2.4 (2017-10-09)
Fixed bugs:
- Crash on copy result feature #22
Closed issues:
- Color Contrast Analyser tool in iMac (desktop) #24
- Contrast ratio and rounding #23
- Foreground Hex Color Value Is Incorrect #20
Merged pull requests:
- Add new CCA icon #27 (patrickhlauke)
2.3 (2016-03-16)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- CCA doesn’t allow pasting color values into the foreground/background boxes. #17
- CCA disappears when it’s not the front-most app? #16
- Paste from keyboard not working #10
Closed issues:
- the binary is not available to download on the github release page #15
2.2 (2016-02-05)
2.0-beta1 (2015-03-10)
Fixed bugs:
- Handle incorrect hexa value #7
- Application icon alpha #4
- Black text issue #3
- Bug with color picker #1
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator