The hope here is to make Library of Souls more friendly for an eventual natural spawns replacement.
SoulGroup: An collection for zero or more soul groups. Supports getting random groups of entries, and average entries stats in the group. They can be summoned in a bounding box with /los summongroup <groupLabel> <pos1> <pos2>
. Every group has its history tracked to make rolling back changes easier.
SoulEntry: A single mob, and the simplest group. These have no prefix.
SoulPool: A collection of weighted groups, select one at random. These have a label prefix of ~
SoulParty: A collection of groups, all spawned together. These have a label prefix of #
To start, create an empty party:
/los addparty <partyLabel>
Then, you can add soul groups to the party. All groups within the party will be spawned <count>
times. To remove a group, set its count to 0.
/los updateparty <partyLabel> <groupLabel> <count>
You can list the groups currently in a party with:
/los party <partyLabel>
If you decide to remove a party, and are sure it is not used anywhere, you can delete it. If it is still used somewhere, it will be treated as an empty group.
/los delparty <partyLabel>
To start, create an empty pool:
/los addpool <poolLabel>
Then, you can add soul groups to the pool. The chance of any group spawning is <weight>
out of the total of each <weight>
in the pool. For example, if alice
has a weight of 1 and bob
has a weight of 3, Bob will spawn 75% of the time, and Alice will spawn the other 25%. Having a group of more than one SoulEntry does not affect the weight of that group. To remove a group, set its weight to 0.
/los updatepool <poolLabel> <groupLabel> <weight>
You can list the groups currently in a pool with:
/los pool <poolLabel>
If you decide to remove a pool, and are sure it is not used anywhere, you can delete it. If it is still used somewhere, it will be treated as an empty group.
/los delpool <poolLabel>
You can check the average count of each SoulEntry within a group as if there were infinite rolls of random chance with:
los averagegroup <groupLabel>