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ℹ️ Information
This repository contains the connector and configuration code only. The implementer is responsible to acquire the connection details such as username, password, certificate, etc. You might even need to sign a contract or agreement with the supplier before implementing this connector. Please contact the client's application manager to coordinate the connector requirements.

Table of contents


HelloID-Conn-Prov-Target-Nedap-AEOS is a target connector. Nedap-AEOS provides a set of SOAP API's that allow you to programmatically interact with its data. The HelloID connector uses the API endpoints listed in the table below.

Endpoint Description
addEmployee Create an employee
changeEmployee update an employee
findEmployee Search for an employee
findCarrierToken Search for badges assigned to an employee
withdrawCarrierToken removes an assiged badge from an employee
findTemplate lists the available authorization templates
addCarrierAuthorizations assigns an authorization template to an employee
removeCarrierAuthorizations removes an authorization template assignment from an employee

The following lifecycle events are available:

Event Description Notes
create.ps1 Create (or update) and correlate an Account -
update.ps1 Update the Account -
enable.ps1 Enable the Account -
disable.ps1 Disable the Account -
delete.ps1 This is not available/supported in the current connector

Getting started

Connection settings

The following settings are required to connect to the API.

Setting Description Mandatory
UserName The UserName to connect to the API Yes
Password The Password to connect to the API Yes
BaseUrl The URL to the API https://<server ip>/aeosws Yes
IsDebug to enable/disable the debug logging


No special Prerequisites.


  • This connector uses the explicit SOAP messages from the wsdl rather than the function names from de wsdl.

  • All api calls may require the fields to be in a specific order so do not change the order of the fields in the $account object.

  • Create Account will correlate the employee account with findEmployee based on the PersonnelNo field, and create (addEmployee) or update (changeEmployee) the employee account as required. The account reference used by HelloId is the Id field of the employee. The ArrivalDateTime is set to the far future in order to create the account as disabled.

  • Enable Account uses changeEmployee endpoint and sets the ArrivalDateTime to the current time and LeaveDateTime to the far future (because in cannot clear the leaveDateTime).

  • Disable Account uses changeEmployee endpoint and sets the LeaveDateTime to the current time. It also uses FindCarrierToken and withdrawCarrierToken to remove any badges from the account.

  • Delete account is not implemented as part of the life cycle of the account.

  • Badges are only removed from the account when disabling. Creating and assigning badges (Carrier tokens) is not part of this implementation.

  • Permissions are based on the available Permission Templates in AEOS. The permissions script collects a list of available Templates, and the grant en revoke scripts will add/remove (addCarrierAuthorizations and removeCarrierAuthorizations) an permission template to/from an Employee.

  • Nedap AEOS Issue found: A template can be assigned multiple times to a single user. Which can cause a problem with revoking the template: Could not revoke Nedap-AEOS account. Error: TemplateId [305] is multiple times assigned to User. Stop Processing! Note that this should not occur under normal operation, unless manual assignments are made outside of HelloId

    Here is a code example how one might automatically remove one of the templates by adding the from date to specify a specific template

    # $auditLogs.Add([PSCustomObject]@{
    #    Message = "Revoke Nedap-AEOS entitlement: [$($pRef.DisplayName)] was Partial successful"
    #    IsError = $true
    # })
    # [xml]$bodyRemoveAuth = '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sch="">
    # <soapenv:Header/>
    # <soapenv:Body>
    #    <sch:ProfileRemove>
    #       <sch:CarrierId></sch:CarrierId>
    #       <sch:AuthorisationOnlineId>
    #          <sch:TemplateAuthorisation>
    #             <sch:TemplateId></sch:TemplateId>
    #             <sch:DateFrom>{0}</sch:DateFrom>
    #          </sch:TemplateAuthorisation>
    #       </sch:AuthorisationOnlineId>
    #    </sch:ProfileRemove>
    # </soapenv:Body>
    # </soapenv:Envelope>
    # ' -f ($templates | Select-Object -First 1).DateFrom

It is possible to update the account in the target system during the correlation process, this behavior is disabled. Meaning, the account will only be created or correlated.

You can change this behavior in the configuration by enabling the toggle UpdateOnCorrelate.

Be aware that this might have unexpected implications.

Setup the connector

No special configuration required

Getting help

For extended information about the api of AEOS see the aeos_soap_webservice_icm_en.pdf document in this repo

For more information on how to configure a HelloID PowerShell connector, please refer to our documentation pages

If you need help, feel free to ask questions on our forum

HelloID docs

The official HelloID documentation can be found at: