These are the Terms of Service for using the official Dungeon Maker Reinvented network:
- A "Dungeon" is a collection of rooms with other data
- the official "Dungeon Maker Reinvented network" is the official backend and/or frontend for Dungeon Maker Reinvented managed by TheCommCraft and possibly others in the future.
- the "Terms of Service" or "TOS" are the latest version of this document.
- Personal information is only information which is not intended to be made public by its provider and which concerns the real identity of its provider and not the online identity.
- We reserve the right to use any data you provide to the Dungeon Maker Reinvented network except for:
- Password or other authentication data
- Personal information
- We reserve the right to change any informations provided to the Dungeon Maker Reinvented network.
- We reserve the right to use any data you provide to the Dungeon Maker Reinvented network except for:
- Any one person is allowed to create and use at least one account as long as they comply with the Terms of Service and use the network as intended. You can create more accounts but they may be disabled or deleted for any reason at any time.
- Using the backend in ways which are impossible for users using the official latest frontend isn't intended and could always be grounds for a ban or even an award.
- Access to an account is only intended for the individual who created it, others that that individual has directly or indirectly intentionally or a moderator.
- A Dungeon is allowed to contain at least 16 Rooms and any room within is allowed at least to have 2 kilobytes of data.
- Rapid creation of more than 2 Dungeons within an hour is not intended.
- Moderation authorized by an authorized and authenticated party may:
- Disable or hide Dungeons, accounts or data
- Censor or remove non static text
- Ban accounts for limited or unlimited time
- Delete accounts or Dungeons after at least 3 TOS violations
- Inspect data
- Additional rights may be added and removed from single moderators.
- Rights for moderation may be removed at any time for any reason.
- Moderation may NOT:
- Use their unique rights for personal gain.
- Change the message or meaning of a piece of data from somebody else.
- Moderation authorized by an authorized and authenticated party may:
Future changes
- Changed to the TOS may be made at any moment. If users don't manually opt out of the changes they will automatically take effect after 30 days.
- It's not intended for users to violate the latest TOS when they have only agreed to an older version.
Visible Data
- Any and all Terms of Use or Terms of Service or Terms and Conditions or Rules of Conduct from the platforms which have an official frontend for Dungeon Maker Reinvented apply for all data visible and all activity possible on those platforms.