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Releases: UCL-CCS/EasyVVUQ

EasyVVUQ v0.4 - Review version

27 Sep 12:06
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Intermediate release for review purposes.

EasyVVUQ v0.4 - VECMA M15 Release

13 Sep 14:30
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EasyVVUQ v0.4

New Features

  • Parameter type and physical range checking (verification) implemented using Cerberus.
  • Implemented a Multisampler element, allowing arbitary number of samplers to be chained together, but behave as a single sampler.
  • Added a SweepSampler element, for parameter sweeps.
  • Added sparse grid functionality to the Stochastic Collocation sampler.
  • Added a "Worker" class (a stripped down version of the campaign) and associated tools (such as an external encoder script) to allow non-linear workflows, such as when integrating with pilot job managers.


  • Improved consistency and breadth of automated testing. Campaign restarts now properly tested too.
  • Added several more tutorials to the documentation.
  • Fixed bug in the CSV reader with respect to column label.

Updated release to account for updated dependencies

27 Aug 15:56
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Now uses current Chaospy and Scipy

EasyVVUQ v0.3 - VECMA M12 Release

12 Jun 17:49
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VECMA M12 Release

EasyVVUQ is a library created to facilitate verification, validation and uncertainty quantification (VVUQ) for a wide variety of simulations.
This release is part of the VECMA VVUQ Toolkit.

EasyVVUQ v0.3

New Features

  • A website with documentation and a basic tutorial
  • Support for multiple backend databases (via SQLAlchemy)
  • Result storage in database (as opposed to in memory pandas dataframe)
  • Restartable campaigns
  • Incremental collation of results


  • All distributions now in chaospy compatible conformations
  • Varying parameters now specified in sampler rather than campaign

Month 12 Pre-release for VECMAtk Alpha Users

07 Jun 13:27
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Feature complete version for alpha testing

Second release of EasyVVUQ

14 Mar 16:50
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Incremental development release, aligned with the M9 release of the VECMA Toolkit.

Added to the basic architecture in place for creating UQ workflows since last release:

  • Chaospy integration
  • Polynomial chaos expansion example
  • Initial implementation of stochastic collocation

First release of EasyVVUQ

14 Dec 11:19
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Initial release, aligned with the M6 release of the VECMA Toolkit.

Basic architecture in place for creating UQ workflows, including elements for:

  • reading input defining the parameter space of interest
  • Campaign object to record runs required for analysis
  • Samplers to create runs required for a given analysis workflow
  • creating simulation inputs (Encoders)
  • reading and interpreting simulation outputs (Decoders)
  • collation of output from multiple runs into a pandas dataframe for analysis
  • simple statistical analysis