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scadnano Python scripting tutorial

The goal of this tutorial is to create a design for a 24-helix DNA origami rectangle, with "twist correction". (See this paper for an explanation of twist correction in 2D DNA origami)

See the web interface tutorial to see how to create this design manually in the scadnano web interface.

Prerequisite knowledge

This tutorial assumes a basic knowledge of Python. Python is a very readable programming language, so if you know how to program, but not in Python, then you should be able to follow along. But if you are confused by some syntax, it might help to read the Python tutorial.

Before going further in this tutorial, please read through the help for the web interface, specifically the description of terminology. We will use the terms described there in the rest of this tutorial.

It will also be helpful to have available the API documentation. In this tutorial, we won't explain the full details of every function and method we use. If you wonder how it works, consult the API documentation.

If you do know Python but haven't used the (somewhat recently developed) type hints, then some of the syntax of function declarations may look strange. They are declaring argument (input) and return (output) types, for instance

def f(x, n):
    return len(x) / n

can be annotated as follows to declare that it takes a string and an integer as input and returns a floating-point number:

def f(x: str, n: int) -> float:
    return len(x) / n

Functions with no return type return None:

def g(x: int) -> None:


First, follow the installation instructions to install the scadnano Python package.

Viewing completed design

The design will look like this when we are done:

The completed design is available as a .sc file readable by scadnano. Download it and save it somewhere on your local file system.

To view it, first open scadnano in your browser: Currently only Chrome or Firefox are supported.

To open the file in scadnano, drag the file from your computer's file browser onto the open scadnano page in your web browser. Alternatively, select File→Open, and choose the file you downloaded. The design should look similar to the first screenshot in the tutorial.

Create empty design

Now we will see how to create the design using the Python scripting package. We first note that the module origami_rectangle, included as part of the scadnano Python package, can be used to create DNA origami rectangles. However, for the purpose of this tutorial, we will see how to do it just using the scadnano Python module.

Create an empty text file named, and paste the following text into it:

import scadnano as sc

def main() -> None:
    design = create_design()

def create_design() -> sc.Design:
    design = sc.Design()
    return design

if __name__ == '__main__':

The line design = create_design() creates an empty design with no helices and no strands, using no grid. The line design.write_scadnano_file() writes the design to a .sc file with the same name (other than the file extension) of the currently running script.

Run this file from the command line by opening a terminal window, changing directory to the location of the file, and typing


Depending on your installation, you may have to type python3 instead of python:


In the same directory, a file named should appear. Open it in a text editor. The contents of the file should be something similar to this:

  "version": "0.14.0",
  "grid": "none",
  "helices": [],
  "strands": []

This is a file format called JSON format. When using the web interface, it is not typically necessary to think about how the design is represented as JSON, but when using the scripting library, you may find yourself wanting to inspect the output while fixing bugs, so it is helpful to be familiar with how the design is represented.

Add helices

As you can see, the simple script we wrote generates a design with no helices, no strands, using no grid. Now we see how to add helices in the square grid.

We want 24 helices, stacked vertically on the square grid. We can give each helix an explicit grid_position coordinate, but it turns out that if we just give a list of helices using the square grid with no grid_position's set, they will be automatically stacked vertically. We need to ensure each helix has enough offsets for all the bases we will need, using the max_offset parameter in the Helix constructor. We will use a standard M13mp18 scaffold strand, of length 7249. We won't use all of it, but we'll use most of it. It turns out that 288 offsets will be enough for us to use close to 7000 of the bases of the scaffold.

