Releases: TUW-GEO/ecmwf_models
Releases · TUW-GEO/ecmwf_models
- Change default time steps to 6 hours.
- Add more tests, also for download functions
- Update documentation, add installation script
- Fix bugs, update command line interfaces, update dependencies
- Separate download programs for ERA5 and ERA Interim
- Change the ERA5 download api to use cdsapi instead of ecmwf api
- Update package structure to better separate between the ERA products
- Add look-up-table file for more flexibility in variable names passed by user
- Update readme
- Add ERA5 support (download, reading, TS conversion)
- Add netcdf support for ERA5 and ERA-Interim download (regular grid)
- Add new grid defintions: netcdf download in regular grid, grib in gaussian grid
- Add Download with spatial resampling (grib and nc)
- Update GRIB message storing (per day instead of per message)
First release
Initial release with support for downloading and reading ERA Interim data.