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Quick Start Guide

This guide provides information on how to get Motr ready.


The prerequisite that is necessary to install the Motr component is mentioned below.

  • CentOS-7 for x86_64 platform (ARM64 platform support work is in progress).

  • Ansible is needed:

    sudo yum install epel-release # Install EPEL yum repo
    sudo yum install ansible

Get the Sources

Clone Motr:

git clone --recursive


  1. Build and install the necessary dependencies:

    cd cortx-motr
    sudo scripts/install-build-deps
  2. Check the Lustre network interface configuration:

    sudo vi /etc/modprobe.d/lnet.conf

    Use ip a command to get a list of network interfaces. Then modify lnet.conf to use one of the listed network interfaces. After this run:

    sudo modprobe lnet
    sudo lctl list_nids
  3. To build Motr, run:

    scripts/m0 make

    Note: use scripts/m0 rebuild command to re-build Motr.

RPMs Generation

To build RPMs, run:

make rpms

The generated RPMs will be placed at $HOME/rpmbuild/RPMS/$(arch)/ directory.

Running Tests

Unit Test

  • To run unit tests, use this command:

    sudo scripts/m0 run-ut

    Note: running Time (approximate) - 20 to 30 minutes

  • To list all available unit tests:

    sudo scripts/m0 run-ut -l
  • To run some specific unit test(s):

    sudo scripts/m0 run-ut -t libm0-ut,be-ut

Kernel Space Unit Test

  • To run kernel space unit tests, use this command:

    sudo scripts/m0 run-kut

System Tests

  • To list all available system tests, run the following command:

    sudo scripts/m0 run-st -l
  • To run Motr sanity test, use the following command:

    sudo scripts/m0 run-st 52motr-singlenode-sanity
  • To run all system tests:

    sudo scripts/m0 run-st

    Note: it might take several hours to finish.

Unit Benchmark

  • To run unit benchmarks, use the following command:

    sudo scripts/m0 run-ub

    Running Time (approximate) - 60 to 70 minutes

  • To list all available unit benchmarks:

    sudo scripts/m0 run-ub -l
  • To run some specific unit benchmark(s), e.g. "ad-ub":

    sudo scripts/m0 run-ub -t ad-ub


  • If pip fails to install a package while installing build dependencies, try installing packages using pip installer. run the following commands if package is ipaddress:

    sudo pip install python-ipaddress
    sudo scripts/install-build-deps
  • If an installation failure occurs due to the dependency of pip3 , run the following commands:

    sudo yum install -y python36-setuptools
    sudo easy_install-3.6 pip
  • If an installation failure occurs due to ply dependency, run the following command:

    pip3 install ply
  • If lctl list_nids does not render an output, do the following:

    1. Create the lnet.conf file, if it does not exist. And make sure the interface name is specified correctly there:

      $ cat /etc/modprobe.d/lnet.conf
      options lnet networks=tcp(eth1) config_on_load=1

      Check the network interfaces in your system with ip a command.

    2. Restart the lnet service, and check LNet NIDs:

      sudo systemctl restart lnet
      sudo lctl list_nids
  • For other errors, please check our FAQs.

Build the documentation

To create Motr documentation files, make sure you first install latex and ghostscript:

sudo yum install doxygen
sudo yum install texlive-pdftex texlive-latex-bin texlive-texconfig* texlive-latex* texlive-metafont* texlive-cmap* texlive-ec texlive-fncychap* texlive-pdftex-def texlive-fancyhdr* texlive-titlesec* texlive-multirow texlive-framed* texlive-wrapfig* texlive-parskip* texlive-caption texlive-ifluatex* texlive-collection-fontsrecommended texlive-collection-latexrecommended
sudo yum install ghostscript

Then in Motr folder run:

make doc

The files will be generated at doc/html/ folder.

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