Project Name: Hablando de Blockchain y Criptos - Sponsorship
FPR Id: 0067
Start Date: 07/25/2016
Hashtag: #HBC
Name of BCF Gitter community room: #proj-hablandoDeBlockchainYCriptosSponsorship
Stakeholders: @JZA @Vakano
Project Summary: Hablando de Blockchain y Criptos is a on-going podcast that deals with the criptocurrency market, the news and the different opinions on the matter from the hosts. It has been going on for several years (since 2016) and has around 70 shows so far on youtube and dtube.
Sponsorship on the show includes special mention of the coin and price at the beginning and end of the show and priority on the coin news and airspace.
Resources: podcasting
Budget: $500 / month
Timeline: average of 4 shows a month
Goals: Audience of 3-5k
Other: @jza and @vakano are long time proponents of the crypto economy with experience in development, mining, investing and trading. We are very active participants on the crypto world and very recognizable.