A LESS port of csswizardry-grids ( originally SASS )
Simple, fluid, nestable, flexible, Sass-based, responsive grid system.
- Fully responsive
- Infinitely nestable
- Endless possible combinations
- Simple to understand, human-friendly classes
- Robust
- Simple
- No
classes - It just works
Please see Responsive grid systems; a solution? for a comprehensive overview of the principles of the grid system.
Simply fill in/adjust the relevant variables.
controls how much space there is between columns.@lap-start
tell csswizardry-grids.less when to fire particular media queries to service those particular sizes. Note that csswizardry-grids works out the ends of any other breakpoints by using these numbers.
If you are using traditional classes then an example, basic usage might look like this:
<div class="grid">
<div class="grid__item one-whole lap-one-half desk-two-thirds">
<div class="grid__item one-whole lap-one-half desk-one-third">
There is a very simple demo which can be found at csswizardry.github.com/csswizardry-grids.