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Installation and Usage Guidelines

Follow these guidelines to set up ADaPT-ML on your machine and to see how you can add new classification tasks to the system. Each header links to the appropriate file created for the Example Use Case so you can see an example of these instructions implemented.

Step 1: Review System Requirements

Linux and MacOS Setup

  1. Download and Install Docker and Docker Compose:
  2. Ensure CrateDB will pass the bootstrap checks by following these instructions, as the host system must be configured correctly to use CrateDB with Docker.

Windows Setup

  1. Download and Install Docker Desktop (Docker Compose is included):
  2. Ensure CrateDB will pass the bootstrap checks by following these instructions, copied below:
    1. In your Windows %userprofile% directory (usually C:\Users\<username>), create or edit the file .wslconfig with the following:
    kernelCommandLine = "sysctl.vm.max_map_count=262144"
    1. Exit any WSL instance through Command Prompt, wsl --shutdown, and restart your computer.

It is recommended that at this point, you test ADaPT-ML by following these instructions. Additionally, if you came straight here without following the Example Use Case, please consider doing so now so that you can see the following steps implemented.

Make a copy of the .env file in the repository's root directory and call it Review the file, and edit the variables according to their descriptions.

Step 3: Changes to label-studio

Most of the setup for Label Studio is done through the UI that is launched at http://localhost:8080 by default, but there are a few things within this project directory to take note of, especially if you plan on using Label Studio's API.

This configures how each component of a datapoint will be displayed to the annotators. This file can be copied and pasted into the Label Studio Labeling Configuration UI, or set for a certain project using the API.

Until there is one configuration file for defining the classification task name and classes across all steps in the ADaPT-ML pipeline (see Contributing), you will need to update the CLASSIFICATION_TASKS variable with your new task name and corresponding classes.

Please note:

The Example Use Case demonstrates how to add a new classification task with only a text component for each datapoint. Therefore, it may be necessary to make changes to the task sampling, annotation processing, and/or annotator agreement modules if Label Studio's JSON import and export format is different according to the datapoint's number of components (e.g. both text and image), number of annotators, etc. See Contributing.

Step 4: Changes to data-programming

Setting up the data-programming project within ADaPT-ML to work with a new classification task requires adding new Python modules and editing some existing files.

Until there is one configuration file for defining the classification task name and classes across all steps in the ADaPT-ML pipeline (see Contributing), this is where you need to define the Class that will hold both the name of each class and the number representing that class, which the Labeling Functions will use to vote, and which will ultimately make up the Label Matrix. NOTE: if your task is specifically a binary task, then you need to use the suffix _pos for the positive class (and optionally _neg for the negative class) in order to have the correct binary classification metrics downstream.

Create a module within ./data-programming/label/lfs. This module that you can name after your new classification task is where you will write your Labeling Functions, and create a function called get_lfs that will produce an iterable containing all of the Labeling Functions you have defined.

Create a module within ./data-programming/label. This is the main module for your new task. You will need to import the Class you defined in Step 4(a) and the get_lfs function defined in Step 4(b). You will also need to create a name for the Label Model that will be specific to your new task, and a dictionary with the names of the columns holding the features extracted for use with the Labeling Functions you defined as keys and any functions necessary to properly transform or unpack the featurized data point as values. You will also need to specify the path within the Label Studio annotations directory to the DataFrame that holds the annotated development data. Here you can add additional arguments to the argument parser if your Labeling Functions need them, like thresholds.

This file is where you will specify the default hyperparameters for training the Label Model, additional parameters for your Labeling Functions, the type of classification your new task falls under (multiclass or multilabel), and the path to the main module you created in Step 4(c). If you perform hyperparameter tuning and find a configuration that works well for your task, then change the defaults here!

Step 5: Changes to modelling (including model deployment)

There is not much that you have to edit in this project directory unless you need a machine learning algorithm other than a multi-layer perceptron (MLP), but if you do add a new algorithm, please see Contributing! For now, all of the edits are to the FastAPI app.

Until there is one configuration file for defining the classification task name and classes across all steps in the ADaPT-ML pipeline (see Contributing), you will need to add a response model that validates the output from your prediction endpoint. You will also need to create and set environment variables in Step 2 for your new End Model and add functions to load them. You can add an element to the loaded_models_dict for your model, so you will know if it loaded successfully by visiting the root page. Finally, you will need to add an endpoint to get predictions for new datapoints from your model. This endpoint can return a JSON response in the format of your specified response model, or directly update the data in CrateDB with the predictions.

