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#️⃣ Solidity HashMap


Solidity famously lacks complex data-structures such as HashMaps, LinkedLists, etc. solidity-hashmap is a true HashMap implementation for Solidity.

This library is an attempt at implementing a true, efficient HashMap data-structure in Solidity which includes all the familiar API methods you'd expect a HashMap to support:

  • .get(key): Element
  • .set(key, value): void
  • .size(): uint
  • .keys(): Element[]
  • .values(): Element[]
  • .entries(): Entry[]
  • .contains(key): bool
  • .iterator(): HashMapIterator

The API includes multiple overloads for all value types and strings (shorter than 32 bytes). See the API section for more information.

This library has not been used in production. It has not been audited and might still contain serious bugs. Use at your own risk.

📖 Table of contents

📦 Installation

Depending on what toolchain you are using, you will require different installation methods.


If you are using Foundry, install using Forge:

$ forge install tudmotu/solidity-hashmap


If you are using Hardhat, install using NPM:

$ npm i -D solidity-hashmap

🤔 Why HashMap


The mapping() data structure in Solidity provides very gas-efficient writes at O(1), taking up 1 slot per key/value pair. This is highly efficient, but has a serious drawback: It is impossible to enumerate mappings and despite its name, it doesn't provide the same API as you'd expect of a Map object in other languages.

HashMap provides an enumerable yet write-efficient data structure.

Comparison to alternatives

Two alternatives exist for HashMap:

  1. Solidity's builtin mapping() data structure
  2. OpenZeppelin EnumerableMap implementation

HashMap finds a balance between write-efficiency, and developer experience. While mapping() is very efficient, it is not developer friendly and while EnumerableMap is more developer friendly, it is not efficient.

Prefer a HashMap over EnumerableMap if you:

  1. Write many keys
  2. Rarely delete keys
  3. Don't need to iterate over it onchain

Gas costs comparison

Test HashMap EnumerableMap Mapping
Write a single key 45,232 89,097 22,226
Write 10k keys to map 454,004,088 673,642,057 224,440,157
Write 100k keys to map 4,554,460,568 6,736,222,036 2,244,400,136
Find a key in a 10k map 1,252 524 249
Find a key in a single key map 1,126 389 117
Iterate over 10k keys 221,074,548 7,250,322 2,910,127
Remove 10k keys 64,816,013 20,970,127 4,390,127

We can see that compared to EnumerableMap, HashMap has a distinct trade-off: it is much cheaper to write, but considerably more expensive to iterate.


  • Keys cannot be empty when converted to bytes32:
    • string keys cannot be empty
    • int/uint keys cannot be 0
  • Only "value" types are supported: bytes32, uint, int, address, bool, and string (shorter than 32 bytes)
  • Literal variables (numbers, strings) must be explicitly converted to their "value" types in order for the compiler to identify the correct overloads
  • The .entries(), .values() and .keys() (and their variants) are very gas-intensive and should only be used in view functions called via RPC where gas is not an issue
  • memory HashMaps are not supported
  • A HashMap is almost O(1), but not quite. More keys means gas-efficiency might deteriorate but it will never reach O(n)


Import the library and use the HashMap type in your contract:

import 'solidity-hashmap/HashMap.sol';

contract Example {
    HashMap tokens;
    HashMap balances;

    function mint (address to, uint tokenId) external {
        require(tokens.get(tokenId).asAddress() == address(0));
        tokens.set(tokenId, to);
        balances.set(to, balances.get(to).asUint() + 1);

    function ownerOf (uint tokenId) external returns (address owner) {
        owner = tokens.get(tokenId).asAddress();

    function balanceOf (address owner) external returns (uint balance) {
        balance = balances.get(owner).asUint();

.set(key, value): void

To set key/value pairs, use the .set(key, value) function. Overloads are included for all combinations of the following types: bytes32, uint, int, bool, address and string memory (shorter than 32 bytes).

contract Example {
    HashMap hashmap;

    constructor () {
        hashmap.set(address(0x1ee7c0de), string("test"));
        hashmap.set(string("key"), true);
        hashmap.set(uint(256), -30);
        hashmap.set(keccak256(hex"00"), address(0));
        hashmap.set(-1, uint(420))

.get(key): Element

The .get() method returns a type called Element. This type represents the underlying value and has convenience methods for converting it into native types. The .get() method includes overloads for the same types as .set().

contract Example {
    HashMap hashmap;

    constructor () {

Element type

The Element type represents either a key or value in the HashMap. It is technically a wrapper around bytes32 but contains some special heuristics and therefore should not be unwrapped directly.

The Element type exposes typed convenience methods:

  • .asBytes32(): bytes32
  • .asBool(): bool
  • .asAddress(): address
  • .asUint(): uint
  • .asInt(): int
  • .asBytes(): bytes
  • .asString(): string


To enumerate a HashMap, you use an iterator. Iterators are created by calling .iterator() on a HashMap.

The HashMapIterator has the following API:

  • .hasNext(): bool
  • .next(): Entry

You can iterate over the HashMap as long as iterator.hasNext() returns true:

function findValueLargerThan10 (HashMap storage map) private returns (uint) {
    HashMapIterator memory iterator = map.iterator();

    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        Entry memory entry =;
        uint val = entry.value.asUint();
        if (val > 10) return val;

With an iterator, you don't need to enumerate the entire HashMap — which is very gas-consuming — in order to find a key or a value. It's still very gas intensive and should still be used in view functions only.

