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File metadata and controls

252 lines (217 loc) · 12.9 KB


Todo list managmant - Приложение для менеджента команды и удобного управление командой и прогресса.
Design Figma

План разработки: (план збился из-за отсутсвия серверной части)

  • Создание основы: Навигация, Менеджер состояния, начальный дизайн
  • Запуск основы серверной части
  • Авторизация
  • Диалоговое окно об ошибке
  • Тестирование авторизации на клиенте, unit test
  • Отрисовка экрана добавления задачи
  • Создание функционала добавление задачи на сервере с минимальным функционаллом (дата, заголовок, описание, состояние)
  • Написание API Добавление задачи на клиенте с минимальным функционаллом (дата, заголовок, описание, состояние)
  • Тестирование добваления задачи на клиенте
  • Добавление команды по коду на сервере
  • Добавление команды по коду на клиенте
  • Создаение команды на сервере
  • Создаение команды на клиенте
  • Добавление задачи в комнаду на клиенте
  • Добавление задачи в комнаду на сервере
  • Улучшение функционала добавлениея задачи (файл, пользователь, уведомление задачи, сложность задачи)
  • Тестирование ручное всего приложения
  • RELEASE MVP(минимальное жизниспособное приложение) app
  • Отчеты по задачам
  • Прогресс

The architectural solution that is being built:

  • low coherence of the code (makes it easier to make changes);
  • separation of code responsibilities;
  • logical uniqueness and low entry threshold;
  • testability (you can check the correct operation of individual parts).

DI (dependency injection)
Navigation with AutoRoute
Clean Architecture

Чему научился в проекте, какими навками овладел, какие подтвердил.

  • Оценка задач по разработке;
  • Поддержка и рефакторинг кодовой базы;
  • Интеграция с бэкэндом;
  • Писать код самостоятельно и принимать решения о выборе технологий;


The Flutter app contains:

Continuous Integration and Deployment

The Flutter app comes with built-in support for CI/CD using Github Actions.


The CI workflow performs the following checks on every pull request:

  • Lints the code with flutter analyze.
  • Check formatting with dart format
  • Runs tests using flutter test.
  • Run golden test.
  • Report code coverage and code quality using sonarqube.
  • Build the android app.
  • Build the ios app.

You can read the documentation about integrating sonarqube in you CI workflow here.


The CD workflow performs the following actions:

  • Bump the build number by 1.
  • Build a signed release apk.
  • Upload apk to the app center.
  • Upload apk as artifact to release tag.
  • Build a signed iOS app.
  • Upload ipa to testflight.
  • Upload the ipa as an artifact to release the tag.
  • Commit the updated version to git.

.env files on CD

The CI and CD workflows grab the .env files from github secrets. The secrets are name ENV_ followed by environment name. So for dev the secret name is ENV_DEV, qa is ENV_QA and prod is ENV_PROD. Convert your .env files with all the api keys populated to base64 strings and set them as secrets on github with the appropriate secret name. You can learn more about github actions secrets here.

Android CD setup

For the android CD workflow to run, we need to perform the following setup steps:

  • Follow these instructions to generate an upload keystore. Note down the store password, key alias and key password. You will need these in later steps.
  • Use openssl to convert the jks file to Base64.
openssl base64 < flutter_app_keystore.jks | tr -d '\n' | tee flutter_app_keystore_encoded.txt
  • Store the base64 output on Github Secrets with the key name KEYSTORE.
  • Save the store password in github secrets with the key name RELEASE_STORE_PASSWORD.
  • Save the key alias in github secrets with the key name RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS.
  • Save the key password in github secrets with the key name RELEASE_KEY_PASSWORD.
  • Create a distribution on app center and get the upload key. You can get it from
  • Save the app center upload key on github secrets with key name APP_CENTER_TOKEN.

IOS CD Setup

For the IOS job in the cd.yml to run, you first need to have a valid Apple Developer Account.If you don't have it yet, please create one before proceeding further

We will divide the guide into steps so that it is easier to understand

Step 1: Setup on the AppStore

  • Register your Bundle ID. You can view the official Flutter guide here

CAUTION: Apple doesn't allow underscore in the bundle identifier. Read about valid identifiers here

  • Create an application on the AppStore Connect Portal. Check out the official guide here

Step 2: Getting a Distribution Certificate and Provisioning Profile

  • Create a Distribution Certificate for your machine locally once. You can refer to this guide. Download the .p12 file for use later. Remember the password used to create this certificate as we will need this later
  • Create a Provisioning Profile for your Bundle ID you registered above. You can refer to this guide. Download the profile for use later.

Step 3: Getting the options.plist

  • In the following app
    • Replace BUNDLE ID with your Bundle Identifier (You got that already from Step 1)
    • Replace PROVISIONING PROFILE NAME with your Provisioning Profile Name (You already created one in Step 2, use that)
    • Replace TEAM_ID with your team id. Look at this answer on "How to find your Team ID"
Click to View app
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
		<string>PROVISION PROFILE NAME</string>
	<string>Apple Distribution</string>
  • Create a new file called options.plist and save the above contents in that file

Step 4: Making an app specific password

  • Read the official guide to create an app specific password and remember it(;P)
  • The pipeline uses this password to upload an ipa to testflight

Step 5: Bringing it all together

  • Add the following keys to Github Secrets
    • BUILD_CERTIFICATE_BASE64 : The base64 of the p12 file we generated(Step 2)
    • P12_PASSWORD: The password of the p12 certificate generated above in Step 2
    • BUILD_PROVISION_PROFILE_BASE64: The provisioning profile in base64(Step 2)
    • KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD : The password used to store the keychain in the local keystore of the Github Runner(Any random value)
    • IOS_PLIST: The options.plist file needed to make an ipa out of the xcarchive generated by flutter(Step 3)
    • APPSTORE_PASSWORD: The password passed to altool to upload the ipa to the store(Step 4)
  • To generate a base64 string, use the following command, replacing FILENAME with your filename
openssl base64 < FILENAME | tr -d '\n' | tee ENCODED_FILENAME.txt

Pushing to protected branches

  • If the branches that you will be running CD on are protected, you will need to use a Personal Access Token (PAT) to commit the version changes.
  • After creating the PAT, exclude the account that the token belongs to from the branch protection rules.
  • Save the token in github secrets and update the key name in the cd.yml file under each checkout action.
  • Since our CD workflow is triggered on a push, and we create a new commit in the workflow itself, the commit message created by the CD workflow includes [skip ci] tag so that the workflow does not end up in an infinite loop. Read more about this here

If you do not plan to use the CD workflow on protected branches, you can remove the token part from the checkout actions.