Change the Python file as follows. We marked the changed lines in create_design() with ###:

import scadnano as sc

def main() -> None:
    design = create_design()

def create_design():
    helices = [sc.Helix(max_offset=288) for _ in range(24)] ###
    design = sc.Design(helices=helices, grid=sc.square)     ###
    return design

if __name__ == '__main__':

To save space, below we will omit the import scadnano as sc statement, the main() function definition, and if __name__ == '__main__' block at the bottom, none of which will change for most of the tutorial, and we will write only the create_design() function, as well as any other functions it calls, as we write them:

def create_design():
    helices = [sc.Helix(max_offset=288) for _ in range(24)] ###
    design = sc.Design(helices=helices, grid=sc.square)     ###
    return design

Execute this script and inspect the output file:

  "version": "0.14.0",
  "grid": "square",
  "helices": [
    {"max_offset": 288, "grid_position": [0, 0]},
    {"max_offset": 288, "grid_position": [0, 1]},
    {"max_offset": 288, "grid_position": [0, 2]},
    {"max_offset": 288, "grid_position": [0, 3]},
    {"max_offset": 288, "grid_position": [0, 4]},
    {"max_offset": 288, "grid_position": [0, 5]},
    {"max_offset": 288, "grid_position": [0, 6]},
    {"max_offset": 288, "grid_position": [0, 7]},
    {"max_offset": 288, "grid_position": [0, 8]},
    {"max_offset": 288, "grid_position": [0, 9]},
    {"max_offset": 288, "grid_position": [0, 10]},
    {"max_offset": 288, "grid_position": [0, 11]},
    {"max_offset": 288, "grid_position": [0, 12]},
    {"max_offset": 288, "grid_position": [0, 13]},
    {"max_offset": 288, "grid_position": [0, 14]},
    {"max_offset": 288, "grid_position": [0, 15]},
    {"max_offset": 288, "grid_position": [0, 16]},
    {"max_offset": 288, "grid_position": [0, 17]},
    {"max_offset": 288, "grid_position": [0, 18]},
    {"max_offset": 288, "grid_position": [0, 19]},
    {"max_offset": 288, "grid_position": [0, 20]},
    {"max_offset": 288, "grid_position": [0, 21]},
    {"max_offset": 288, "grid_position": [0, 22]},
    {"max_offset": 288, "grid_position": [0, 23]}
  "strands": []

At this point, and periodically throughout the tutorial, reload the file in the scadnano web interface, to verify that it resembles the design you expect. (Recall that this can be done either by clicking File→Open or by dragging the file to the web browser opened to the scadnano site.) Unfortunately, since it is a browser-based application, there's no way to have it automatically reload whenever your local file changes (for the same reason you wouldn't want arbitrary websites to start reading files on your computer without you explicitly uploading them).

At this point, the design should look like this:

Add scaffold "precursor strands"

One can specify a design by explicitly listing every Strand, each of which is specified by listing every Domain (and if included, every Loopout). The point of a scripting library, however, is to automate tedious tasks by enabling a few loops to iterate over many of the Strand's.

However, it can be difficult to see how to write a single loop, or even a small number of loops, to specify a complex design such as this one. An alternate simple way to specify a design is instead to visualize the design as consisting of several long strands, two per helix, which have had nicks and crossovers added. This is how we will design this DNA origami.

We do this by creating a "precursor" design, which is not the final design, and then editing it by adding nicks and crossovers, which is done by calling methods on the Design object.

The scaffold is a good starting point. It is one long strand, but we won't specify it as such. Instead, we will specify it by drawing one strand on each helix, spanning the full length, and then modifying these strands with crossovers, eventually joining them into one long strand.

We can use the function Design.draw_strand to draw strands. It takes two integer arguments: a helix and an offset, and uses "chained method calls" to give a short syntax for specifying strands. In this case, depending on the helix, we either want the strand (in order from 5' end to 3' end) to start at offset 0 and move forward (right) by 288, or start at offset 288 and move in reverse by 288 (i.e., move by -288). The bottommost helix, 23, is an exception, where we want the "nick" to be, so we actually want to draw two strands, with a break between them at the halfway point 144:

def create_design() -> sc.Design:
    helices = [sc.Helix(max_offset=288) for _ in range(24)]
    design = sc.Design(helices=helices, grid=sc.square)

    add_scaffold_precursors(design)  ###

    return design

def add_scaffold_precursors(design: sc.Design) -> None:
    for helix in range(0, 23, 2):  # scaffold goes forward on even helices
        design.draw_strand(helix, 0).move(288).as_scaffold()
    for helix in range(1, 23, 2):  # scaffold goes reverse on odd helices
        design.draw_strand(helix, 288).move(-288).as_scaffold()
    design.draw_strand(23, 288).move(-144).as_scaffold()  # bottom part of scaffold has a "nick"
    design.draw_strand(23, 144).move(-144).as_scaffold()  #

We drew the scaffold precursor on helix 23 as two strands, each half the length (144) of those on other helices (288). But we could alternately think of it as one strand of length 288 that has had a "nick" created in the middle, so we could have created it similarly to the other helices and then called the method Design.add_nick. This is how we will create the staples later, which have many more nicks on each helix than the scaffold.

