Contribute to the repository by opening a pull request.
Develop code locally by cloning the source code, creating a development environment and installing it.
Install mamba, then launch the
Miniforge Prompt
. -
Clone the
branch ofeqt
locally, and navigate into where it has been cloned:
# Clone (download) source code
git clone
cd eqt
- Create the mamba environment using the following command:
# Create environment
mamba env create -f recipe/eqt_env.yml
uses the qtpy
abstraction layer for Qt bindings, meaning that it works with either PySide or PyQt bindings. Thus, eqt_env
does not depend on either. The environment can be updated with either pyside2
or pyqt5
, as follows.
mamba env update --name eqt_env --file pyside_env.yml
mamba env update --name eqt_env --file pyqt_env.yml
- Activate the environment:
mamba activate eqt_env
- Install the dependencies:
pip install .[dev]
The following developer-specific dependencies will be installed:
- pytest
- pytest-cov
- pytest-timeout
- unittest_parametrize
Conflicts may exist if your branch is behind the main
branch. To resolve conflicts between branches, merge the main
branch into your current working branch:
git merge main
Before merging a pull request, all tests must pass. These can be run locally from the repository folder:
For files that test the GUI elements, the @skip_ci
decorator has been included to skip these tests when the GitHub Actions are executed after pushing/merging. Without the decorator, these GUI test files will cause the pytest
GitHub Action to fail.
Adhere to our styling guide by installing pre-commit
in your local eqt environment:
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
From your local repository folder, run pre-commit
on all the files before committing:
pre-commit run -a
Run pre-commit
on a single file by specifying its file path:
pre-commit run --files [path]
The .pre-commit-config.yaml
config file indicates the repositories and the hooks which will be applied automatically.
GitHub Actions automatically runs a subset of the unit tests on every commit via test.yml
GitHub Actions does not currently support unit tests that test GUI elements. These tests should include the @skip_ci
decorator so that they are skipped when the GitHub Actions are executed.
Runs pytest
Runs automatically after tests (above) succeed.
Builds binary (*.whl
) & source (*.tar.gz
) distributions.
Runs automatically -- when an annotated tag is pushed -- after builds (above) succeed.
Publishes to PyPI.
The annotated tag's title
must be Version <number without v-prefix>
(separated by a blank line) and the body
must contain release notes, e.g.:
git tag v1.33.7 -a
Version 1.33.7
The <body>
should be taken from the changelog (below).
Located in
The changelog file needs to be updated manually every time a pull request (PR) is submitted:
- Itemise the message with "-".
- Be concise by explaining the overall changes in only a few words.
- Mention the relevant PR in brackets.
# Version x.x.x
- Add `title` to `FormDockWidget` & update tests/examples (#102)