The frames datastructure is a simple 2-dimensional list with three sublists. One for each color. The pixels are simply saved in this list, without any position information. The position will later be recovered, by using modulo width on the index of the sub-list
Basically: [Red[],Green[],Blue[]]
Basically there are 3 different output options
The serial output is the connection to the teensy. In theory the output could be exchanged while being executed. This would work, but might lead to problems.
OutOptionOne = PixelWall.Output.Serial(port = "COM6", compression = "RFCA", loopback = False)
parameter | value | default | optional |
port | The Windows/Linux serial port | None | No |
compression | The compression algorithm used | "RFCA" | Yes |
loopback | Simulates the serial output | False | Yes |
baudrate | Sets the baudrate of the serial connection | 1000000 | Yes |
The compression parameter can be used with "RAW","LINEAR", "RFCA"
There are muliple inner variables/options like self.initbyte, self.skips, CompressionInstance, self.showrecv
which can be modified
Saves the image in raw format in a binary file non compressed
OutOptionTwo = PixelWall.Output.BinaryFile(path = "",filename = "example.bin")
parameter | value | default | Optional |
path | Path to the file | "" | Yes |
filename | Filename of the file where the frame will be saved to | "frame.bin" | Yes |
This output options makes it possible, to setup a TCP client, connecting to a TCP server and sending the output frame of this instance. Currently the data sending process and encoding, works, but is very sloppy. This will be imporved in the future.
OutOptionThree = PixelWall.Output.TCPClient(ip = "", port = 4000, connectOnInit = True)
parameter | value | default | Optional |
ip | the IP of the server | None | No |
port | the Port of the server | 4000 | Yes |
connectOnInit | makes it possible to later connect to the server and not instantly | True | Yes |
There are interal options like self.failmax or self.failcounter
which control the reconnect attempts
class Output():
def __init__(self):
def output(self, data):
def autoFPS(self):
in general you NEED support, when you create a new output option, following functions:
to initialize your instanceóutput
this is the function which recieves the data in a color channel array ([[],[],[]]
so your code should look then like this:
class MyOwnOutput(PixelWall.Output):
def __init__(some,option)
#my code
def output(self,data):
#do something with my data
and then your output module should work fine
Currently there are 5 different example Animations / Functions / Generators
The Matrix generator procudes a black image with particles falling down from the top, leaving a trace. Basically the typical Hackerlike "Hackerscreen" from the original Movie "The Matrix"
exampleMatrix = PixelWall.PresetAnimations.Matrix.Matrix()
Ani = PixelWall.Animations.Animation(rFunc = exampleMexample, startframe = 0, infinity = True, tourCount = 0)
parameter | value | default | Optional |
Color | The Color of the fading particles | (0,255,0) |
Yes |
Length | The length of the fade | 10 | Yes |
TipColor | The color of the Tip, the Particle | self.Color |
Yes |
Unless otherwise set, the Tipcolor
is allways the same as the normal Color parameter, therefore optional.
As the title allready says. This Animation is capable of playing Gifs
exampleGIF = PixelWall.PresetAnimations.GIF.GIF(File = "GIF\Boxes.gif",Position = (-2,-2))
Ani = PixelWall.Animations.Animation(rFunc = exampleGIF, startframe = 0, infinity = True, tourCount = 0)
parameter | value | default | Optional |
path | The path and filename to the Gif file | "" | No |
position | The top left position of the gif | (0,0) or (-2,-2) | Yes |
Be aware, that PIL does not corretly interpret GIFs with transparent as color. Some example GIFs are in the GIF folder in the parent dictionary.
This Animation is a standart implementation of the famous Game of Live. It uses the "offical" rules.
exampleGoF = PixelWall.PresetAnimations.GameOfLife.GameOfLife(position = (10,10),pattern = [[0,1,1],[1,1,0],[0,1,0]])
Ani = PixelWall.Animations.Animation(rFunc = exampleGoF, startframe = 0, infinity = True, tourCount = 0)
parameter | value | default | Optional |
position | the position for the patter. Top-left. | (0,0) | Yes |
pattern | the start pattern out of 1 and 0 . saved as array like [[0,1,1],[1,0],[1,1,1,1]]. One sub-list per row. |
None | Yes |
rules | this uses the default ruleset. but it can be customized, by referencing a new function | GameOfLive.Rules |
Yes |
color | the color of the living pixels | (255,255,255,255) | Yes |
There are some well known examples in the comment upper section of the file for the pattern parameter. In general a rules function should look like this (excerpt from the
def Rules(input,isalive):
count = GameOfLife.countlivingCells(input)
if count == 2 and isalive == 1:
return 1#LIVE
elif count == 3:
return 1#LIVE
return 0
The Chill generator produces random pixels with random colors, which are Fading-IN/OUT. Controlled by a COS curve. This is later blurred to create a calm image with slow moving circles and shaped.
exampleChill = PixelWall.PresetAnimations.Chill.Chill(ColorLower=(150,100,0),ColorHigher = (255,200,0))
Ani = PixelWall.Animations.Animation(rFunc = exampleChill, startframe = 0, infinity = True, tourCount = 0)
To Clarify, speed is ment by how many colorsteps from 0 to 255 the pixel gets forward for each frame calculated Parameters:
parameter | value | default | Optional |
ColorLower | The lower limit for the random colors | (100,100,100) |
Yes |
ColorHigher | The upper limit of the random colors | (255,255,255) |
Yes |
Points | The number of piles which are calculated and later blurred | 80 | Yes |
SpeedMin | The minimal amount of speed | 0.05 | Yes |
SpeedMax | The maximal amount of speed | 2.0 | Yes |
The clock is a system, which shows the time in a 24H format, by placing faded Circles. Theese are fully animated
parameter | value | default | Optional |
ColorSeconds | The color of the circle showing the Seconds | (0,0,200) |
Yes |
ColorMinutes | The color of the circle showing the Minutes | (0,200,0) |
Yes |
ColorHours | The color of the circle showing the Hours | (200,0,0) |
Yes |
CenterPosition | The Center of the clock, usually the center of the screen | None | No |
HoursRad | The (additional-)radius of the hour circle | 10 | Yes |
MinutesRad | The (additional-)radius of the minutes circle | 10 | Yes |
SecondsRad | The (additional-)radius of the seconds circle | 10 | Yes |
Interpolate | The values for minutes are calculated and displayed more smoothly, but still acurate | True | Yes |