The chained method calls in this case don't show how to create a strand with crossovers; see the example on the README page for a more representative example of creating a complete strand spanning several helices with chained method calls. Note also that one may wish to assign the StrandBuilder object returned by Design.draw_strand to a variable if a strand with many domains is incrementally built up over many iterations of a loop; see the example on the README page of how to specify a long scaffold strand in this way.

Execute the script. The file is getting large now, so we won't show the whole thing, but the strands field should be non-empty now and start something like this:

"strands": [
    "color": "#0066cc",
    "domains": [
      {"helix": 0, "forward": true, "start": 0, "end": 288}
    "is_scaffold": true
    "color": "#0066cc",
    "domains": [
      {"helix": 2, "forward": true, "start": 0, "end": 288}
    "is_scaffold": true
    "color": "#0066cc",
    "domains": [
      {"helix": 4, "forward": true, "start": 0, "end": 288}
    "is_scaffold": true
    "color": "#0066cc",

The design should look like this:

Aside: offsets are inclusive on the left and exclusive on the right

Note that each domain has a start (left) and end (right) offset. These follow the standard programming convention of being inclusive for start and exclusive for end. In other words, for each of these strands, which all have start=0 and end=288, the set of offsets that each occupies is {0, 1, 2, ..., 286, 287}. This can be confusing, but it often makes code easier to think about. For example, setting the end of one strand to be equal to the start of another means that they are adjacent (i.e., appear to be one strand with a "nick" at the shared offset). If you find the two scaffold precursor strands on helix 23 in the file, you can see this:

    "color": "#0066cc",
    "domains": [
      {"helix": 23, "forward": false, "start": 144, "end": 288}
    "is_scaffold": true
    "color": "#0066cc",
    "domains": [
      {"helix": 23, "forward": false, "start": 0, "end": 144}
    "is_scaffold": true

Add crossovers to scaffold

Now we connect the scaffold into a single strand by adding crossovers. The "inner" crossovers (a.k.a., the "seam") are so-called full crossovers, meaning that two strands jump from one helix to the next, depicted here:

a full crossover

This contrasts a so-called half crossover, depicted here:

a half crossover

We add full crossovers at the seam and half crossovers at the left and right edges of the helices. Note that the offset specified for a full crossover is that of the half crossover on the right side. Note also that when specifying the offset of a half crossover, it is inclusive, even if it occurs on the end offset of a domain, e.g., the half crossover at offset 287 (inclusive) joins two domains whose end offsets are 288 (exclusive).

def create_design() -> sc.Design:
    helices = [sc.Helix(max_offset=288) for _ in range(24)]
    design = sc.Design(helices=helices, grid=sc.square)

    add_scaffold_crossovers(design)  ###

    return design

def add_scaffold_crossovers(design: sc.Design) -> None:
    for helix in range(1, 23, 2):  # scaffold interior crossovers
        design.add_full_crossover(helix=helix, helix2=helix + 1, offset=144, forward=False)

    for helix in range(0, 23, 2):  # scaffold edges crossovers
        design.add_half_crossover(helix=helix, helix2=helix + 1, offset=0, forward=True)
        design.add_half_crossover(helix=helix, helix2=helix + 1, offset=287, forward=True) # offset inclusive

If you inspect carefully, you'll see that we are adding some crossovers (the "interior" crossovers) at offsets where nicks, i.e., 5'/3' ends of strands, do not exist already; the nicks are automatically created when calling add_full_crossover. This only works for add_full_crossover; the method add_half_crossover can only be given offsets corresponding to 5'/3' ends of strands.

