We're always brainstorming ideas for cool things that can be built with TalentLayer's dev tools. Here's some ideas submitted by our community. This is a public doc - all ideas are free for the taking. Have an idea you want to share? Tell us about it here. 😄
- Imagine a tool for a Company / DAO
- Users create their different tasks in a similar way that Trello
- Each ticket is a service on TalentLayer - when completed, escrow is released to the person completing it
- Users control all their tasks from this frontend and enjoy user liquidity from other platforms to find a good profile for the tasks they are posting
- It can maybe be built as a Trello or Github plugin
- Create an app to create a conversation with someone you want to work with and handle the whole workflow directly and simply from the conversation using TalentLayer as a backend.
- Create a new job, validate the proposal and send money directly with the freelance using chat command inside the conversation
- It can maybe in the future directly be build as a discord or telegram plugin if they integrate wallet connection
- Create a platform where businesss can connect with social media influencers for paid sponsorship gigs
- Possibly focus on the Lens ecosystem!
- Simple to have a marketplace on TL in few minutes
- use safe SDK to create wallet if needed
- or Create your wallet with social login
- Create your TLplatformId
- Configure your domain
- Configure the marketplace configurations
- Euro onramp with monerium as an option
- Choose your template (2 sided marketplaces, 1 sided talent, 1 sided company)
- Start focusing on your real business
As a worker:
- go on the dapp
- filled your skills and level
- filled your calendar available (start and end hour, days available)
- Filled auction type (dutch, english)
- Set your minimum hour rate (can be different the weekend, the night)
- Set your minimum service hour (for example don’t accept job less than 2 days)
- See in live your calendar organised with money planned for the week / month
- When a mission is starting chat with your employer ect
- Note: you can choose between auto-confirm or manual confirmation
As an employer:
- go on the dapp
- Find worker with the skills you want available when you want, now, this weekend, during the night
- Check the profile and reputation (see medium price, price evolution..)
- Detailed your job
- booked the worker
Names ideas: AuctionWork, noWWorking. AutoPlan. Freererlance, BetterWork, WorkBetter
TalentLayer’s low-level infra creates a new base layer that many new sorts of platforms, services, and other infrastructures can build on top of. There’s so much that’s possible; check out some of the key demographics of products that you can launch to power the future of work.