The default location where CKAN file uploads will be persisted. In a production environment this volume should point NAS device so that it can be shared across any number of CKAN containers.
For testing with docker-compose, we default to mounting "~/.aws" from the local user. This volume is not intended for production environments. If you are not running on the AWS cloud platform please refer to the Environment section of this document.
In addition to the following environment variables any AWS Command Line environment variable can be passed into the container.
The AWS IAM policy and role may very between environments, much less accounts, so you will need to configure this policy respectively.
A unique identifier for each CKAN purpose built applicaiton depoloyment.
- Required: Yes
- Format: [Aa-Zz0-9]{8}-[Aa-Zz0-9]{4}-[Aa-Zz0-9]{4}-[Aa-Zz0-9]{4}-[Aa-Zz0-9]{12}
- Example: AAAAAAAA-0000-1111-2222-BBBBBBBBBBBB
A unique name for each CKAN purpose built application deployment.
- Required: No
- Default: default
The traffic port in which CKAN will bind to send and recieve requests.
- Required: No
- Default: 80
The absolute URL of your CKAN website. There are many features of CKAN that make use of this absolute URL for them to function correctly.
- Required: Yes
An alpha-numeric string of 25 characters that will enable sessions to be maintained across any number of containers.
- Required: Yes
A secret key which is used to encode and decode API tokens.
- Required: Yes
- Format: [Aa-Zz0-9]{11}_-[Aa-Zz0-9]{11}
- Example: 9OzsqKgYG4o_-6RGZ14ebdsh6
The name of the primary CKAN database catalog.
- Required: No
- Default: ckan_default
The user/role name used to make both read and write connections to primary database.
- Required: No
- Default: ckan_default
The postgress database password.
- Required: Yes
The port number of your PSQL server.
- Required: No
- Default: 5432
The full DNS name or IP address of your PSQL server.
- Required: Yes
- Example: postgres.ckan.com
The name of the datastore database.
- Required: No
- Default: datastore_default
The user/role name used to make read-only connections to the datastore database.
- Required: No
- Default: datastore_default
The port number used to make connections to the DataPusher endpoint.
- Required: No
- Default: 8800
The URL scheme used to make connections to your DataPusher endpoint. (eg. http
or https
- Required: No
- Default: http
The full DNS name or IP address of your DataPusher endpoint.
- Required: Yes
- Example: datapusher.ckan.com
The port number used to make connections to your Redis server.
- Required: No
- Default: 6379
A integer for the CKAN applicaiton and should be unique for each purpose built CKAN deployment. It must be unique when pointing multiple CKAN deployments at a single Redis endpoint.
- Required: No
- Default: 1
The full DNS name or IP address of your Redis server.
- Required: Yes
- Example: redis.ckan.com
The port number used to make connections to your Solr endpoint.
- Required: No
- Default: 8983
A string representing the CKAN application Solr core name.
- Required: No
- Default: ckan
The URL scheme used to make connections to your Solr endpoint. (eg. http or https)
- Required: No
- Default: http
The full DNS name or IP address of your Solr server.
- Required: Yes
- Example: solr.ckan.com
The full DNS name or IP address of your SMTP endpoint.
- Required: No
- Default: email-smtp.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
The port number used to make connections to your SMTP endpoint.
- Required: No
- Default: 587
Whether or not TLS connections can be established to the SMTP endpoint.
- Required: No
- Default: True
The user name necessary to establish secure connections to the SMTP endpoint.
- Required: Yes
The password necessary to establish secure connections to the SMTP endpoint.
- Required: Yes
An email address where CKAN will deliver application error messages.
- Required: Conditional
- Condition: Required if the
environment variable is used.
An email address that CKAN will use in the from
line to deliver application error messages.
- Required: Optional
- Condition: Required if the
environment variable is used.
An email address where CKAN generated mail will originate from.
- Required: Yes
A google analytics ID to provide for all pages.
- Required: No
An indicator to skip the database initialization processes during container startup. Set this value to 1
to bypass database initialization sequence.
- Required: No
- Default: 0