- The ability for prefab instances to be selected during generation has been deprecated due to an error
- ArgumentOutOfRangeException
- add changelogurl to package.json
- prefab instance is now selected when generated
- The operation is now performed only on object with skinnedmeshrender
- ArgumentException: Can't save part of a Prefab instance as a Prefab
- operations could be performed on prefab assets.
- prefab instance was placed in different scene
- skinnedMeshRenderer.bones was being called too much
- namespace is not used
- Change log message to appropriate format
- rootbone of skinned mesh is not held
- anchor of skinned mesh is not held
- Prefab Asset is not updated
- window to Window/Module Creator
- option to disable PhysBone/PhysBoneColider output
- option to rename PhysBone RootTransform
- option to specify Root Object
- option to output additional PhysBones Affected Transforms for exact movement
- option to include IgnoreTransforms
- tooltip to advanced options
- Changed to assume IgnoreTransforms
- Use Hips search instead of armature search
- Log messages are now unified in English
- All unnecessary components will be removed
- Error occurred when a null collider was associated with physBone.
- Error occurred when a null ignoreTransform was associated with physBone.
- Error when a bone associated with a mesh cannot be found was not appropriate.
- Unnecessary PhysBone is not removed
- Some objects are not active
- Relaxed error to warning for armature search
- Save as prefab variant if possible
- Exclude avatar name from prefabs.
- Specify unique names for prefabs.
- AvatarDynamics movement
- rootTransform renaming
- Fixed issue with scripts running during build
- Fixed unnecessary PB Transforms output with multiple meshes under one PB component
- Disabled AvatarDynamics movement functionality by default
- Disabled rootTransform renaming functionality by default
- Fixed to properly search for armature
- Changed packaging
- initial release