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File metadata and controls

144 lines (134 loc) · 5.32 KB


Below are the examples of calling this module.

Create lambda resource with security group

Lambda function will be created from the zip file named uploaded in s3 bucket where key is path for zip file in the bucket. Function url is used for security and access control which can be set to false also. Environment variables can also be passed from parameter store if required. Secuirty group and subnet ids are passed as list if required.

module "lambda_test" {
  source                  = "./lambda"
  function_name           = "${var.prefix}-test-lambda"
  handler                 = "lambda.handler"
  lambda_runtime          = "python3.x"
  s3_bucket               = "${var.prefix}-test-lambda"
  s3_key                  = ""
  description             = "Lambda resource with security group"
  security_group_ids      = ["sg-1234567"]
  subnets                 = ["subnet-1", "subnet-2"] 
  function_url            = true
  function_url_cors = {
    allow_credentials = false
    allow_headers     = ["header-1", "header-2"] 
    allow_methods     = ["GET", "POST"]
    allow_origins = [ 
  environment_variables = {
    LOG_LEVEL = "info"
    BASE_URL  = ""
  env_vars_from_parameter_store = {
    DB_HOST = "/${var.prefix}/DB_HOST"
    DB_NAME = "/${var.prefix}/DB_NAME"
    DB_PORT = "/${var.prefix}/DB_PORT"
  logs_retention          = 14

Allow apigw to invoke lambda

Api gateway will invoke the lambda function where function is created from zip file named uploaded in s3 bucket where key is path for zip file in the bucket.

module "lambda_test" {
  source                       = "./lambda"
  function_name                = "${var.prefix}-test-lambda"
  handler                      = "lambda.handler"
  lambda_runtime               = "python3.x"
  s3_bucket                    = "${var.prefix}-test-lambda"
  s3_key                       = ""
  description                  = "Allow apigw to invoke lambda"
  allowed_triggers = {
    APIGatewayAny = {
      statement_id = "AllowAPIGWLambdaInvoke"
      principal    = ""       #you can pass either service or principal
      source_arn   = "arn:aws:execute-api:us-west-2:123456789123:aqnku8akd0/*/*/*"
    APIGatewayDevPost = {
      service      = "apigateway"
      source_arn   = "arn:aws:execute-api:us-west-2:123456789123:aqnku8akd0/dev/POST/*"
  logs_retention = 14

Create Lambda function from zip file when source file is passed

Here a file named is present in same directory and in output_path, we define the name for zip file which is created by Output_path will create zip file with name

module "lambda_test" {
  source                  = ".lambda"
  function_name           = "${var.prefix}-test-lambda"
  handler                 = "lambda.handler"
  lambda_runtime          = "python3.x"
  source_file             = ""
  output_path             = ""
  lambda_artifacts_bucket = "${var.prefix}-test-lambda"
  description             = "Test lambda"
  logs_retention          = 14

Create Lambda function from docker image

module "lambda_test" {
  source = "git::"

  function_name                        = "my-lambda"
  lambda_timeout                       = 60 #seconds
  image_uri                            = "image_uri:image_tag"
  package_type                         = "Image"
  environment_variables = {
    BAR = "FOO"

Lambda Permission for allowed triggers

Lambda Permissions should be specified to allow certain resources to invoke Lambda Function. List of AWS Service Principals

The example below demonstrates how to configure various services to trigger a Lambda function.

module "lambda_function" {
  source = "git::"

  # ...omitted for brevity

  allowed_triggers = {
    CognitoIdentityPool = {
      statement_id  = "AllowCognitoPoolLambdaInvoke"
      principal     = ""     # or service = "cognito-idp"
      source_arn    = var.cognito_pool_arn
    APIGatewayAny = {
      statement_id = "AllowAPIGWLambdaInvoke"
      principal    = ""
      source_arn   = "arn:aws:execute-api:us-west-2:123456789123:aqnku8akd0/*/*/*"
    APIGatewayDevPost = {
      service      = "apigateway"
      source_arn   = "arn:aws:execute-api:us-west-2:123456789123:aqnku8akd0/dev/POST/*"
    SQS = {
      statement_id = "AllowExecutionFromSQS"
      service      = "sqs"                            # or prinicipal = ""
      source_arn   = var.sqs_queue_arn
    SNS = {
      statement_id = "AllowInvocationFromSNS"
      principal    = ""              # or service = "sns"
      source_arn    = var.sns_topic_arn
    EventBridge = {
      statement_id = "AllowExecutionFromEventBridge"
      principal    = ""           # or service = "events"
      source_arn   = var.eventbridge_rule_arn
    CloudwarchScheduler = {
      principal  = ""          # or service = "scheduler"
      source_arn = var.cloudwatch_scheduler_arn