When using tomcat, please read Usage in Tomcat.
GET dmn-repository/deployments
Parameter | Required | Value | Description |
name |
No |
String |
Only return deployments with the given name. |
nameLike |
No |
String |
Only return deployments with a name like the given name. |
category |
No |
String |
Only return deployments with the given category. |
categoryNotEquals |
No |
String |
Only return deployments which don’t have the given category. |
tenantId |
No |
String |
Only return deployments with the given tenantId. |
tenantIdLike |
No |
String |
Only return deployments with a tenantId like the given value. |
withoutTenantId |
No |
Boolean |
If true, only returns deployments without a tenantId set. If false, the withoutTenantId parameter is ignored. |
sort |
No |
'id' (default), 'name', 'deploytime' or 'tenantId' |
Property to sort on, to be used together with the 'order'. |
Response code | Description |
200 |
Indicates the request was successful. |
Success response body:
"data": [
"id": "03ab310d-c1de-11e6-a4f4-62ce84ef239e",
"name": null,
"deploymentTime": "2016-12-14T10:16:37.000+01:00",
"category": null,
"url": "http://localhost:8080/flowable-rest/dmn-api/dmn-repository/deployments/03ab310d-c1de-11e6-a4f4-62ce84ef239e",
"parentDeploymentId": "17510",
"tenantId": ""
"total": 1,
"start": 0,
"sort": "id",
"order": "asc",
"size": 1
GET dmn-repository/deployments/{deploymentId}
Parameter | Required | Value | Description |
deploymentId |
Yes |
String |
The identifier of the deployment to get. |
Response code | Description |
200 |
Indicates the deployment was found and returned. |
404 |
Indicates the requested deployment was not found. |
Success response body:
"id": "03ab310d-c1de-11e6-a4f4-62ce84ef239e",
"name": null,
"deploymentTime": "2016-12-14T10:16:37.000+01:00",
"category": null,
"url": "http://localhost:8080/flowable-rest/dmn-api/dmn-repository/deployments/03ab310d-c1de-11e6-a4f4-62ce84ef239e",
"parentDeploymentId": "17510",
"tenantId": ""
POST dmn-repository/deployments
Request body:
The request body should contain data of type multipart/form-data. There should be exactly one file in the request: any additional files will be ignored. The deployment name is the name of the file-field passed in.
An additional parameter (form-field) can be passed in the request body with name tenantId. The value of this field will be used as the identifier of the tenant in which this deployment is done.
Response code | Description |
201 |
Indicates the deployment was created. |
400 |
Indicates there was no content present in the request body or the content mime-type is not supported for deployment. The status-description contains additional information. |
Success response body:
"id": "03ab310d-c1de-11e6-a4f4-62ce84ef239e",
"name": "newDeployment1",
"deploymentTime": "2016-12-14T10:16:37.000+01:00",
"category": null,
"url": "http://localhost:8080/flowable-rest/dmn-api/dmn-repository/deployments/03ab310d-c1de-11e6-a4f4-62ce84ef239e",
"tenantId" : "myTenant"
DELETE dmn-repository/deployments/{deploymentId}
Parameter | Required | Value | Description |
deploymentId |
Yes |
String |
The identifier of the deployment to delete. |
Response code | Description |
204 |
Indicates the deployment was found and has been deleted. Response-body is intentionally empty. |
404 |
Indicates the requested deployment was not found. |
GET dmn-repository/deployments/{deploymentId}/resourcedata/{resourceId}
Parameter | Required | Value | Description |
deploymentId |
Yes |
String |
The identifier of the deployment the requested resource is part of. |
resourceId |
Yes |
String |
The identifier of the resource to get the data for. Make sure you URL-encode the resourceId in case it contains forward slashes. For example, use 'decisions%2Fmy-decision.dmn' instead of 'decisions/my-decision.dmn'. |
Response code | Description |
200 |
Indicates both deployment and resource have been found and the resource data has been returned. |
404 |
Indicates the requested deployment was not found or there is no resource with the given identifier present in the deployment. The status-description contains additional information. |
Success response body:
The response body will contain the binary resource-content for the requested resource. The response content-type will be the same as the type returned in the resources 'mimeType' property. Also, a content-disposition header is set, allowing browsers to download the file instead of displaying it.
