This project is a collaborative research effort between Seoul National University's M.IN.D Lab (PI: Taesup Moon) and Connectome Lab (PI: Jiook Cha), intending to develop a scalable analysis model for fMRI. SwiFT, based on the Swin Transformer, can effectively predict various biological and cognitive variables from fMRI scans and even explain these predictions. We plan to release a large-scale pretrained SwiFT model in the near future, which we hope will assist many researchers using deep learning for fMRI analysis. You can find the research paper at SwiFT. Feel free to ask the authors any questions regarding this project.
- First authors
- Peter Yongho Kim:
- Junbeom Kwon:
- Corresponding authors
- Professor Taesup Moon:
- Professor Jiook Cha:
Effective usage of this repository requires learning a couple of technologies: PyTorch, PyTorch Lightning. Knowledge of some experiment logging frameworks like Weights&Biases, Neptune is also recommended.
For someone unfamiliar with these packages, we included an example in the tutorial_vit/
directory. Briefly, this code trains a ViT model on CIFAR10 with PyTorch lightning modules and logs it into Tensorboard
. The core classes are as follows.
: A class that encapsulates all the steps needed to process data.LitClassifier
: A class that encapsulates the following things: model, train & valid & test steps, and
: A class that contains all of the other processes to operate theLitClassifier
. You can easily run the following code to train a ViT model directly.
bash scripts/
This repository implements the Swin 4D fMRI transformer (SwiFT).
- Our code offers the following things.
- Trainer based on PyTorch Lightning for running SwiFT.
architecture and its variants- Data preprocessing/loading pipelines for 4D fMRI datasets.
- Self-supervised learning strategies
We highly recommend you to use our conda environment.
# clone project
git clone
# install project
cd SwiFT
conda env create -f envs/py39.yaml
conda activate py39
Our directory structure looks like this:
├── notebooks <- Useful Jupyter notebook examples are given (TBU)
├── output <- Experiment log and checkpoints will be saved here once you train a model
├── envs <- Conda environment
├── pretrained_models <- Pretrained model checkpoints
│ ├── contrastive_pretrained.ckpt <- Contrastively pretrained model on all three datasets
│ ├── hcp_sex_classification.ckpt <- Model trained for the sex classification task on HCP dataset
│ ├── split_hcp.txt <- Data split for the trained HCP model
├── project
│ ├── module <- Every module is given in this directory
│ │ ├── models <- Models (Swin fMRI Transformer)
│ │ ├── utils
│ │ │ ├── <- Dataloader & codes for matching fMRI scans and target variables
│ │ │ └── data_preprocessing_and_load
│ │ │ ├── <- Dataset Class for each dataset
│ │ │ └── <- Preprocessing codes for step 6
│ │ └── <- LightningModule
│ └── <- Main code that trains and tests the 4DSwinTransformer model
├── test
│ ├── <- Code for debugging SwinTransformer
│ └── <- Code for debugging 4DSwinTransformer
├── sample_scripts <- Example shell scripts for training
├── .gitignore <- List of files/folders ignored by git
├── <- setup file for running torch DistributedDataParallel (DDP)
- Single forward & backward pass for debugging SwinTransformer4D model.
cd SwiFT/
python test/
- Tutorials with Colab
We have created a Colab-based tutorial that covers reading fMRI data, pre-processing the data for SwiFT, and training and inferring with SwiFT. The data used in the tutorial assumes a similar format to HCP, and with this code, you can easily apply SwiFT to your own data. The SwiFT code for the tutorial on Google Drive may differ slightly from the main GitHub repo.
Please email Junbeom Kwon ( with any questions regarding this tutorial.
