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266 lines (212 loc) · 12.8 KB

File metadata and controls

266 lines (212 loc) · 12.8 KB

Contributing Guidelines

InceptusNMS is an open source project and we love to receive contributions from our community: you! There are many ways to contribute, from writing tutorials or blog posts, improving the documentation, submitting bug reports and feature requests or writing code which can be incorporated into InceptusNMS itself.

Creating new Documentation

Simply submit a new PR with your JSON file describing the new or updated documentation for a NMS or CraftBukkit file. We have a list of helpful information listed below.

Void Methods

When documenting methods that reutrn void, please omit the return value in the JSON file. This is because the parser will automatically add the return value of void for you.

Type Aliases

In order for the parser to successfully generate JavaDocs, we need to input all return, parameter, and field types, which can get tedious for common types. We have a list of small aliases listed below.

Alias Actual Type
{this} class representing the JSON file
{pkg} package of class representing the JSON file
obj java.lang.Object
boolean primvitive boolean
byte primvitive byte
char primvitive char
double primvitive double
float primvitive float
int primvitive int
long primvitive long
short primivitive short
string java.lang.String
date java.util.Date
wboolean java.lang.Boolean
wbyte java.lang.Byte
wchar java.lang.Character
wdouble java.lang.Double
wfloat java.lang.Float
wint java.lang.Integer
wlong java.lang.Long
wshort java.lang.Short
codec com.mojang.serialization.Codec
deprecated java.lang.Deprecated
bytebuf io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf
nullable javax.annotation.Nullable

Other Aliases

  • {V} will return the version part for the name of the CraftBukkit package.
    • e.g. v1_20_R2
  • {pkg} will return the package of the current class.


For Generic Types, simply include the type in the alias. For example:

  • java.util.List<string>
  • java.util.Map<string,wint>
  • java.util.List<java.util.Map<file,wlong>>
  • java.util.Set<org.bukkit.entity.Player>

There shold be no spaces in between generic arguments.

Documentation Conventions

We document all fields and methods, regardless of visibility. This includes package-protected and private methods and fields. The only (current) exception are constructors on enum classes. Files must also maintain a double-space, CRLF format and must not have tabs.

class object

  • This object should always be the first object in the JSON file.
  • If the class is annotated with @Deprecated, deprecated should be the first line in the object. The annotation will automatically be added.
  • type should always be the first line in the object, unless described above.
  • extends, if provided, should be after type.
  • implements, if provided, should be after extends or type.
    • For an interface that extends interfaces, this should be used in place of extends.
  • generics, if provided, should be after implements, extends, or type.
  • visibility, if provided, should be after generics, enclosing, implements, extends, or type. If not provided, it is implied to be public.
  • mods, if provided, should be after generics, visibility, enclosing, implements, extends, or type.
    • This array must be in the order that the modifiers are declared. For example: public static final should be ["static", "final"].
    • The array must be declared on one line.
  • annotations, if provided, should be before comment.
  • comment should always be the last line in the object.

enumerations array

  • This array should always be the second object in the JSON file if class specifies that the type is an enum.
  • The objects in this array should be in the order of the enum constants.
  • For each individual object:
    • name should be the name of the enum constant, case sensitive, and should always be the first line in the object.
    • annotations, if provided, should be after name.
    • comment should always be the last line in the object.

fields object

Record Classes will automatically generate fields for you according to the constructor with the most parameters.

  • This object should always be the third object (for enums) or second object (for non-enums) in the JSON file.
  • The objects in this object should have their keys be the field name as case sensitive, and must be in the order declared on the class file.
    • type should always be the first line in the object.
    • visibility, if provided, should be after type. If not provided, it is implied to be public.
    • mods, if provided, should be after visibility or type.
      • This array must be in the order that the modifiers are declared. For example: public static final should be ["static", "final"].
      • The array must be declared on one line.
    • annotations, if provided, should be before value or comment.
    • value, if provided, should be before comment.
      • The purpose of this field is to document constant values. This only applies to primitive values (int, short, long, boolean, etc.) and other values referred as constants (e.g. String)
      • Other constant documents that should be documented include regex Patterns (java.util.regex.Pattern) and other immutable wrappers around strings/primitives
    • comment should always be the last line in the object.

