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Manta Rebalancer Manager

The Manta object rebalancer manager is a major subsystem within the rebalancer project that oversees and orchestrates operations referred to as jobs which currently evacuate objects from storage nodes in a Manta deployment. A job is comprised of one or more assignments which are then delegated to agents for processing. Each assignment consists of one or more objects to download. The manager is responsible for ensuring that each assignment runs to completion as well as reporting detailed information about any failures that occur during the execution of a job, whether that be propagating failure information from an agent or reporting errors that occur during other stages of the job (e.g. assignment creation, metadata tier book keeping at the completion of an assignment, etc).

Rebalancer Manager Overview

The diagram below shows the key components that comprise the rebalancer manager during the execution of a job. A few important notes:

  • Each job can (and likely will) be comprised of multiple assignments. This is because when a shark is evacuated, its objects are redistributed throughout the region rather than just to a single destination.
  • Destinations for objects are decided based on free capacity and location (two copies of the same object should not reside in the same data center and definitely not on the same storage node).
  • Assignments are compiled by the per-shark threads from the objects passed to them by the assignment manager. They are eventually flushed out under one of two conditions: Either they have reached their maximum allowed size, or the sharkspotter has finished reporting all objects on the storage node to be evacuated.
  • The rebalancer manager only performs one job at a time.
                          |    Assignment Manager   |
        Manager asks      |                         |  Request a list
        shark spotter     | * Obtain latest list of |  of storage nodes
        for all objects   |   qualified storage     |  as potential
        on a given        |   nodes from storinfo.  |  evacuation
        storage node.     | * Select destination    |  destinations.    +------------------------+
        +-----------------+   storage node(s) from  +------------------>+        Storinfo        |
        |                 |   list based on space   |                   |                        |
+-------v-------+         |   and fault domain      | Storinfo responds | Maintains a cache of   |
| Shark Spotter |         |   requirements.         | with most recently| eligible storage nodes |
+-------+-------+         | * Direct objects to     | obtained list.    | which is periodically  |
        |                 |   sharks based on       +<------------------+ refreshed.             |
        +---------------->+   selection criteria.   |                   +------------------------+
        Shark spotter     +-----------+-------------+
        answers with a                |                                 +------------+
        list of objects               |                                 |            |
        to evacuate.                  |                                 | +----------+-+ +---------->
                                      |                                 | |            |
                                      +-------------------------------->+-+ +----------+-+ +---------->
                                                 Send object(s) to        | | Per shark  |
                                                 per-shark threads        +-+ assignment |   +---------->
                                                 for processing as          | thread     | Each thread
                                                 an assignment.             +------------+ contacts the
                                                                                           agent running
                                                                                           on their
                                                                                           shark to post
                                                                                           the newly created
+-------------------------+           +-------------------------+
|         Checker         |           | Metadata Update Broker  |       +------------+
|                         |           |                         |       |            |
| * Periodically queries  |           | * Receives completed    |       | +----------+-+ +---------->
|   agents for status on  |           |   completed assignments |       | |            |
|   assignment progress.  +---------->+   from checker.         +------>+-+ +----------+-+ +---------->
| * Notifies Metadata     |           | * Spawns worker threads |         | | Metadata   |
|   Update Broker of all  |           |   that contact metadata |         +-+ Update     |   +---------->
|   completed assignments |           |   tier to update object |           | Worker     | Each thread
|                         |           |   metadata.             |           +------------+ uses a moray
+-------------------------+           +-------------------------+                          client to update
                                                                             +             object metadata
                                                                             |  +          on whatever shard
                                                                             |  |  +       the object info
                                                                             |  |  |       resides.
                                                                             v  |  |
                                                                                v  |

                                                                        At the completion
                                                                        of the metadata update
                                                                        each worker updates
                                                                        locally stored records
                                                                        to reflect completion
                                                                        of the processing of
                                                                        each object.


To build the rebalancer-manager only:

cargo build --bin rebalancer-manager --features "postgres"

Note: When building the manager, it comes with two binary deliverables:

  1. rebalancer-manager: This is the actual rebalancer manager service.
  2. rebalancer-adm: Utility for interacting with the manager.
  3. For release bits, include the --release flag when building.