Step 6: Start ADaPT-ML

Once you have your new classification task ready to go by completing Steps 1-5, all you need to do is:

cd ADaPT-ML/
docker-compose --env-file --profile dev up -d
docker-compose ps

Once you see Docker Compose report this:

         Name                        Command                  State                                  Ports                            
crate-db                  / crat ...   Up   >4200/tcp,:::4200->4200/tcp, 4300/tcp, 5432/tcp
dp-mlflow                 /bin/bash                        Up                                                                         
dp-mlflow-db              / mysqld            Up (healthy)   3306/tcp, 33060/tcp, 33061/tcp                              
dp-mlflow-server          mlflow server --backend-st ...   Up   >5000/tcp,:::5000->5000/tcp                    
label-studio-dev          /bin/bash                        Up                                                                         
label-studio-web          ./deploy/docker-entrypoint ...   Up   >8080/tcp,:::8080->8080/tcp                    
modelling-mlflow          /bin/bash                        Up                                                                         
modelling-mlflow-db       / mysqld            Up (healthy)   3306/tcp, 33060/tcp, 33061/tcp                              
modelling-mlflow-deploy   /                        Up   >80/tcp,:::80->80/tcp                            
modelling-mlflow-server   mlflow server --backend-st ...   Up   >5000/tcp,:::5001->5000/tcp 

Then it's ready! Import your data into a table in CrateDB and refer to the Example Usage and this script for an example of how to manipulate the data so that it's ready for ADaPT-ML. How you load the data, featurize it, and sample from it to create your unlabeled training data is up to you -- ADaPT-ML does not perform these tasks. However, there may be an opportunity for certain sampling methods to become a part of the system; see Contributing.

Optional: Create a dev/test dataset using Label Studio

If you have two or more domain experts available to label some datapoints in order to create a gold dev/test dataset, then you can follow these steps to use Label Studio to accomplish this.

(a) Sample some data from CrateDB

Use this module to sample N random datapoints from a table in CrateDB, making sure to include the columns that contain the data that the domain exports will use during annotation.

docker exec label-studio-dev python ./ls/ --help
usage: [-h] [--filename FILENAME] table columns [columns ...] n {example}

Sample a number of data points from a table to annotate.

positional arguments:
  table                Table name that stores the data points.
  columns              column name(s) of the data point fields to use for annotation.
  n                    Number of data points to sample.
  {example}            What classification task is this sample for?

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --filename FILENAME  What would you like the task file to be called?

(b) Use Label Studio's UI or API to label the sampled datapoints

Please refer to these guides to create an account (UI or API), create a project (UI or API), load the tasks file created in Optional (a) (UI or API), label the tasks (UI or API), and export the resulting annotations (UI or API).

(c) Process the exported annotations

Once you have exported the annotations and moved the file to ${LS_ANNOTATIONS_PATH}, the annotations need to be processed using this module:

docker exec label-studio-dev python ./ls/ --help
usage: [-h] filename {example} gold_choice

Format exported annotations into DataFrames ready for downstream functions.

positional arguments:
  filename     Name of the exported annotations file.
  {example}    Which task is the annotations file for?
  gold_choice  How to settle disagreements between workers. id: Provide the id of the worker whose labels will be chosen every time. random: The least strict. Choose the label that the majority of workers agree on. If they are evenly split, choose a worker label randomly. majority: More strict. Choose the
               label that the majority of workers agree on. If they are evenly split, drop that datapoint. drop: The most strict. If workers disagree at all, drop that datapoint.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit

This will save three DataFrames in ${LS_ANNOTATIONS_PATH}/[CLASSIFICATON_TASK], where CLASSIFICATION_TASK is the name of your new classification task defined in Step 3(b):

  • ann_df.pkl contains all of the datapoints that were initially exported from Label Studio with a column for each annotator's label set.
  • task_df.pkl contains only the datapoints that were labeled by all annotators working on the project (e.g., if worker 1 labeled 50 datapoints and worker 2 labeled 45, then this DataFrame will contain 45 datapoints.)
  • gold_df.pkl contains the final gold label set that was compiled according to the method selected using the gold_choice argument.

(d) Calculate interannotator agreement

Before moving on with the gold labels in gold_df.pkl, this module should be used to determine the level of agreement between all of the annotators:

docker exec label-studio-dev ./ls/ --help
usage: [-h] {example}

Compute the inter-annotator agreement for completed annotations.

positional arguments:
  {example}   Task to calculate agreement for.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

This will log and print a report using Krippendorff's alpha.

