- First download the dataset from here. This dataset contains training and validation set.
- Go above your current directory
- Create a folder named "DataSet"
- Paste the folder named "Custom" (which you just downloaded) inside it.
- run: "pip install -r requirements.txt" in your shell.
- go back to the main directory
- run: python scratch1.py
- run: python scratch2.py
- After you have properly trained a good model (>98% accuracy on validation set), download final test dataset from here.
- Code for testing an image can be found as commented out in line: 325-355 in scratch1.py file.
- Code for testing an image can be found as commented out in line: 261-390 in scratch2.py file.
- Modify codes accordingly to evaluate on the final test dataset.
- For running the xfer_1.py and xfer_2.py files, first split files in the "Custom" folders into "Train" and "Test" folder in same directory. Line: 20-21 in xfer_1.py and line: 26-27 in xfer_2.py should be changed according to the number of files that you have put in the folder.
- run: python xfer_1.py
- run: python xfer_2.py
- Evaluate the obtained model on the previous final test dataset.