A command line utility has been created to make managing the rebalancer more convenient. Currently, it can get a single job, list the uuids of all known jobs as well as create new ones. As the functionality of the rebalancer expands, rebalancer-adm will too in order to meet the needs of the operator.


rebalancer-adm 0.1.0
Rebalancer client utility

    rebalancer-adm [SUBCOMMAND]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    help    Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    job     Job operations

Job Operations

Job operations

    rebalancer-adm job <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    create    Create a rebalancer job
    get       Get information on a specific job
    help      Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    list      List all known rebalancer jobs
    retry     retry a previously run and completed job

Get the status of a rebalancer job

rebalancer-adm job get --uuid <uuid>

List all known jobs

rebalancer-adm job list

All output is displayed in JSON format. The output below is the result of a job list request:

    "action": "Evacuate",
    "id": "9d5e4b18-cdec-440c-88fa-64f6c49ea814",
    "state": "Setup"
    "action": "Evacuate",
    "id": "bbd4088d-fec9-4875-9aa4-d1ca43a21c93",
    "state": "Setup"
    "action": "Evacuate",
    "id": "1090b9de-d03c-4082-8a61-8637193ff829",
    "state": "Setup"

Note: One current shortcoming of the tool is that it can not display results in tabular format, however, it is still possible to format the output to your liking via jq (a command line utility which processes JSON data):

[root@a422f03b-f17e-62fc-d3d5-eacc548e8a8a]#  rebalancer-adm job list | jq -r '.[] | "\(.action)\t\(.id)\t\(.state)"'
Evacuate        0c89c985-3e79-4011-b7e3-191c09b074af    Complete
Evacuate        5a2ddd94-c52c-491d-9ca8-8f80840712dc    Failed
Evacuate        e13e6181-ca7c-486c-8ece-3b129052a482    Setup
Evacuate        1e80ca29-816e-4dd1-a6c8-418e050e5c22    Failed
Evacuate        964e4031-8e90-4244-b4e6-826e98a6236f    Setup
Evacuate        9d25d63f-b659-4633-b692-8b4402e57c8e    Setup
Evacuate        611ce930-8f14-470d-b271-3044c6cf782a    Setup
Evacuate        c17370f4-33b3-4e5b-b3d7-04a0ec9bbd9a    Complete

Create a new job

To see a list of all currently supported jobs:

rebalancer-adm help job create

Create an evacuate job:

rebalancer-adm job create evacuate --shark=<storage server name> [--max_objects=<maximum number of objects]

Note MANTA-4462: Before an evacuate job is run, the target storage node must be manually set read-only. See Operators Guide for more details.

Retrying a job

The retry job functionality is intended to re-run all of objects that were marked skipped or error on a previously Completed run. Note retry does not re-scan the metadata tier, so if a run fails or otherwise does not complete properly, retry will not pick find objects that the previous job missed. retry reads the object metadata from the local database and feeds it back into the rebalancer.

When a retry job is started the same job type of the previous job being retried (e.g. evacuate) will be created. So a retry of an evacuate job will create a new evacuate job, and will be listed as such in rebalancer-adm job list.

The retry job's queue size is controlled by the REBALANCER_MD_READ_CHUNK_SIZE SAPI tunable.

Creating a retry job:

rebalancer-adm job retry <uuid of previous job>

Note that an object marked as error due to BadShardNumber will not be retried as that object could not be properly parsed and will be incomplete in the local database. retry jobs should not be created on evacuate jobs where duplicates were found. In order to properly rebalance objects with misplaced metadata (metadata duplicates), those duplicates need to be deleted and the job re-run. Once the duplicates count is 0, a retry job can be used to clean up any skipped or error objects.

Manager Configuration Parameters

The rebalancer manager requires certain service configuration parameters in etc/config.json. This file is populated by the config-agent using sapi_manifests/rebalancer/template as a template.

Job Options

These options can be updated by SAPI.

