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Zac edited this page Oct 12, 2017 · 5 revisions

Get A Transaction

A script that gets the transaction info from a transaction hash/ID, then shows the result in the console.

For this example we're going to use the script located here.

Whats Happening Here?

var Web3 = require('web3');

web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(''));

First we grab the Web3 module, this is required to run anything that's from the web3 library. Then we show Web3 where to look for a connection to Ethereum. You will need to swap the placeholder text with your API token before running this.


web3.eth.getTransaction(ethTx, function(err, result) { 
	if (!err) {
		console.log('From Address: ' + result.from); 
		console.log('To Address: ' +; 
		console.log('Ether Transacted: ' + (web3.utils.fromWei(result.value, 'ether')));
	else {
		console.log('Error!', err);

We first define a transaction hash as ethTx, not necessary, but it helps keep things clean. Next we use getTransaction using the previously defined transaction hash and expect a "err" or "result" (side note: a part of feels that error is likely not correct, but the script will run regardless).

Then we just grab the value we want marked by result.from for example and their corresponding value.

And that's it. If you run the script you should get something like this:

Ether Transacted: X.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The Alternative

You may have noticed on the script there is also an alternative version of the above without the values being logged. If you uncomment it and run the script you'll get the full transaction object which will include all the transaction values. You don't need to have errors and results either for that, it just makes it easier to find out what when wrong.

Going Further

Some transactions may have encoded data in the input area, try and decode some of it!