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Discord RP

Taiko2k edited this page Feb 11, 2022 · 14 revisions

Discord Rich Presence allows you to show your currently playing track as your Discord game status.

AUR users: Install AUR dependency python-pypresence. (Restart Tauon if running after installing)

To enable:

  • Go to MENU > Settings... > Function > Page 4 > and tick Enable Discord Rich Presence.

Note: Status will only be displayed while a track is playing


Ahh okay this can be a little bit of a pain to get working. There are three main scenarios depending on how we are mixing Flatpak and host apps.

Flatpak-Tauon to Host-Discord

Grant needed permission using the following:

  • sudo flatpak override com.github.taiko2k.tauonmb --filesystem=xdg-run/discord-ipc-0
  • flatpak override --user com.github.taiko2k.tauonmb --filesystem=xdg-run/discord-ipc-0

(You can just run the one for the install type you're using if you know what you're doing)

Host-Tauon to Flatpak-Discord

You need to create a certain link. This link will be lost on reboot, but you can set up a service to make it permanent. See Discord/Unsandboxed Applications

Flatpak-Tauon to Flatpak-Discord

This should just work. If not see troubleshooting below:

Host-Tauon to Host-Discord

Flatpak isn't involved, should just work.


Make sure Discord is running first, then open Tauon after.

If its still not working, try exit both apps, go to /run/user in your file browser. Do a search there for "discord" and delete anything with that in the name. Then start Discord, then start Tauon.

If its still not working, then who knows 🤷


Nixpkgs users: Override the tauon package like this

tauon.override { withDiscordRPC = true; }
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