constructors array

  • This array should always be the fourth object (for enums) or third object (for non-enums) in the JSON file. If not provided, no constructor will be generated.
  • This cannot be provided if class indicates an interface.
  • The objects in this array should be in the order of the constructors declared on the class file.
    • visibility, if provided, should be the first line in the object. If not provided, it is implied to be public.
    • params, if provided, should be after visibility.
      • This array must be in the order that the parameters are declared. For example: Object(int a, int b) should be [{"type": "int", "name": "a"}, {"type": "int", "name": "b"}].
      • If empty, the constructor should be Object(). This is only allowed once.
    • annotations, if provided, should be before comment.
    • comment should always be the last line in the object.
constructors array operators

If all parameters in a constructor match a field, you can use the $params operator accordingly. The processor will copy its names, types, annotations, and documentation.

A comment must still be supplied.

  "fields": {
    "experience": {
      "type": "int",
      "comment": "The experience amount."
    "amount": {
      "type": "int",
      "comment": "The amount of experience."
  "constructors": [
      "$params": [
      "comment": "Constructs a new Reward."

methods object

Record Classes will automatically generate methods for you according to the constructor with the most parameters. Methods can be in any order and will be sorted by the processor.

  • This object should always be the fifth object (for enums) or fourth object (for non-enums) in the JSON file. If not provided, no methods will be generated.
  • The objects in this object should have their keys be the method name as case sensitive, and must be in the order declared on the class file.
    • If the method is annotated with @Deprecated, the deprecation comment (deprecated) should be the first line in the object. The annotation will automatically be added.
    • visibility, if provided, should be the first line in the object. If not provided, it is implied to be public.
    • mods, if provided, should be after visibility.
      • This array must be in the order that the modifiers are declared. For example: public static final should be ["static", "final"].
      • The array must be declared on one line.
    • params, if provided, should be after mods or visibility .
      • This array must be in the order that the parameters are declared. For example: int a, int b should be [{"type": "int", "name": "a"}, {"type": "int", "name": "b"}]. If a parameter has a generic or undescriptive name (e.g. arg1), it can be renamed to a more descriptive one, such as the field name it is being mapped to.
    • generics, if provided, should be after params, mods, or visbility.
    • return should be after generics, params, mods, or visibility. If none are provided, it should be the first line in the object. This is also optional if the method returns void.
    • throws should be after return, generics, params, mods, or visibility. If none are provided, it should be the first line in the object. This is also optional if the method does not throw any exceptions.
      • This array must be in the order that the exceptions are declared. For example: throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException should be ["java.lang.IOException", "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException"].
    • annotations, if provided, should be before comment.
    • comment should always be the last line in the object.

Methods that are overrided should have updated documentation (if necessary). Implementing methods for interfaces are optional to document. The documentation for the private field in use for a getter on an interface should have (near) identical documentation to the getter.

methods object operators

If the method is a getter or setter of a documented field, you can use the $getter or $setter operator accordingly. The processor will copy its mods from the field, and will assume it is public. For example:

  "fields": {
    "foo": {
      "type": "int",
      "comment": "The foo value."
  "methods": {
    "getFoo": {
      "$getter": "foo"

Fields such as comment and annotations can be overriden as necessary. Operators should be the first line in the object. For example:

  "fields": {
    "foo": {
      "type": "int",
      "comment": "The foo value."
  "methods": {
    "getFoo": {
      "$getter": "foo",
      "visibility": "protected",
      "comment": "Gets the foo value. This also calls a counter that increments the foo value."

Package Info Documentation

Each Package should have a package-info.json file, containing a comment attribute. This comment should be the first and only line in the file.

Subclasses Documentation

For generating JavaDocs for Subclasses, simply provide a Dollar Sign ($) for each layer. For Example:

  • Class$Parent$SubclassDocumenting.json

Additionally, an enclosing attribute must be provided before visibility in the class object.

Special Characters

The parser has specific special characters since JSON strings cannot use multiple lines.


HTML and CSS is fully supported in the JSON string. Please take special care when using HTML tags.

  // ...
  "comment": "This <strong>does not</strong> actually kill the player."


v0.0.5 added support for Markdown. Please take special care when using Markdown tags.

  // ...
  "comment": "This **does not** actually kill the player."

Class Links

For linking another java class, either external or external, please provide the full name or type alias for it appended in a @ and in parenthesis (). For example:

  // ...
  "comment": "Represents a @(string)."

  // ...
  "comment": "Spawns a new @("