Entry memory type

The Entry type represents a key/value pair in the form of 2 Element attributes: .key and .value. These attributes can be converted into different native types using the Element convenience methods:

contract Example {
    HashMap hashmap;

    function example () public {
        HashMapIterator memory iterator = hashmap.iterator();

        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            Entry memory entry =;
            string memory key = entry.key.asString();
            uint value = entry.value.asUint();

            // You can also chain these methods
            // Note: every time you call `.next()` you receive the next entry
            uint aDifferentValue =;

.keys(), .values() & and variants

The methods .keys() and .values() return an Element[] array of the HashMap keys and values respectively.

In addition, HashMap has convenience methods that automatically convert the Element variables into specific types:

  • .keysAsBytes32(): bytes32[]
  • .keysAsAddress(): address[]
  • .keysAsBool(): bool[]
  • .keysAsUint(): uint[]
  • .keysAsInt(): int[]
  • .keysAsString(): string[]
  • .valuesAsBytes32(): bytes32[]
  • .valuesAsAddress(): address[]
  • .valuesAsBool(): bool[]
  • .valuesAsUint(): uint[]
  • .valuesAsInt(): int[]
  • .valuesAsString(): string[]

.entries(): Entry[]

Returns the list of all key/value pairs in the form of an Entry[] array.

.contains(key): bool

Returns true if the key exists. Supports all the usual overloaded versions.

.remove(key): void

Removes the key/value pair from the HashMap. Supports all the usual overloaded versions.

✨ How does HashMap work?

This implementation is not a perfect HashMap implementation. This implementation is EVM-specific and some implementation details either require workarounds, or can't be implemented without incurring high gas fees. Below is a description of the storage architecture.

The hash table

HashMap implementations are usually based on a "Hash Table". A Hash Table is a two-dimensional data structure, where each row has a "number" column and a LinkedList or array of values. The rows are numbered sequentially and the table has a specified "size" — meaning the amount of rows is limited.

Hash Table with 4 rows and different values

The number of rows in the Hash Table is arbitrary. In non-blockchain VMs, it can even change in run-time. This implementation does not support changing the table size in run-time due to the associated gas costs.

In this implementation, we refer to the number of each row as a "bucket".

Saving values

To save a key/value pair in the Hash Table, we do two things:

  1. We calculate the "bucket" of the key
  2. We append the key/value pair at the tip of the bucket's list

To calculate the bucket of a key, we run it through keccak256(), then modulo with the size of the Hash Table.

For example, if our Hash Table size is 256 and we want to save the key "badf00d", we get the bucket 156:

keccak256(hex"badf00d") % 256
= 0x42c90d12a7423fdf083e3173b5158bb60b194185a3d0ca6ea9e0035e01be749c % 256
= 156

We then append our key/value pair to that bucket:

Hash Table with rows numbered 1, 2, ..., 156

Finding values

To find a value associated with a key, we need to traverse the Hash Table:

  1. Find the bucket of the key
  2. Iterate over the LinkedList until we find the key
  3. Fetch the associated value

This means that .get() is not a perfect O(1), but it will also never reach O(n). This gives us a good balance between performance, memory consumption and developer experience.

Storage Layout

Up till now, the above explanations were not specific to an EVM implementation.

So how is this actually implemented in the EVM?

HashMap utilizes a custom "storage layout". If you are unfamiliar with this concept, check out the relevant Solidity docs.

Every contract deployed on Ethereum gets its own "storage space". This storage space is composed of "slots" — individual blocks of 32 bytes. Slots are numbered sequentially and have a range of [0..2256-1]:

Square arranged horizontally, numbered 1,2,3,...2^256-1

You can read and write from any slot using the sstore and sload EVM op codes:

function increment () private returns (uint count) {
    assembly {
        count := sload(0)
        sstore(0, add(count, 1))

To visualize the storage layout, let's say we have a Hash Map that uses 4 buckets:

A Hash Table with 4 rows and a single key/value pair in each row

Here we see that we have 4 rows and in 3 of these rows we have stored values:

  • Row #0 contains:
    • 0xbadf00d: "Hello World"
    • 0xbadc0de: "Hello; --World"
  • Row #1 is empty
  • Row #2 contains:
    • 0xc01df00d: "Cold World"
  • Row #3 contains:
    • 0xf00: "Bar"

The bucket for each value is not arbitrary. Remember, to determine the bucket of a key/value pair, we hash the key and modulo it by 4 (our Hash Table size).

Next step in visualizing this, is to break the storage slot space into rows, each row the length of our Hash Table size (in this case, 4):

EVM storage space, arranged as a table with 4 slots in each row

Now, imagine a pivoted Hash Table, where each column in the storage slot space is a "bucket", while the key/value pairs are stored on subsequent rows:

Depiction of our HashMap stored in the EVM storage slot space

This is the gist of the storage layout of a HashMap. This does not depict everything precisely, but it should help visualize the storage layout.

⌨️ Contributions

Contributions are welcome.

Please avoid opening unsolicited PRs without first discussing them in an issue.

If you encounter bugs, please report them in the repository.