You can check the arguments list by using -h
python project/ --data_module dummy --classifier_module default -h
usage: [-h] [--seed SEED] [--dataset_name {S1200,ABCD,UKB,Dummy}]
[--downstream_task DOWNSTREAM_TASK]
[--downstream_task_type DOWNSTREAM_TASK_TYPE]
[--classifier_module CLASSIFIER_MODULE]
[--loggername LOGGERNAME] [--project_name PROJECT_NAME]
[--resume_ckpt_path RESUME_CKPT_PATH]
[--load_model_path LOAD_MODEL_PATH] [--test_only]
[--test_ckpt_path TEST_CKPT_PATH] [--freeze_feature_extractor]
[--grad_clip] [--optimizer OPTIMIZER] [--use_scheduler]
[--weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY] [--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE]
[--momentum MOMENTUM] [--gamma GAMMA] [--cycle CYCLE]
[--milestones MILESTONES [MILESTONES ...]] [--adjust_thresh]
[--use_contrastive] [--contrastive_type CONTRASTIVE_TYPE]
[--pretraining] [--augment_during_training]
[--augment_only_affine] [--augment_only_intensity]
[--temperature TEMPERATURE] [--model MODEL]
[--in_chans IN_CHANS] [--embed_dim EMBED_DIM]
[--window_size WINDOW_SIZE [WINDOW_SIZE ...]]
[--first_window_size FIRST_WINDOW_SIZE [FIRST_WINDOW_SIZE ...]]
[--patch_size PATCH_SIZE [PATCH_SIZE ...]]
[--depths DEPTHS [DEPTHS ...]]
[--num_heads NUM_HEADS [NUM_HEADS ...]]
[--c_multiplier C_MULTIPLIER]
[--last_layer_full_MSA LAST_LAYER_FULL_MSA]
[--clf_head_version CLF_HEAD_VERSION]
[--attn_drop_rate ATTN_DROP_RATE] [--scalability_check]
[--process_code PROCESS_CODE]
[--dataset_split_num DATASET_SPLIT_NUM]
[--label_scaling_method {minmax,standardization}]
[--image_path IMAGE_PATH] [--bad_subj_path BAD_SUBJ_PATH]
[--input_type {rest,task}] [--train_split TRAIN_SPLIT]
[--val_split VAL_SPLIT] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
[--eval_batch_size EVAL_BATCH_SIZE]
[--img_size IMG_SIZE [IMG_SIZE ...]]
[--sequence_length SEQUENCE_LENGTH]
[--stride_between_seq STRIDE_BETWEEN_SEQ]
[--stride_within_seq STRIDE_WITHIN_SEQ]
[--num_workers NUM_WORKERS] [--with_voxel_norm WITH_VOXEL_NORM]
[--limit_training_samples LIMIT_TRAINING_SAMPLES]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--seed SEED random seeds. recommend aligning this argument with
data split number to control randomness (default:
--dataset_name {S1200,ABCD,UKB,Dummy}
--downstream_task DOWNSTREAM_TASK
downstream task (default: sex)
--downstream_task_type DOWNSTREAM_TASK_TYPE
select either classification or regression according
to your downstream task (default: default)
--classifier_module CLASSIFIER_MODULE
A name of lightning classifier module (outdated
argument) (default: default)
--loggername LOGGERNAME
A name of logger (default: default)
--project_name PROJECT_NAME
A name of project (Neptune) (default: default)
--resume_ckpt_path RESUME_CKPT_PATH
A path to previous checkpoint. Use when you want to
continue the training from the previous checkpoints
(default: None)
--load_model_path LOAD_MODEL_PATH
A path to the pre-trained model weight file (.pth)
(default: None)
--test_only specify when you want to test the checkpoints (model
weights) (default: False)
--test_ckpt_path TEST_CKPT_PATH
A path to the previous checkpoint that intends to
evaluate (--test_only should be True) (default: None)
Whether to freeze the feature extractor (for
evaluating the pre-trained weight) (default: False)
Default classifier:
--grad_clip whether to use gradient clipping (default: False)
--optimizer OPTIMIZER
which optimizer to use [AdamW, SGD] (default: AdamW)
--use_scheduler whether to use scheduler (default: False)
--weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY
weight decay for optimizer (default: 0.01)
--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
learning rate for optimizer (default: 0.001)
--momentum MOMENTUM momentum for SGD (default: 0)
--gamma GAMMA decay for exponential LR scheduler (default: 1.0)
--cycle CYCLE cycle size for CosineAnnealingWarmUpRestarts (default:
--milestones MILESTONES [MILESTONES ...]
