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Kafka C[r]onsumer Go Reference Go Report Card


Kafka Cronsumer is mainly used for retry/exception strategy management. It works based on cron expression and consumes messages in a timely manner with the power of auto pause and concurrency.

For details check our blog post

If you need a whole consumer lifecycle with exception management, check Kafka Konsumer

How Kafka Cronsumer Works

How Kafka Cronsumer Works

When to use it?

  • Iteration-based back-off strategies are applicable
  • Messages could be processed in an eventually consistent state
  • Max retry exceeded messages could be ignored and send to dead letter topic
  • To increase consumer resiliency
  • To increase consumer performance with concurrency

When to avoid?

  • Messages should be processed in order
  • Messages should be certainly processed (we discard messages if max retry is exceeded)
  • Messages should be committed (we use auto-commit interval for increasing performance)
  • Messages with TTL (Time to Live)



go get


You can find a number of ready-to-run examples at this directory.

After running docker-compose up command, you can run any application you want. Don't forget its cron based :)

Single Consumer

func main() {
  // ...
  var consumeFn kafka.ConsumeFn = func (message kafka.Message) error {
    fmt.Printf("consumer > Message received: %s\n", string(message.Value))
    return nil

  c := cronsumer.New(kafkaConfig, consumeFn)

Single Consumer With Dead Letter

func main() {
  // ...
  var consumeFn kafka.ConsumeFn = func (message kafka.Message) error {
    fmt.Printf("consumer > Message received: %s\n", string(message.Value))
    return errors.New("error occurred")

  c := cronsumer.New(kafkaConfig, consumeFn)

Multiple Consumers

func main() {
  // ...
  var firstConsumerFn kafka.ConsumeFn = func (message kafka.Message) error {
    fmt.Printf("First consumer > Message received: %s\n", string(message.Value))
    return nil
  first := cronsumer.New(firstCfg, firstConsumerFn)

  var secondConsumerFn kafka.ConsumeFn = func (message kafka.Message) error {
    fmt.Printf("Second consumer > Message received: %s\n", string(message.Value))
    return nil
  second := cronsumer.New(secondCfg, secondConsumerFn)
  // ...    

Single Consumer With Metric collector

func main() {
  // ...
  var consumeFn kafka.ConsumeFn = func(message kafka.Message) error {
    return errors.New("err occurred")
  c := cronsumer.New(config, consumeFn)
  StartAPI(*config, c.GetMetricCollectors()...)
  // ...    

func StartAPI(cfg kafka.Config, metricCollectors ...prometheus.Collector) {
  // ...
  f := fiber.New(
  metricMiddleware, err := NewMetricMiddleware(cfg, f, metricCollectors...)
  // ...


config description default example
logLevel Describes log level, valid options are debug, info, warn, and error info
metricPrefix MetricPrefix is used for prometheus fq name prefix. If not provided, default metric prefix value is kafka_cronsumer. Currently, there are two exposed prometheus metrics. retried_messages_total_current and discarded_messages_total_current. So, if default metric prefix used, metrics names are kafka_cronsumer_retried_messages_total_current and kafka_cronsumer_discarded_messages_total_current kafka_cronsumer
consumer.clientId see doc
consumer.cron Cron expression when exception consumer starts to work at */1 * * * *
consumer.backOffStrategy Define consumer backoff strategy for retry topics fixed exponential, linear
consumer.duration Work duration exception consumer actively consuming messages NonStopWork (zero duration) 20s, 15m, 1h, NonStopWork (zero duration)
consumer.brokers broker address
consumer.topic Exception topic names exception-topic
consumer.groupId Exception consumer group id exception-consumer-group
consumer.maxRetry Maximum retry value for attempting to retry a message 3
consumer.concurrency Number of goroutines used at listeners 1
consumer.verifyTopicOnStartup it checks existence of the given retry topic on the kafka cluster. false
consumer.minBytes see doc 1
consumer.maxBytes see doc 1 MB
consumer.maxWait see doc 10s
consumer.commitInterval see doc 1s
consumer.heartbeatInterval see doc 3s
consumer.sessionTimeout see doc 30s
consumer.rebalanceTimeout see doc 30s
consumer.startOffset see doc earliest
consumer.retentionTime see doc 24h
consumer.skipMessageByHeaderFn Function to filter messages based on headers, return true if you want to skip the message nil
producer.clientId see doc
producer.brokers Broker address if it is not given, uses consumer.Brokers addr consumer.Brokers addr
producer.batchSize see doc 100
producer.batchTimeout see doc 1s
producer.balancer see doc leastBytes
sasl.enabled It enables sasl authentication mechanism false
sasl.authType Currently we only support SCRAM ""
sasl.username SCRAM username ""
sasl.password SCRAM password ""
sasl.rootCAPath see doc ""
sasl.intermediateCAPath ""
sasl.rack see doc ""

Exposed Metrics

Metric Name Description Value Type
kafka_cronsumer_retried_messages_total Total number of retried messages. Counter
kafka_cronsumer_discarded_messages_total Total number of discarded messages. Counter


Use issues for everything

  • For a small change, just send a PR.
  • For bigger changes open an issue for discussion before sending a PR.
  • PR should have:
    • Test case
    • Documentation
    • Example (If it makes sense)
  • You can also contribute by:
    • Reporting issues
    • Suggesting new features or enhancements
    • Improve/fix documentation

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