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Releases: TylerTemp/SaintsField

3.3.6 Addressable Fix

30 Sep 15:06
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Fix broken addressable support due to last version's refactor.

Full Changelog: 3.3.5...3.3.6

3.3.5 Bug Fix

28 Sep 08:04
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  1. Fix inconsistent logic of ShowIf and HideIf(also PlayaShowIf, PlayaHideIf):

    1. As [ShowIf] will show the field, now [HideIf] will hide the field.
    2. The Or logic was not completely correct for HideIf, especially with EMode config and now is been fixed
  2. Now you can use [ShowIf(false)], [HideIf(true)] to directly show or hide the target field.

  3. UI Toolkit: fix array/list/struct foldout out of space when using Layout (IMGUI will come up later)


Screenshot 2024-09-28 155323


Screenshot 2024-09-28 155244

Full Changelog: 3.3.4...3.3.5

3.3.4 Bug Fix

27 Sep 02:35
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  1. Fix PlayaShowIf/PlayaHideIf could not be used more than once on the same target.
  2. IMGUI: Fix missing decorators. If you see duplicated decorators in your project, go: Window - Saints - Enable IMGUI duplicated decorator fix.
  3. IMGUI: Fix inconsistent height update for InfoBox and ResiziableTextArea in Unity 2022.3.46, #85.
  4. IMGUI: Fix PostFieldButton, AboveButton, BelowButton use shared error message when in a list/array.
  5. Change null value color for ShowInInspector.
  6. Fix ShowInInspector can not detect a dictionary when the target is IReadOnlyDictionary<,>

(P.S. I'm still working on a big feature so most updates these days will be about bug fixes instead of features)

Full Changelog: 3.3.3...3.3.4

3.3.3 Bug Fix & Improvement

12 Sep 11:19
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  1. UI Toolkit now can fall back to an IMGUI custom drawer if the target field is specified to be drawn by an IMGUI drawer (note: <icon> in RichLabel will not work and will get removed).
  2. Change the order of static/readonly field of ShowInInspector so it can stay at the position where it declared. Change the order of property to be above method.
  3. Fix compile error on old Unity version.
  4. ColorToggle supports Graphic (text, TMP_Text, Image etc). #83

Full Changelog: 3.3.2...3.3.3

3.3.2 Bug Fix

10 Sep 09:58
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  1. Fix Required not work on every element of list/array.
  2. Fix RichLabel etc. failed to find a correct fallback drawer like UnityEvent

P.S. I'm re-writing the GetComponent* related attributes to make it more useful as I'm heavily relied on them in my project. However, it's kinda a big feature. Before it's done most release will be about bug fix (and very small features) rather than features :)

Full Changelog: 3.3.1...3.3.2

3.3.1 Bug Fix for `Dropdown` & `AdvancedDropdown`

05 Sep 09:32
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Fix Dropdown & AdvancedDropdown not work on list/array.

Full Changelog: 3.3.0...3.3.1

3.3.0 Bug Fix, `[PlayaInfoBox]` for Array/List

31 Aug 17:41
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This upgrade CONTAINS BREAKING CHANGES, read before you upgrade.

  1. Breaking Changes: InfoBox now default at above. parameter above has been renamed to below. If you use [InfoBox(..., above: true)], you will need to remove the above, or change it to below
  2. Add BelowInfoBox to show at below.
  3. Fix Attribute-s finding error when there is an abstruct class in inherent, related to #79
  4. Add LayoutStart as an alias of LayoutGroup. LayoutGroup is now deprecated (not removed).
  5. Add PlayaInfoBox for any property/field/method with rich text supports, implements #71
  6. IMGUI: fix incorrect display for Separator when EAlign is End.
  7. $ prefix to set parameter as a callback/property
using SaintsField.Playa;

[PlayaInfoBox("Please Note: special label like <icon=star.png/> only works for <color=lime>UI Toolkit</color> <color=red>(not IMGUI)</color> in InfoBox.")]
[PlayaBelowInfoBox("$" + nameof(DynamicFromArray))]  // callback
public string[] strings = {};

private string DynamicFromArray(string[] value) => value.Length > 0? string.Join("\n", value): "null";

public string dynamic;

[Button("Click Me!")]
[PlayaBelowInfoBox("GroupExample", groupBy: "group")]
[PlayaBelowInfoBox("$" + nameof(dynamic), groupBy: "group")]
public void MethodWithButton()

[PlayaBelowInfoBox("$" + nameof(dynamic))]
public void Method()


Full Changelog: 3.2.6...3.3.0

3.2.6 Layout Improvement

20 Aug 13:59
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  1. Improved LayoutGroup which supports ./GroupName to add nested subgroup. #67
  2. IMGUI: better visual display for TitledBox, FoldoutBox and foldout tabs. #64

Full Changelog: 3.2.5...3.2.6

using SaintsField.Playa;

[LayoutGroup("Root", ELayout.FoldoutBox)]
public string root1;
public string root2;

[LayoutGroup("./Sub", ELayout.FoldoutBox)]  // equals "Root/Sub"
public string sub1;
public string sub2;

[LayoutGroup("../Another", ELayout.FoldoutBox)]  // equals "Root/Another"
public string another1;
public string another2;

[LayoutEnd(".")]  // equals "Root"
public string root3;  // this should still belong to "Root"
public string root4;

[LayoutEnd]  // this should close any existing group
public string outOfAll;

[Layout("Tabs", ELayout.Tab | ELayout.Collapse)]
public string tab1Item1;
public int tab1Item2;

public string tab2Item1;
public int tab2Item2;


3.2.5 Find Resources Bug Fix

09 Aug 08:58
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(By @Lx34r ) GetResourcePath etc. support some build-in object types like AudioClip, Motion. #69

Full Changelog: 3.2.4...3.2.5

P.S. I'm taking a short vacation, the pending Issues will get start after a week. Thanks for your support!

3.2.4 Bug Fix & Improvement

30 Jul 08:49
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  1. IMGUI: fix Expandable won't save the changed value.
  2. Fix Required won't work in parent of an inherited class.
  3. Fix FieldType won't work in array/list.
  4. Allow FieldType with compType=null to by-pass the issue that Unity won't show all the prefabs with expected component in the picker.

Full Changelog: 3.2.3...3.2.4