This module defines various permissions.
This module defines permissions to view content (nodes) per bundle.
It denies view access to node pages for users without the corresponding
Node Bundle: view published content
To work, the view published content
must be checked for anonymous and
authenticated users (otherwise they are already denied access).
This modules only deals with published content. Access to unpublished
content is managed by the view unpubished content
permission independently
of this module.
This module defines permissions to view media per bundle.
It denies view access to media for users without the corresponding
Media Type: view published media
To work, the view media
must be checked for authenticated users (otherwise
they are already denied access).
This modules only deals with published media. Access to unpublished
media is managed by the view own unpubished media
permission independently
of this module.
This module also provides a permission to assign user roles, decoupling it
from the administer permissions
This module ensures that content in a language is only displayed when the
homepage in that language is published and "promoted". It also ensures that
there is no mix of content in different languages due to Drupal's behavior to
show content in the default language when no translation is available.
People with the view untranslated content
permission can always see any
content even if it doesn't match the current language.
This module overrides the menu tree manipulator mostly to ensure the
manipulation respects the global language visibility as
described above.