2019.05.09 (0.9.16)
- add to install.md:
- info about use of LWP::Protocol::https (Thanks to Thiemontz, Marcel marcel.thiemontz@uni-due.de)
- reorganisation of booklist.ini
- new parameter [URL] protokoll
- moved html_web_path from [PATH] to [URL]
- when replacing | in URLs now also considered https-urls
- add example csv for books if only eBooks needed
- year changed for copyright in some places
- add to install.md:
2019.04.09 (0.9.15)
- Error Corrected
- remove not correct working KeineTrefferCache. Now more covers are found.
- remove some error messages
- no errormessage if fach is empty
- ToDo
- handling the error message in errorlog when sorting titles without a signature (or RVK Signature) in eboob.csv.
- Error Corrected
- Error Corrected
- insert again Perl-Modul: File::Basename and Cwd (Thanks to Thiemontz, Marcel marcel.thiemontz@uni-due.de)
- Check if isbn is ok, if not convert to empty isbn
- Better messages in log if error in record
- Error Corrected
2019.04.01 (0.9.14)
- if cover was not found on Open Library or Amazon further search on Google and Syndetics (Thanks to Thiemontz, Marcel)
- add Perl-Modul: JSON
- necessary for api for bookcover from Google
- Error
- set tag 0.9.13 to older version
- add Perl-Modul: File::Basename and Cwd
- necessary to check if the file /template/buecherregal_header.tmpl exists and produces better error message if it does not exist
- correct an error if html_web_path is only '/'
- add Perl-Modul: File::Basename and Cwd
- two new parameters in bookshelf-server/config/booklist.ini_tmpl to skip subtitle, they are in alma a part of title field
- HoleCSV_von_alma.pl gets now the last two missing parameter jahr and sprache
- Change one parameter in bookshelf-server/config/booklist.ini_tmpl ''[PATH] cvs='' now ''[PATH] csv=''
- new version 0.9.4 of Firefox Add-on, fixed a problem with "primo.bib.uni-mannheim.de" and "onlinelesen.ciando.com". A smaler overlay button will shown if the wrap in a iFrame not work.