- mkfs: Make (format) your filesystem
- mkswap: Make swap space
- mount: Mounts a drive (also useful during normal use)
- umount: Unmounts a drive (also useful during normal use)
- fd: Display disk usage.
- enablegpu.sh: Custom script to turn on the NVIDIA drivers. Run with sudo.
- disablegpu.sh: Custom script to turn off the NVIDIA drivers. Run with sudo.
- nvidia-smi: Display nvidia graphics card information. Requires GPU to be enabled.
- groupadd: Creates new groups
- gpasswd: Adds a user to a group
- space: dropdown Tilda.
To set a tablet to only control a single monitor, ArchWiki:
xsetwacom set 19 MapToOutput DP-3
rsync -avr --files-from=files.txt $HOME <BACKUP LOCATION>