Option Description Default
REBALANCER_MAX_TASKS_PER_ASSIGNMENT Maximum number of tasks that will be added to a single assignment before it is sent to the agent for processing. 50
REBALANCER_MAX_METADATA_UPDATE_THREADS The maximum number of metadata update threads. For static this number of threads will be spun up at the beginning of a job and remain at that level for the duration of the job. For dynamic threads this is the maximum number that will run concurrently. 10
REBALANCER_MAX_METADATA_READ_THREADS The maximum number of threads used to read from from the metadata source. The sharkspotter library imposes a limit (in of 100. This does not apply to retry jobs which use a single thread to read from the local database. 10
REBALANCER_MAX_SHARKS The maximum number of destination sharks that will be considered for assignments. 5
REBALANCER_USE_STATIC_MD_UPDATE_THREADS Use static metadata update threads instead of dynamic metadata update threadpool. false
REBALANCER_STATIC_QUEUE_DEPTH The maximum size of the queue for post processing assignments (updating metadata) when static metadata updates are enabled with REBALANCER_USE_STATIC_MD_UPDATE_THREADS. 10
REBALANCER_MAX_ASSIGNMENT_AGE The maximum amount of time that an assignment for a given shark will wait to be filled up in seconds. The timer starts after the first task is added to the assignment. 600
REBALANCER_USE_BATCHED_UPDATES Update the metadata of objects in a batch instead of one by one. false
REBALANCER_MD_READ_CHUNK_SIZE The number of records returned from a metadata query. Currently rebalancer uses sharkspotter's direct DB feature for evacuate jobs. This feature asynchronously streams data from a clone of the metadata postgres database, so chunking is not used. This tunable is used for retry jobs which synchronously query the local database for metadata records and enqueues them into a queue of at most MD_READ_CHUNKSIZE records. 10,000

Service Parameters

Param Type Description
domain_name String The domain name of the manta deployment. From SAPI application metadata (DOMAIN_NAME).
shards Array The array of directory-api shards. From SAPI application metadata INDEX_MORAY_SHARDS.
listen_port u16 Optionally specify a port to listen on. Default 80.
log_level u16 Level of logging verbosity as a string (critical, error, warning, info, debug, or trace). Can be set with SAPI tunable REBALANCER_LOG_LEVEL`. Requires service restart.


Currently the rebalancer manager and rebalancer-adm rely on a postgres database for maintaining records of known jobs and their status. For this reason, it is necessary to install postgres prior to any development and/or testing of the rebalancer manager.

Install Postgres

Installing postgres is not necessary if you are deploying a rebalancer image as postgres will be setup as part of the image-build process. If you would like to run the rebalancer manager in a development zone with existing projects though, installing postgres will be necessary.

pkgin install postgresql10
  • Authentication configuration: Optionally add the following line to your /var/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD
local   all             postgres                                trust

or leave the default password of postgres in place.

  • Start Postgres
svcadm enable -s postgresql

Posting an evacuate job (POST /jobs)

Post a job (currently of action type "evacuate") to the manager. In future releases there will be other action types, however currently, the rebalancer project evacuates objects from a given storage node. The object supplied in the request has different parts. The section immediately following shows a JSON representation of the structure as well as a table which details its constituent parts.


    "action": "evacuate",
    "params": {
        "from_shark": "1.stor"
Param Type Description
action JobAction The action that this job will take.
params Object Parameters unique to each job action

Evacuate Job Parameters

Param Type Description
from_shark String The hostname of the shark to evacuate objects from.


Code Description
200 Action posted successfully + uuid of newly created job.
400 Bad request (mal-formed payload).
500 Internal server error.

List Jobs (GET /jobs)


Code Description
200 Successful request + list of all job uuid's
500 Internal server error: Error encoutered while obtaining job list.

Get Job (GET /jobs/uuid)

Given the path to a uuid, supply the job information (including status) associated with it.


Code Description
200 Successful request + job status (details below).
400 Bad request (invalid uuid).
500 Internal server error.

Job status

This is an aggregation of information across several structures maintained by the rebalancer manager:

Param Type Description
Total usize Total number of objects to process in the job.
Unprocessed usize Number of objects yet to be processed.
Skipped usize Number of object skipped.
Error usize Number of errors encountered while processing the job.
Post Processing usize Number of objects currently undergoing post-processing (i.e. metadata tier update)
Complete usize Number of objects which have been successfully processed completely.


Testing certain modules

  • To test only a certain module (including all of its sub-modules):
cargo test --features "postgres" <module name>
  • To test only the REST API server:
cargo test manager --features "postgres"


Database Schema

The rebalancer manager saves information about the state of all rebalance jobs in a local database.

jobs Table

Column Type Description
action TEXT(enum) JobAction
state TEXT(enum) JobState

evacuateobjects Table

Column Type Description
id TEXT UUID of object
assignment_id TEXT UUID of assignment
object JSONB JSON blob of object metadata
shard INTEGER shard number
dest_shark TEXT shark(mako) hostname
etag TEXT object etag for putting metadata back to moray
status TEXT(enum) EvacuateObjectStatus
skipped_reason TEXT(enum)(nullable) ObjectSkippedReason
error TEXT(enum)(nullable) EvacuateObjectError