Webpack 2.x asset pipeline hook for Sails.js specially tailored for the vuejs-templates/webpack
This package is best used with the sails-generate-new-webpack-vue which will generate a new sails project using webpack2 instead of grunt and vue.js as a front-end framework and will install this package as a dependency.
For usage or more informations, please read the sails-generate-new-webpack-vue readme.
This package is a sails.js hook that will be triggered when sails.js lifts. It use the build config located in ./webpack/build and ./webpack/config. Please see the vuejs-templates/webpack documentation for more informations.
In a development environment, it will inject the webpack-dev-middleware, the webpack-hot-middleware and the connect-history-api-fallback middlewares.
In a production envrionment, it will compile the webpack project before the server get lifted.
Based on sails-hook-webpack2