iec']"
- gen some src in Robin class?
- CODESYS attributes equal to boolean value
- 'types_map' and 'types.yaml' to 'typesmap(.yml)'
- use std_msgs MultiArray instead of custom VarLen?
- compare performance
- what else?
- add cpp/ros_decl (type+name+arrlen)
- change Variable.parent to .parent_var
- change Variable __eq__ to compare 'self.name' as well
- encapsulate everything in class(es): RobinUpdateStarter, RobinUpdater
- detect shell used to compile
- start_update.py: config.yml for ssh settings
- ros side as service as well
- single shm space
- change header files to .hpp extension
- change inst.cpp to impl.cpp
- use c++ macros to automate struct member assignments based on structs.h
- group RobinPublishers with same rate into single threads
- pass DEF_ARRAY_SIZE to robin fb
- update.py: print 'Updating...' and pause inside
// enable rosconsole logging
if (ros::console::set_logger_level(ROSCONSOLE_DEFAULT_NAME, ros::console::levels::Debug))
// define structure padding; can reduce performance
struct alignas(8) S {};
# sphinx style function docstrings
"""One-line description
:param param1: Param1 description
:type param1: param1_type
:param param2: Param2 description
:type param2: param2_type
:raises Error1: Error1 description
:raises Error2: Error2 description
:return: Return description
:rtype: return_type
# scan network
gw = online.gateways['Gateway-1']
system.ui.error('Update failed.')
raise SystemExit
devices = projects.primary.find('Device', recursive=False)
if devices is None or len(devices) != 1:
system.ui.error('Failed to find device.')
raise SystemExit
guid = devices[0].get_gateway()
# add codesyscontrol restart command to sudoers.d
cmd = '''sudo -n systemctl restart codesyscontrol 2> /dev/null ||
ls /etc/sudoers.d/allow_restart_codesyscontrol > /dev/null 2>&1 ||
echo "$USER ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: $(which systemctl) restart codesyscontrol" |
sudo EDITOR="tee" visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/allow_restart_codesyscontrol > /dev/null &&
sudo -n systemctl restart codesyscontrol'''
<!-- codesys multidimensional arrays -->
<variable name="double_flarray_to_codesys_1">
<dimension lower="1" upper="5" />
<derived name="TestStruct_foo" />
<xhtml xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> struct_to_codesys_arr: TestStruct_arr;</xhtml>
<variable name="double_flarray_to_codesys_2">
<dimension lower="1" upper="5" />
<dimension lower="1" upper="10" />
<variable name="double_flarray_to_codesys_3">
<dimension lower="1" upper="5" />
<dimension lower="1" upper="5" />