lr scheduler (default: [100, 150])
--adjust_thresh whether to adjust threshold for valid/test (default:
--use_contrastive whether to use contrastive learning (specify
--contrastive_type argument as well) (default: False)
--contrastive_type CONTRASTIVE_TYPE
combination of contrastive losses to use [1: Use the
Instance contrastive loss function, 2: Use the local-
local temporal contrastive loss function, 3: Use the
sum of both loss functions] (default: 0)
--pretraining whether to use pretraining (default: False)
whether to augment input images during training
(default: False)
whether to only apply affine augmentation (default:
whether to only apply intensity augmentation (default:
--temperature TEMPERATURE
temperature for NTXentLoss (default: 0.1)
--model MODEL which model to be used (default: none)
--in_chans IN_CHANS Channel size of input image (default: 1)
--embed_dim EMBED_DIM
embedding size (recommend to use 24, 36, 48) (default:
--window_size WINDOW_SIZE [WINDOW_SIZE ...]
window size from the second layers (default: [4, 4, 4,
--first_window_size FIRST_WINDOW_SIZE [FIRST_WINDOW_SIZE ...]
first window size (default: [2, 2, 2, 2])
--patch_size PATCH_SIZE [PATCH_SIZE ...]
patch size (default: [6, 6, 6, 1])
--depths DEPTHS [DEPTHS ...]
depth of layers in each stage (default: [2, 2, 6, 2])
--num_heads NUM_HEADS [NUM_HEADS ...]
The number of heads for each attention layer (default:
[3, 6, 12, 24])
--c_multiplier C_MULTIPLIER
channel multiplier for Swin Transformer architecture
(default: 2)
--last_layer_full_MSA LAST_LAYER_FULL_MSA
whether to use full-scale multi-head self-attention at
the last layers (default: False)
--clf_head_version CLF_HEAD_VERSION
clf head version, v2 has a hidden layer (default: v1)
--attn_drop_rate ATTN_DROP_RATE
dropout rate of attention layers (default: 0)
--scalability_check whether to check scalability (default: False)
--process_code PROCESS_CODE
Slurm code/PBS code. Use this argument if you want to
save process codes to your log (default: None)
DataModule arguments:
--dataset_split_num DATASET_SPLIT_NUM
--label_scaling_method {minmax,standardization}
label normalization strategy for a regression task
(mean and std are automatically calculated using train
set) (default: standardization)
--image_path IMAGE_PATH
path to image datasets preprocessed for SwiFT
(default: None)
--bad_subj_path BAD_SUBJ_PATH
path to txt file that contains subjects with bad fMRI
quality (default: None)
--input_type {rest,task}
refer to (default: rest)
--train_split TRAIN_SPLIT
--val_split VAL_SPLIT
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
--eval_batch_size EVAL_BATCH_SIZE
--img_size IMG_SIZE [IMG_SIZE ...]
image size (adjust the fourth dimension according to
your --sequence_length argument) (default: [96, 96,
96, 20])
--sequence_length SEQUENCE_LENGTH
--stride_between_seq STRIDE_BETWEEN_SEQ
skip some fMRI volumes between fMRI sub-sequences
(default: 1)
--stride_within_seq STRIDE_WITHIN_SEQ
skip some fMRI volumes within fMRI sub-sequences
(default: 1)
--num_workers NUM_WORKERS
--with_voxel_norm WITH_VOXEL_NORM
--limit_training_samples LIMIT_TRAINING_SAMPLES
use if you want to limit training samples (default:None)
4.2 Hidden Arguments for PyTorch lightning
pytorch_lightning offers useful arguments for training. For example, we used --max_epochs
and --default_root_dir
in our experiments. We recommend the user refer to the following link to check the argument lists.
- Training SwiFT in an interactive way
# interactive
cd SwiFT/
bash sample_scripts/
This bash script was tested on the server cluster (Linux) with 8 RTX 3090 GPUs. You should correct the following lines.
cd {path to your 'SwiFT' directory}
source /usr/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/ (init conda) # might change if you have your own conda.
conda activate {conda env name}
MAIN_ARGS='--loggername neptune --classifier_module v6 --dataset_name {dataset_name} --image_path {path to the image data}' # This script assumes that you have preprocessed HCP dataset. You may run the codes anyway with "--dataset_name Dummy"
DEFAULT_ARGS='--project_name {neptune project name}'
export NEPTUNE_API_TOKEN="{Neptune API token allocated to each user}"
export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES={usable GPU number}
- Training SwiFT with Slurm (if you run the codes at Slurm-based clusters) Please refer to the tutorial for Slurm commands.
cd SwiFT/
sbatch sample_scripts/sample_script.slurm
To perform self-supervised pre-training, add the following arguments to the base script (you can change the contrastive type):
--pretraining --use_contrastive --contrastive_type 1
We offer two options for loggers.
