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Pulse Player Developer Guide

This document describes how to integrate Pulse Player into a page, how to configure and control it

Updated: Dec 5, 2024 Document version: 2.6


In order to integrate player into your page, place the player iframe tag into your HTML page.

Player tag looks like:

<script src="<UNIT_ID>/?playlist=<PLAYLIST_URL>"></script>
<div class="trinity-pulse-pb" style="font:10px/18px Verdana,Arial;display:flex;justify-content:flex-end;margin-right:5px">
  <strong style="font-weight:400;margin: 0 3px 0 0">Powered by</strong>
  <a href="" style="color:#4b4a4a;text-decoration:none;font-weight:700"></a>

In case of putting Pulse on article page, just remove playlist, and we'll render article based on your page's metadata.

<script src="<UNIT_ID>/"></script>
<div class="trinity-pulse-pb" style="font:10px/18px Verdana,Arial;display:flex;justify-content:flex-end;margin-right:5px">
    <strong style="font-weight:400;margin: 0 3px 0 0">Powered by</strong>
    <a href="" style="color:#4b4a4a;text-decoration:none;font-weight:700"></a>


Place the player tag wherever you'd like it to render, e.g.

<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Trinity Page Example</title>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1" />
<div class="content">Hello!</div>
<script src="<UNIT_ID>/?playlist=<PLAYLIST_URL>"></script>
<div class="trinity-pulse-pb" style="font:10px/18px Verdana,Arial;display:flex;justify-content:flex-end;margin-right:5px">
    <strong style="font-weight:400;margin: 0 3px 0 0">Powered by</strong>
    <a href="" style="color:#4b4a4a;text-decoration:none;font-weight:700"></a>

Tag Parameters

Pulse Player accept various query parameters, so you can change its configuration on a fly without need to change those settings in your campaign for all players.

Name Description Rewriting unit settings? Values
playlist Required. RSS Playlist URL
themeId Set theme ID +
mobile Set force mobile mode + 1/0
browseMode Set browse mode + play, browse
language i18n + en, it, uk, etc
expandedURL custom link for expand icon in top right. By default - it's playlist share URL based on playlist hash -
expandedURLTarget Where to open expanded link. By default it's open in a new tab (_blank). But can be open on the same page (_parent) - _blank (default, new tab), _parent (same page where Pulse player is)


The Trinity Player provides a simple API for reading its status and controlling it. It's exposed via the global variable window.TRINITY_PULSE. Each method has getSignature() method that returns its signature.

Property Type Description
api Object API methods
api.pause(playerId) Function Pause a specific player Function Play a specific player. Please note, it will work only if the user has already clicked play at least once during this session on the page. Otherwise, the browser will throw an error.
api.pauseAll() Function Pause all players
api.getFirstPlayer() Function Returns the first player's id, e.g. 945a52a1149c91eee4b167958b51e406
api.createPlayer(playerId) Function (Re)create the player for a certain playerId. Please note that the playerId should exist in the TRINITY_PULSE.players object. playerId is optional
api.removePlayer(playerId) Function Remove a player specified by playerId. The playerId parameter is optional
api.nextTrack(playerId) Function Play/go to next track
api.previousTrack(playerId) Function Play/go to previous track
api.setTrack(guid, playerId) Function Play/go to specific audio track by GUID
api.setVolume(volume, playerId) Function Set audio volume for player
api.getVolume(playerId) Function Get audio volume for player
api.setCurrentTime(time, playerId) Function Set current audio position in seconds
api.getCurrentTime(playerId) Function Get current audio position in seconds
players Object Players configuration
players[playerId] Object Configuration of a player under a certain Id
isLoaded Boolean indicates if the Trinity initial script has been loaded


NOTE: In case abtest is enabled every event will contain abtest name in the message body

Event name (action) Description
injectorImp when injector script is loaded, and TRINITY_PULSE is ready
TRINITY_PULSE.message.playerReady Player is ready for use
TRINITY_PULSE.message.playClicked Play is clicked
TRINITY_PULSE.message.pauseClicked Pause is clicked
TRINITY_PULSE.message.resumed Player resumed
TRINITY_PULSE.message.contentStarted Audio content started
TRINITY_PULSE.message.onFirstQuartile Audio content is 25% complete
TRINITY_PULSE.message.onMidPoint Audio content is 50% complete
TRINITY_PULSE.message.onThirdQuartile Audio content is 75% complete
TRINITY_PULSE.message.onComplete Audio content is completed
TRINITY_PULSE.message.adOpp Ad being requested
TRINITY_PULSE.message.onAdStarted Ad is started
TRINITY_PULSE.message.onAdComplete Ad is completed
TRINITY_PULSE.message.touchStart Touch started (mobile only)
TRINITY_PULSE.message.touchEnd Touch ended (mobile only)
TRINITY_PULSE.message.scrubbing Audio scrubbed
TRINITY_PULSE.message.updateMediaMetadata When MediaMetadata has been updated with cover image, title, author, etc
TRINITY_PULSE.message.mediaSessionAction When a media control action, such as play, pause, next, previous, seek is performed using external interfaces like the Control Center or other media session handlers
TRINITY_PULSE.message.browseModeToggleView When player toggle from one view mode to another. Used only when toggleMode is used
TRINITY_PULSE.message.browseModeToggleViewTransitionEnd When toggleMode is used and animation is enabled, fires when animation is finished
TRINITY_PULSE.message.playedAllTracks When all tracks were played

Encode parameters