GET dmn-repository/decision-tables
Parameter | Required | Value | Description |
version |
No |
integer |
Only return process definitions with the given version. |
name |
No |
String |
Only return process definitions with the given name. |
nameLike |
No |
String |
Only return process definitions with a name like the given name. |
key |
No |
String |
Only return process definitions with the given key. |
keyLike |
No |
String |
Only return process definitions with a name like the given key. |
resourceName |
No |
String |
Only return process definitions with the given resource name. |
resourceNameLike |
No |
String |
Only return process definitions with a name like the given resource name. |
category |
No |
String |
Only return process definitions with the given category. |
categoryLike |
No |
String |
Only return process definitions with a category like the given name. |
categoryNotEquals |
No |
String |
Only return process definitions which don’t have the given category. |
deploymentId |
No |
String |
Only return process definitions which are part of a deployment with the given identifier. |
latest |
No |
Boolean |
Only return the latest process definition versions. Can only be used together with 'key' and 'keyLike' parameters, using any other parameter will result in a 400-response. |
sort |
No |
'name' (default), 'id', 'key', 'category', 'deploymentId' and 'version' |
Property to sort on, to be used together with the 'order'. |
Response code | Description |
200 |
Indicates request was successful and the decision tables are returned |
400 |
Indicates a parameter was passed in the wrong format or that 'latest' is used with other parameters other than 'key' and 'keyLike'. The status-message contains additional information. |
Success response body:
"data": [
"id": "46b0379c-c0a1-11e6-bc93-6ab56fad108a",
"url": "http://localhost:8080/flowable-rest/dmn-api/dmn-repository/decision-tables/46b0379c-c0a1-11e6-bc93-6ab56fad108a",
"category": null,
"name": "Decision Table One",
"key": "DecisionTableOne",
"description": null,
"version": 3,
"resourceName": "dmn-DecisionTableOne.dmn",
"deploymentId": "46aa6b3a-c0a1-11e6-bc93-6ab56fad108a",
"parentDeploymentId": "5001",
"tenantId": ""
"total": 1,
"start": 0,
"sort": "name",
"order": "asc",
"size": 1
GET dmn-repository/decision-tables/{decisionTableId}
Parameter | Required | Value | Description |
decisionTableId |
Yes |
String |
The identifier of the decision table to get. |
Response code | Description |
200 |
Indicates the decision table was found and returned. |
404 |
Indicates the requested decision table was not found. |
Success response body:
"id": "46b0379c-c0a1-11e6-bc93-6ab56fad108a",
"url": "http://localhost:8080/flowable-rest/dmn-api/dmn-repository/decision-tables/46b0379c-c0a1-11e6-bc93-6ab56fad108a",
"category": null,
"name": "Decision Table One",
"key": "DecisionTableOne",
"description": null,
"version": 3,
"resourceName": "dmn-DecisionTableOne.dmn",
"deploymentId": "46aa6b3a-c0a1-11e6-bc93-6ab56fad108a",
"parentDeploymentId": "5001",
"tenantId": ""
GET dmn-repository/decision-tables/{decisionTableId}/resourcedata
Parameter | Required | Value | Description |
decisionTableId |
Yes |
String |
The identifier of the decision table to get the resource data for. |
Exactly the same response codes/boy as GET dmn-repository/deployment/{deploymentId}/resourcedata/{resourceId}.
GET dmn-repository/decision-tables/{decisionTableId}/model
Parameter | Required | Value | Description |
decisionTableId |
Yes |
String |
The identifier of the decision table to get the model for. |
Response code | Description |
200 |
Indicates the decision table was found and the model is returned. |
404 |
Indicates the requested decision table was not found. |
Response body: The response body is a JSON representation of the org.flowable.dmn.model.DmnDefinition and contains the full DMN definition model.
"name":"The One Task Process",
"documentation":"One task process description",
POST dmn-rule/execute
Request body:
The request body should contain data of type multipart/form-data. The decisionKey is required. The tenantId, parentDeploymentId and a map of inputVariables (restVariables) are optional.
Response body:
"resultVariables": [
"name": "output1",
"type": "string",
"value": "result 1"
"name": "output1",
"type": "string",
"value": "result 2"
"name": "output1",
"type": "string",
"value": "result 3"
"url": "http://localhost:8080/flowable-rest/dmn-api/dmn-rule/execute"
Response code | Description |
201 |
Indicates the Decision has been executed. |
POST dmn-rule/execute/single-result
Request body:
The request body should contain data of type multipart/form-data. The decisionKey is required. The tenantId, parentDeploymentId and a map of inputVariables (restVariables) are optional.
When multiple rules are valid the service will respond with a 500 code. Note: a single hit with a compound output is valid (see response below)
Response body:
"resultVariables": [
"name": "output1",
"type": "string",
"value": "compound 1"
"name": "output2",
"type": "string",
"value": "compound 2"
"url": "http://localhost:8080/flowable-rest/dmn-api/dmn-rule/execute/single-result"
Response code | Description |
201 |
Indicates the Decision has been executed. |
500 |
Indicates the Decision returned multiple results. |
GET dmn-management/engine
Returns a read-only view of the DMN engine that is used in this REST-service.
Success response body:
Response code | Description |
200 |
Indicates the engine information has been returned. |