- Tensorboard (
- Log & model checkpoints are saved in
- Logging test code with Tensorboard is not available.
- Log & model checkpoints are saved in
- Neptune AI (
- Generate a new workspace and project on the Neptune website.
- Academic workspace offers 200GB of storage and collaboration for free.
- export NEPTUNE_API_TOKEN="YOUR API TOKEN" in your script.
- specify the "--project_name" argument with your Neptune project name. ex) "--project_name user-id/project"
- Generate a new workspace and project on the Neptune website.
These preprocessing codes are implemented based on the initial repository by GonyRosenman TFF
To make your own dataset, you should execute either of the minimal preprocessing steps:
- fMRIprep Preprocessing with fMRIprep
- FSL UKB Preprocessing pipeline
- We ensure that each brain is registered to the MNI space, and the whole brain mask is applied to remove non-brain regions.
- We are investigating how additional preprocessing steps to remove confounding factors such as head movement impact performance.
After the minimal preprocessing steps, you should perform additional preprocessing to use SwiFT. (You can find the preprocessing code at 'project/module/utils/data_preprocessing_and_load/')
- normalization: voxel normalization(not used) and whole-brain z-normalization (mainly used)
- change fMRI volumes to floating point 16 to save storage and decrease IO bottleneck.
- each fMRI volume is saved separately as torch checkpoints to facilitate window-based training.
- remove non-brain(background) voxels that are over 96 voxels.
- you should open your fMRI scans to determine the level that does not cut out the brain regions
- you can use
to visualize your fMRI data. (official documentation: here)
from nilearn import plotting from nilearn.image import mean_img plotting.view_img(mean_img(fmri_filename), threshold=None)
- if your dimension is under 96, you can pad non-brain voxels at '' files.
- refer to the annotation in the '' code to adjust it for your own datasets.
The resulting data structure is as follows:
├── {Dataset name}_MNI_to_TRs
├── img <- Every normalized volume is located in this directory
│ ├── sub-01 <- subject name
│ │ ├── <- Each torch pt file contains one volume in a fMRI sequence (total number of pt files = length of fMRI sequence)
│ │ ├──
│ │ │ :
│ │ └── frame_{T}.pt <- the last volume in an fMRI sequence (length T)
│ └── sub-02
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├── :
└── metadata
└── metafile.csv <- file containing target variable
- The data loading pipeline works by processing image and metadata at 'project/module/utils/' and passing the paired image-label tuples to the Dataset classes at 'project/module/utils/data_preprocessing_and_load/'
- you should implement codes for combining image path, subject_name, and target variables at 'project/module/utils/'
- you should define Dataset Class for your dataset at 'project/module/utils/data_preprocessing_and_load/' In the Dataset class (getitem), you should specify how many background voxels you would add or remove to make the volumes shaped 96 * 96 * 96.
We provide some pretrained model checkpoints under the pretrained_models directory.
- contrastive_pretrained.ckpt contains a contrastively pre-trained model using all three datasets: HCP, ABCD, and UKB.
- hcp_sex_classification.ckpt contains the model trained from scratch for the sex classification task on the HCP dataset.
- split_hcp.txt contains the train, validation, test split used for training the hcp_sex_classification.ckpt model.
- To fine-tune the provided models for another task, use the load_model_path argument on
Please contact the authors if you have any additional requests for the pretrained model checkpoints.
We allow some functionalities that can check the scalability of SwiFT.
- For using Dummy Dataset, you should specify '--dataset_name' argument as 'Dummy'
- For checking the effect of the training sample, you can limit the number of subjects for model training by specifying the number for the '--limit_training_samples' argument.
- For checking the throughput following the number of GPUs/nodes, you should add the '--scalability_check' argument to your script.
title={Swift: Swin 4d fmri transformer},
author={Kim, Peter and Kwon, Junbeom and Joo, Sunghwan and Bae, Sangyoon and Lee, Donggyu and Jung, Yoonho and Yoo, Shinjae and Cha, Jiook and Moon, Taesup},
journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},