build a simplified banking system
the system has 2 types of users
a customer
an admin
customer user stories:
a user can create a new account with username and password
a user starts with 0 balance
a user can deposit more money to his account by uploading a picture of a check and entering the amount of the check. if the check is approved by an admin, the money is added to the bank account.
- The picture can be of anything, you don't need to parse it or validate it in any way
to buy something, the user enters the amount and description; a user can only buy something if she has enough money to cover the cost.
a user can see a list of balance changes including time and description.
admin user stories:
an admin account is already created with a hard coded username and password.
an admin can see a list of pending check deposit pictures with amount and picture and click to approve or deny the deposit.
Simplifying Assumptions
- an admin can’t be also a customer
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