To avoid contamination and gather translations
- I or people who want to contribute open issue about new version.
- On any trigger for release such as new translations, new code release process starts.
- Review process write in below starts.
- On all review process ends and software runs well I release it.
- If no translation come, I release software without translation.
If you modify translations, you must follow this process.
- Create pull request.
- Write message about pull request on issue about next version.
- Review on pull request.
- When translations come to arrive an agreement I merge in master.
- Send e-mail for me.
- I exchange GitHub user and author.
- Process goes on GitHub.
If you modify program, you must follow this process.
- Create pull request.
- Write message about pull request on issue about next version.
- Review on pull request.
- When code come to to arrive an agreement I merge in master.