Now the design should look like this:

We've completed the scaffold strand! On to the staple strands.

Add staple precursors

We used chained method calls to create scaffold "precursor" strands, i.e., one long strand per helix, going the opposite direction as the scaffold. In subsequent sections we will also add nicks and crossovers to these, to create the staple strands. Above, we called the method Design.draw_strand to create the scaffold precursors. It is also possible, though typically more verbose, to explicitly create Domain objects, to be passed into the Strand constructor. For the staple precursor strands, we do this to show how it works, though it would typically be simpler and easier to read to call Design.draw_strand.

Each Strand is specified primarily by a list of Domain's, and each Domain is specified primarily by 4 fields: integer helix (actually, index of a helix), Boolean forward: direction of the Domain, i.e., is its 3' end at a higher or lower offset than its 5' end? In other words is the strand arrow pointing to the right (forward) or left (reverse), and integer start and end offsets.

To add staples, we use the method design.add_strand. In general, modifying an existing design should always be done through methods rather than modifying the fields directly. In other words, don't write to the list design.strands directly, although it is safe to access the fields read-only.

def create_design() -> sc.Design:
    helices = [sc.Helix(max_offset=288) for _ in range(24)]
    design = sc.Design(helices=helices, grid=sc.square)


    add_staple_precursors(design) ###

    return design

def add_staple_precursors(design: sc.Design) -> None:
    staples = [sc.Strand([sc.Domain(helix=helix, forward=helix % 2 == 1, start=0, end=288)])
               for helix in range(24)]
    for staple in staples:

The design should now look like this:

Add crossovers to staples

The staple crossovers are spaced fairly regularly between any two pairs of adjacent helices, the only complications being

  1. the leftmost crossover is at offset 16 or 32 depending on the parity of the two helix indices, and
  2. We omit staple crossovers at the seam.
def create_design() -> sc.Design:
    helices = [sc.Helix(max_offset=288) for _ in range(24)]
    design = sc.Design(helices=helices, grid=sc.square)


    add_staple_crossovers(design) ###

    return design

def add_staple_crossovers(design: sc.Design) -> None:
    for helix in range(23):
        start_offset = 16 if helix % 2 == 0 else 32
        for offset in range(start_offset, 288, 32):
            if offset != 144:  # skip crossover near seam
                design.add_full_crossover(helix=helix, helix2=helix + 1, offset=offset,
                                          forward=helix % 2 == 1)

The design should now look like this:

Add nicks to staples

The nicks are spacedly regularly between staples:

def create_design() -> sc.Design:
    helices = [sc.Helix(max_offset=288) for _ in range(24)]
    design = sc.Design(helices=helices, grid=sc.square)


    add_staple_nicks(design) ###

    return design

def add_staple_nicks(design: sc.Design) -> None:
    for helix in range(24):
        start_offset = 24 if helix % 2 == 0 else 40
        for offset in range(start_offset, 272, 32):
            design.add_nick(helix, offset, forward=helix % 2 == 1)

The design is now mostly complete:

Add deletions for twist correction

To achieve "twist correction" (See this paper for an explanation of twist correction in 2D DNA origami), we add deletions every 3rd "column" of staples:

def create_design() -> sc.Design:
    helices = [sc.Helix(max_offset=288) for _ in range(24)]
    design = sc.Design(helices=helices, grid=sc.square)



    add_twist_correction_deletions(design) ###

    return design

def add_twist_correction_deletions(design: sc.Design) -> None:
    for helix in range(24):
        for offset in range(19, 286, 48):
            design.add_deletion(helix, offset)

The design now looks like it did at the top:

Assign DNA sequence to scaffold

Finally, we complete the design by assigning a DNA sequence to the scaffold, which will assign the complementary sequence to the appropriate staples. This is, in a sense, the primary function of cadnano and scadnano: to translate a desired abstract strand design, together with knowledge of a concrete DNA sequence for the scaffold, into the appropriate sequences for the staples to enable them to bind to the scaffold where we want.

