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LudoCrypt edited this page Apr 4, 2021 · 53 revisions

Via resourcepack

An example resourcepack

I have supplied y'all with a resource pack that includes some of the main features one might want to use.

For a real resourcepack, check out this one that has the old menu panoramas!

A written tutorial

In a resourcepack, to create a panorama, create a panoramas.json directly inside of assets/modid, where sounds.json also goes. panoramas.json follows the same format as sounds.json. Anything with (optional) has the default already set in this example.

// The name of this entry (not locally used)
 "Default Panorama": {
  // The name used for config.
  "name": "minecraft",

  // The identifier of the textures to show.
  "panoramaId": "textures/gui/title/background/panorama",

  // The identifier of the music it plays. (optional)
  "musicId": "",

  // The movement settings (optional)
  "movementSettings": {
   // Does it move? (optional)
   "frozen": false,

   // How much to add to X. (optional)
   "addedX": 0.0,

   // How much to add to Y. (optional)
   "addedY": 0.0,

   // How fast it moves (compared to normal). (optional)
   "speedMultiplier": 1.0,

   // Move woozily. (optional)
   "woozy": false

  // How much this one is picked. (optional)
  "weight": 1

Or use a music sound instead of an identifier. Don't use both

 "default": {
  "name": "Minecraft",
  "panoramaId": "textures/gui/title/background/panorama",

  // The music sound. (optional)
  "musicSound": {
   // The identifier of what music to play. (optional)
   "sound": "",

   // The minimum time to wait before it plays (in ticks). (optional)
   "min_delay": 20,

   // The maximum time to wait before it plays (in ticks). (optional)
   "max_delay": 600,

   // When this music is supposed to play, cut off the old music and play this one?. (optional)
   "replace_current_music": true

  "weight": 1

Java API



repositories {
    maven {
        name = 'TerraformersMC'
        url = ''
modImplementation "com.terraformersmc:vistas:${project.vistas_version}"
include "com.terraformersmc:vistas:${project.vistas_version}"


Get versions from here

Api class

Create a class such as the one below, variables are separated for clarity. Let's use cinderscapes as an example.

public class ExampleVistasApiImpl implements VistasApi {

	public void appendPanoramas(Set<Panorama> panoramas) {

		// The name that the config uses to show this panorama.
		String name = "cinderscapes:panorama";

		// The identifier of the panorama textures.
		Identifier backgroundId = new Identifier("cinderscapes", "textures/gui/panorama/panorama");

		// The music sound that the music plays from.
		MusicSound music = Panorama.Builder.createMenuSound(SoundEvents.MUSIC_MENU);

		// How much the panorama is chosen
		int weight = 1;

		// The Movement Settings

		// Does the panorama move?
		boolean frozen = false;

		// How much to add on the X axis
		float addedX = 0.0F;

		// How much to add on the Y axis
		float addedY = 0.0F;

		// How fast it moves (compared to normal)
		float speedMultiplier = 1.0F;

		// Move woozily
		boolean woozy = false;

		// Or just use your own equations for it. These are optional and are by default turned off.
		// Y'know, just put whatever
		Function<Float, Float> XEquation = (time) -> {
			return (float)Math.sin(time * 5) * 38;
		Function<Float, Float> YEquation = (time) -> {
			return (float)Math.sin(time * 15) * 69;

		Panorama defaultPanorama = new Panorama.Builder(name)

				// Again, these things are optional




Add the class you just made into an entrypoint to your fabric.mod.json, such as this one here

"entrypoints": {
    "vistas": [ "com.example.mod.ExampleVistasApiImpl" ]
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