All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog] and this project attempts to adhere to [Semantic Versioning].
Changes will be documented under Added, Changed, Deprecated, Removed, Fixed or Security headers.
- Added the id_to_path_mapper class.
- Added passthrough audio methods.
- Changes defaults to audio methods.
- Promoted input parsing functions from the dfw-jumpstart to this library and changes how they behave.
- Promoted input parsing functions from the dfw-jumpstart to this library and changes how they behave.
- Changes how input configuration behaves (many inputs for a command are now the rule).
- Changes how inputs are reflected in the config file.
- Both are BACKWARDS BREAKING changes!.
- changes build system
- Can't remember now.
- Changes meaning of state driver interface init().
- Adds state driver interface start(), which was the previous init()
- Fixes compatibility with log module.
- adds a stack of controllers to the state controller.
- not really the first version, but the first changelog.
- not really the first version, but the first changelog.