If you have a particular strand and sequence you would like to assign, you can call Design.assign_dna. However, in the common case that your design has exactly one scaffold, and you want to assign the sequence of M13mp18 to it, there is a convenience method Design.assign_m13_to_scaffold:

def create_design() -> sc.Design:
    helices = [sc.Helix(max_offset=288) for _ in range(24)]
    design = sc.Design(helices=helices, grid=sc.square)



    design.assign_m13_to_scaffold() ###

    return design

If we load this design and check the menu item View→Show DNA, we can see the full DNA sequence assigned:

export DNA sequences

Finally, you will want to export the DNA sequences of the staples. One way to do this is simply to loop over the strands and print their sequences:

for strand in design.strands:
    if not strand.is_scaffold:

Or you could use Python's I/O library to write them to a file in a format of your choosing.

scadnano provides utility methods Design.write_idt_bulk_input_file (for ordering in test tubes) and Design.write_idt_plate_excel_file (for ordering in 96- or 384-well plates) for exporting to file formats recognized by the DNA synthesis company IDT (Integrated DNA Technologies).

Since this doesn't change the design, we put the code to export the IDT plate file outside of the create_design() function, in our main() function:

def main() -> None:
    design = create_design()
    design.write_idt_plate_excel_file() ###

This will write a Microsoft Excel file named 24_helix_rectangle.xlsx readable by the web interface of IDT for used when ordering strands in 96-well plates:

The Excel file should look similar to this:

To customize further (e.g., purification, synthesis scale), one can write to the field Strand.idt, of type VendorFields. Strands can also be given custom names through the field; if the Strand has no name, it is assigned one using the cadnano convention (see Excel screenshot above) based on the helix and offset of the strand's 5' and 3' ends.

complete script

The complete script is here:

import scadnano as sc

def main() -> None:
    design = create_design()

def create_design() -> sc.Design:
    helices = [sc.Helix(max_offset=288) for _ in range(24)]
    design = sc.Design(helices=helices, grid=sc.square)




    return design

def add_scaffold_precursors(design: sc.Design) -> None:
    for helix in range(0, 23, 2):  # scaffold goes forward on even helices
        design.draw_strand(helix, 0).move(288).as_scaffold()
    for helix in range(1, 23, 2):  # scaffold goes reverse on odd helices
        design.draw_strand(helix, 288).move(-288).as_scaffold()
    design.draw_strand(23, 288).move(-144).as_scaffold()  # bottom part of scaffold has a "nick"
    design.draw_strand(23, 144).move(-144).as_scaffold()  #

def add_scaffold_crossovers(design: sc.Design) -> None:
    for helix in range(1, 23, 2):  # scaffold interior crossovers
        design.add_full_crossover(helix=helix, helix2=helix + 1, offset=144, forward=False)

    for helix in range(0, 23, 2):  # scaffold edges crossovers
        design.add_half_crossover(helix=helix, helix2=helix + 1, offset=0, forward=True)
        design.add_half_crossover(helix=helix, helix2=helix + 1, offset=287, forward=True)

def add_staple_precursors(design: sc.Design) -> None:
    staples = [sc.Strand([sc.Domain(helix=helix, forward=helix % 2 == 1, start=0, end=288)])  # noqa
               for helix in range(24)]
    for staple in staples:

def add_staple_crossovers(design: sc.Design) -> None:
    for helix in range(23):
        start_offset = 16 if helix % 2 == 0 else 32
        for offset in range(start_offset, 288, 32):
            if offset != 144:  # skip crossover near seam
                design.add_full_crossover(helix=helix, helix2=helix + 1, offset=offset,
                                          forward=helix % 2 == 1)

def add_staple_nicks(design: sc.Design) -> None:
    for helix in range(24):
        start_offset = 24 if helix % 2 == 0 else 40
        for offset in range(start_offset, 272, 32):
            design.add_nick(helix, offset, forward=helix % 2 == 1)

def add_twist_correction_deletions(design: sc.Design) -> None:
    for helix in range(24):
        for offset in range(19, 286, 48):
            design.add_deletion(helix, offset)

if __name__ == '__main__':