Step 7: Run a data programming experiment

Once you have determined how you will sample some of your data for training an End Model, you need to save it as a pickled Pandas DataFrame with columns id and table_name, and optionally other columns if you need them. table_name needs to have the name of the table in CrateDB where the datapoint is stored. Once this DataFrame is in the directory $DP_DATA_PATH/unlabeled_data, you can run this command to label your data:

docker exec dp-mlflow sh -c ". ~/.bashrc && wait-for-it dp-mlflow-db:3306 -s -- mlflow run --no-conda -e [ENTRYPOINT] --experiment-name [EXP_NAME] -P train_data=/unlabeled_data/[DATA] -P dev_data=[0,1] -P task=[TASK] ."

where ENTRYPOINT is the name of the entrypoint you specified in Step 4(d), EXP_NAME is a name for the experiment of your choosing, DATA is the name of the pickled Pandas DataFrame holding your unlabeled data, [0, 1] is the flag to set indicating that you have done Optional (c) to create the ${LS_ANNOTATIONS_PATH}/[CLASSIFICATION_TASK]/gold_df.pklfor your classification task (1), or that you do not have a gold dataset available from Label Studio (0), and TASK is the type of classification that is appropriate for your new task (multiclass or multilabel). You can then check http://localhost:5000 to access the MLflow UI and see the experiment log, Labeling Function evaluation, artifacts, metrics, and more. Your labeled data will be stored in the directory ${DP_DATA_PATH}/mlruns/EXP_ID/RUN_ID/artifacts/training_data.pkl where EXP_ID is the id corresponding to EXP_NAME, and RUN_ID is a unique id created by MLflow for the run.

Step 8: Run a modelling experiment

Once you have run some experiments and are happy with the resulting labeled data, take note of the EXP_ID and RUN_ID from Step 7 within the filepath to the training_data.pkl and development_data.pkl (or, if you don't have a gold dataset from Label Studio, then instead of development_data.pkl you will use the DataFrame you split off of training_data.pkl and saved in the artifacts folder). Then you can run this command to train and evaluate an MLP model:

docker exec modelling-mlflow sh -c ". ~/.bashrc && wait-for-it modelling-mlflow-db:3306 -s -- mlflow run --no-conda -e mlp --experiment-name [EXP_NAME] -P train_data=/dp_mlruns/[EXP_ID]/[RUN_ID]/artifacts/training_data.pkl -P test_data=/dp_mlruns/[EXP_ID]/[RUN_ID]/artifacts/[TEST_DATA] -P features=FEATURE ."

where EXP_NAME is a name for the experiment of your choosing, EXP_ID and RUN_ID are from your evaluation from Step 7, TEST_DATA is either development_data.pkl or the name of the Pandas DataFrame holding your testing data split off of training_data.pkl, and FEATURE is a list of column names holding the feature vectors in CrateDB. You can then check http://localhost:5001 to access the MLflow UI and see the experiment log, artifacts, metrics, and more.

Step 9: Deploying your model

After you are satisfied with the performance of an End Model created in Step 8, take note of the EXP_ID and RUN_ID for the End Model, and update your End Model's environment variable to /mlruns/[EXP_ID]/[RUN_ID]/artifacts/mlp/python_model.pkl. Then, edit the environment section of the m_deploy service in docker-compose.yml so that it has your End Model's environment variable.

Now you can reload the deployment API by running these commands:

docker-compose stop
docker-compose --profile dev up -d

and visit http://localhost:80/docs to see the deployment API. You can use this API to get predictions on unseen datapoints, and take note of the curl command to get predictions. It should look something like this:

curl -X 'POST' \
  'http://localhost/[ENDPOINT]' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "table_name": [
  "id": [

where ENDPOINT is the one you created in Step 5(a), TABLE_NAME is a list of names of the table(s) containing the datapoints you need predictions for, and ID is the list of ids for the datapoints.

You now have predicted labels for your data and can perform any downstream analyses you need!

Additional Installation Notes:

Check this out if you are hosting CrateDB or another SQLAlchemy-based database on a remote server:

If you want to train the Label Model using CUDA tensors, then please refer to these resources:

Community Guidelines


Follow these guidelines to see where you can contribute to expand the system's functionality and adaptability. The following items are on ADaPT-ML's "wish list":

  • a configuration file that can be used by the label-studio, data-programming, and modelling projects to automatically create the classification task directory for label studio, a coding schema for annotators, the Enum object that stores values that the Labeling Functions use, the ModelResponse schema for deployment, and anything else where it is important to have consistency and maintainability in the classification task name and classes.
  • a main UI with links to all of the different UIs, buttons that can run commands to sample data and run end-to-end experiments by returning the EXP_ID and RUN_ID within mlruns for a successful and performant Label Model and End Model, forms for submitting new classification tasks, an interface that makes writing labeling functions easier, etc.
  • implement some algorithms that can take a representative sample of a table in CrateDB for training data creation.
  • implement classification algorithms in addition to the MLP.
  • determine the best method for updating the CrateDB tables with worker labels, gold labels, Label Model labels and probabilities, and End Model predictions and probabilities.
  • a separate project for creating a flexible feature store.

Please open an issue if you would like to propose an approach to adding these features.

Report Issues and Seek Support

If you find a problem with the software or if you need help with any of the steps in this document or the testing document, please open an issue and I will try to address your concerns.