Help improve Taqueria by sharing anonymous usage data!
With consent, Taqueria will collect anonymous usage statistics. Taqueria collects the data points for:
- An anonymous, randomly generated user ID - to count the number of active users
- The version of Taqueria used - to understand how many of our users are on the latest version of Taqueria
- The task executed by the user - to determine which Taqueria functionality is most useful to our users
- Whether the task was executed via the Taqueria CLI or Visual Studio Code Extension - to determine how many of our users are using the different ways to interact with Taqueria
- Timestamp of when the Taqueria task was performed - to determine trends about how Taqueria is used over time
- Operating system of the user - to inform future product decisions
Taqueria is committed to preserving user privacy and gathering usage analytics in compliance with the Trilitech privacy policy