Releases: UN-OCHA/ghi-site
Releases · UN-OCHA/ghi-site
What's Changed
- Prevent warning created by passing non array when array is expected by @berliner in #901
- HPC-9390: Fix issue with endpoint query arguments not being properly initialized, leading to invalid API requests in some situations by @berliner in #902
- Add memcache to local stack by @berliner in #903
- HPC-9350: Try to make the article import quicker by @berliner in #904
- HPC-9350: Initialize options array and explicitely set update to false by @berliner in #906
- Don't use cookies and headers when building cache keys for remote content by @berliner in #907
- berliner/HPC 9363 by @berliner in #908
- HPC-9386: Fix issue with how controller is called, suit to changes in Drupal 10.2 by @berliner in #909
- release versions/v1.7.2 by @berliner in #910
Full Changelog: v1.7.1...v1.7.2
What's Changed
- HPC-9259: Correct toggle logic for embargoed access by @berliner in #869
- HPC-9312: Revert manual creation of webp derivatives, fix some warnings by @berliner in #870
- Enable the search block by @berliner in #871
- HPC-9326: Replace protected_pages with entity_access_password by @berliner in #873
- berliner/HPC 9341 by @berliner in #874
- Use the same throbber for all users by @berliner in #875
- HPC-9326: Uninstall the protected pages module by @berliner in #877
- berliner/HPC 9345 by @berliner in #878
- HPC-9326: Update content view for common configuration relating to page protection, update node displays to not show the protected field by default by @berliner in #879
- HPC-9352: Add native support for ArcGIS to external widget page element by @berliner in #883
- Don't automatically create manual subpages by @berliner in #884
- Make code compatible with Drupal 10.2 and add first set of functional javascript tests to catch UI issue regressions by @berliner in #881
- Automatic Composer Update by @unocha-jenkins in #876
- Automatic Composer Update by @unocha-jenkins in #880
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.3 to 1.15.4 in /html/themes/custom/common_design_subtheme by @dependabot in #882
- Correct wording by @berliner in #885
- HPC-9308: Remove chapter/section coming from CM. This is replaced by full document-chapter integration where articles are manually added to document chapters instead of marking an article to be long to a single chapter. by @berliner in #886
- HPC-9327: First draft of a new feature that enforces parts of our path alias patterns even when users manually modify the alias by @berliner in #888
- Updates by @berliner in #889
- HPC-9382: Override cd-nodes library to fix visual issues introduced by changes in the base theme, make sure that unpublished articles are not displayed for anonymous users in collection elements by @berliner in #890
- berliner/HPC 9326 by @berliner in #891
- HPC-9326: Fix error when image is missing by @berliner in #892
- HPC-9358: Add form element for optional links with common handling, use optional links for plan entity logframe element, use optional links now also for item groups in plan headline figures element, add update hook to modify existing configuration by @berliner in #893
- HPC-9358: Also support and transform relative urls in OptionalLinkTrait by @berliner in #894
- HPC-9327: Fix validation of enforced alias, prevents url collisions by @berliner in #895
- Automatic Composer Update by @unocha-jenkins in #896
- HPC-9327: Redirect previous article and document contextual urls to their current alias by @berliner in #897
- HPC-9358: Allow to use specific internal contextual links in optional link element by @berliner in #898
- HPC-9326: Manually install the entity_access_password module to prevent issues during deployment by @berliner in #899
Full Changelog: v1.6.5...v1.7.0
What's Changed
- HPC-9312: Fix issues with attachment map configuration copied to a different plan context by @berliner in #865
- HPC-9312: Prevent warnings by not adding NULL classes to form elements by @berliner in #866
- berliner/HPC 9315 by @berliner in #867
- release versions/v1.6.5 by @berliner in #868
Full Changelog: v1.6.4...v1.6.5
What's Changed
- Fix miscellaneous errors by @berliner in #846
- HPC-9312: Improve search indexing, don't index unpublished content, fix misc warnings that popped up during indexing by @berliner in #847
- HPC-9296: Add block for mailing list subscribe by @berliner in #837
- HPC-9318: Add support for chapters that are hidden from the document navigation and auto-document pages by @berliner in #848
- HPC-9312: Remove character limits from footnote input fields by @berliner in #849
- HPC-9312: Fix missing styles for highlighted first block on page by @berliner in #850
- HPC-9312: Don't index protected pages by @berliner in #851
- HPC-9315: Pre-create webp image derivates after a flush by @berliner in #852
- HPC-9312: Correct section lock for articles, ignore embargoed settings by @berliner in #853
- HPC-9318: Fix remaining issues with hidden chapters by @berliner in #854
- HPC-9312: Add line break item to plan headline figures, improve link focus for modal links by @berliner in #855
- HPC-9312: Don't allow labels in line break elements, adjust row gap in mobile by @berliner in #856
- HPC-9318: Fix logic around chapter title in document chapter page element by @berliner in #857
- HPC-9312: Force track changes to TRUE to prevent migrating every article by @berliner in #858
- HPC-9311: Add margin to 2nd level link by @berliner in #859
- HPC-9312: Hide line break if it's the first item in a group, improve display style by @berliner in #860
- Automatic Composer Update by @unocha-jenkins in #861
- HPC-9318: Fix logic around chapter title in document chapter page element by @berliner in #862
- HPC-9318: Fix logic around chapter title in document chapter page element by @berliner in #863
- release versions/v1.6.4 by @berliner in #864
Full Changelog: v1.6.3...v1.6.4
What's Changed
- HPC-9311: Autosort menu items in mega menu by @berliner in #834
- Fix issue with section switcher url logic for ajax loading applied multiple times by @berliner in #835
- berliner/HPC 9274 by @berliner in #836
- berliner/HPC 9312 by @berliner in #838
- HPC-9312: Make all achievement boxes full width in mobile by @berliner in #839
- HPC-9314: Add block plugin to show a full document outline in article collection form by @berliner in #840
- Automatic Composer Update by @unocha-jenkins in #841
- HPC-9312: Allow cropping images even if display hero image is disabled by @berliner in #842
- HPC-9311: Adjust spacing after level 2 links by @berliner in #843
- HPC-9312: Adjust the spacing above and below the line in the story paragraph type caption display by @berliner in #844
- release versions/v1.6.3 by @berliner in #845
Full Changelog: v1.6.2...v1.6.3
What's Changed
- HPC-9297: Add support for tooltips in bottom figure row paragraphs from CM by @berliner in #828
- HPC-9306: Update articles and documents during migration by @berliner in #829
- HPC-9310: Prevent issues with video embed url by @berliner in #830
- HPC-9311: Assure that links to document articles are rendered as entered in the menu UI by @berliner in #831
- HPC-9306: Only update articles that need an update by @berliner in #832
- release versions/v1.6.2 by @berliner in #833
Full Changelog: v1.6.1...v1.6.2
What's Changed
- HPC-9292: Update styles for embedded stories by @berliner in #823
- Automatic Composer Update by @unocha-jenkins in #821
- Don't show year switcher on global section nodes by @berliner in #824
- HPC-9276: Show megamenu bottom border also on small screens by @berliner in #825
- HPC-9104: Temporarilly disable search until solr is available in prod by @berliner in #826
- release versions/v1.6.1 by @berliner in #827
Full Changelog: v1.6.0...v1.6.1