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The HID environments

Guillaume Viguier-Just edited this page Oct 14, 2019 · 8 revisions

HID provides the following environments:

  1. Development:

The development environment is the least stable of the 3. It can be restarted at any time by the development team. Unless you are doing development on HID, you shouldn't use this environment.

** Disclaimer **: emails sent by the development environment are caught by a Mailhog instance, and therefore will not be received by their recipient. If you would like to use this environment and get access to the Mailhog instance, please contact

  1. Staging:

The staging environment is almost as stable as the production environment. This is the environment you should use if you want to test your HID integration.

** Disclaimer **: emails sent by the staging environment are caught by a Mailhog instance, and therefore will not be received by their recipient. If you would like to use this environment and get access to the Mailhog instance, please contact

  1. Production

The production environment is the most stable of the 3. You should NOT use this environment if you are testing your HID integration (use staging instead). You should use this environment for your production application.