The alias temporary fix for a practical functional library for Javascript programmers.
Because things keep changing and deprecating prior to the big 1.0.0 release. People are having issues with loss/replaced functions without warning. Here is a decorator for the aliases.
To use with node:
$ npm install ramda-alias
Then in the console:
var ramda = require('ramda');
If a CommonJS environment isn't detected, the module will attempt to alias the methods on a global Ramda instance (on window.R).
Current Alias Map
var ALIAS_MAP = {
foldl : 'reduce',
foldr : 'reduceRight',
foldlIndexed : 'reduceIndexed',
foldrIndexed : 'reduceRightIndexed',
lPartial : 'partial',
mapAccumL : 'mapAccum',
mapAccumR : 'mapAccumRight',
mixin : 'merge',
pCompose : 'composeP',
pPipe : 'pipeP',
rPartial : 'partialRight',
scanl : 'scan',
unfoldr : 'unfold'